Chapter 75 The furious live broadcast room, all the staff are dispatched!.


“Brothers, what’s going on with my somewhat shocked heart?”

“Yes, hearing Luffy’s words just now, I only felt a tingling in my scalp for a while.”

“Luffy is also too attractive as a captain, right?”

“That’s right, I really didn’t expect that a person as big as him could say such shocking words now.”

“Companion, it is to trust unconditionally.”

“What kind of captain is this!”

Netizens were shocked.

The same goes for PDD and others. They all stopped where they were.

However, PDD and the others saw Nami’s resolute back when she left through the window. How much she looks like that Bermel now.

The hearts of everyone were full of complexity and shock. And Nami outside the house.

She held back tears from flowing out of her eyes. Thinking about the 100 million Baileys he is about to save. Nami is full of firmness.

But at this time.

A team of navies suddenly appeared in Nami’s sight.

The first one wears a hat, has a few mouse-like beards, and looks very lewd. This person is named Colonel Mouse.

He is the chief of the naval branch near the village of Cocosia. Once.

Nami also hopes that Colonel Rat can solve the village of Cocosia and drive away the dragon gang. But in fact it is.

After receiving a report from the villagers of Cocosia Village, Colonel Rat directly told Aaron the news. Aaron was about to execute all the villagers of Cocosia.

Since then, Nami has understood the face of this mouse colonel. He, though, wears a navy leather.

But actually.

This rat colonel is a villain who does everything wrong. Thinking of this, Nami took out the wooden stick warily.

“What are you going to do?”

Nami couldn’t help but think of the 100 million Bailey she was about to save. Just when Nami didn’t want to think in that direction.

Colonel Rat smiled. Laugh lewdly and meanly.

“I heard that you are a thief who specializes in pirates, right?”

“I have received a report that you have buried all the stolen money from the pirates in this orange forest.”

“And the pirate’s stolen money, our main house is to recycle.”

Nami’s eyes widened, and her heart suddenly clenched. She stood there dumbfounded.

But Colonel Mouse ignored him.

“Dig up all that stolen money for me!”

A group of Navy soldiers, all in action, took shovels and began digging trees. During this period.

Nami had broken down against this group of navies.

But in the end, she was pointed at by Colonel Mouse with a gun, unable to move. Ultimately.

All the treasures that Nami was about to save were dug up and taken away.

Colonel Mouse smiled and left, how lewd and lewd the expression was. Watch this scene.

Inside the room.

Almost all of them were dumbfounded. However, he was stopped by Luffy.

Luffy didn’t explain to them, just quietly looked at Nami who was kneeling on the ground. At this time, the live broadcast room has completely exploded.


“The person just now is called the navy?”

“I go to Nima, can this kind of person be in the navy?”

“Lean! The one who stepped on the horse was even more disgusting than Colonel Namonka! ”

“That’s the money that Nami saved for eight years, and he took it all away.”

“Someone else reported it, that person is Aaron, right?”

“How abominable!”

“Then Aaron has no intention of fulfilling the agreement with Nami at all, he has been lying to Nami.”

“I feel sorry for Nami.”

“Seeing that 100 million Bailey is about to save enough, seeing that hope is coming.”

“But I was pushed into the abyss.”

“Oh my God, this Aaron is also so abominable!”

Netizens were indignant.

They took in the scene. Everyone was full of anger.

Most of them went towards Colonel Rat and Aaron. Aaron and his gang are hateful, but they are evil people.

And the most hateful.

Captain Rat wore a layer of naval skin.

But he colluded with the evil pirates to go to tea poison ordinary villagers. This is simply unforgivable.

The next eighteen layers of hell are not enough!

All the netizens in the live broadcast room were furious.

Nami’s kneeling body in the courtyard also stood up. With her last glimmer of hope, she wanted to go to Aaron Theory. Luffy looked at this scene and still didn’t stop him.

Just watch quietly.

At the same time, let everyone not chase Nami. He was waiting.

Du Xiaomei and the others didn’t know what Luffy was doing. Netizens in the live broadcast room don’t know.

But because of Luffy’s inexplicable words just now.

They felt that Luffy must have his own ideas now. And everyone was willing to wait for Luffy’s idea.

A few people walked out of Nami’s house and came to the street with Nokigao. At this time, the streets are still not lively.


But there were many hurried people walking towards the entrance of the village.

Some have hoes in their hands, others with shovels, and better with swords. Looking at this posture, PDD is a little puzzled.

Just now, these villagers were still hiding. Why is it all out again now?

Seeing this, Nokigao explained to everyone thoughtfully.

“For so many years, the villagers knew what Nami carried.”

“And just now, Colonel Rat came and took all the money Nami had saved.”

“The villagers are completely angry.”

“They, they won’t let Nami fight alone.”

Nokigao’s voice fell.

PDD’s eyes widened.

Du Xiaomei and Sister Zhou and others were full of emotion. The live broadcast room was even more crying.

“Woooooooo Why is it so tear-jerking! ”

“Is this still a game?”

“Oh my God, why are there so many tears in a game.”

“One of Shanks’ hands, Solon’s agreement with Guina, Yamaji’s suffering with Tetsuo when he was young, Nami’s eight years of carrying weights.”


“It’s all shocking!”

“These are all the most sincere emotions in the world!”

Netizens shouted that they couldn’t stand it.

I can’t stand the unity of the villagers in front of me.

The village elder uncle stood in front of everyone and cheered all the villagers on. He still wears Nami’s favorite little windmill hat on his head.

This scene once again poked everyone’s tears.

But at this time. Everyone slowly raised their heads and looked ahead.


A lonely figure came slowly.

The person who came was Nami, who had short orange hair. She at this time.

There was no longer a look in his eyes. The eyes are full of despair and numbness.

Just now, she went to Aaron to ask for clarification.

But the end result naturally goes without saying. Aaron, don’t admit it at all.

But his collusion with Colonel Mouse.

It’s something that anyone can think of. Nami is naïve.

I don’t think that Aaron will obediently abide by the agreement with her. This group of people is a pirate who does nothing evil.

Even they don’t deserve to be called pirates! They are just a bunch of immoral guys! Nami walked back step by step with blank eyes.

Looking at her lonely figure, everyone was very distressed.

The village elder uncle exclaimed at this moment.

“Nami struggled for eight years to save up enough Bailey to buy the lives of all of us.”

“But now, the evil dragon gang has no intention of keeping the agreement at all.”

“Colluded with the evil Navy Colonel Rat to snatch all of Nami’s 100 million Baileys.”

“Folks, do you think we can continue to survive?”

“Today, we will not fight for freedom, but also for Nami!”

The village elder was in tears.

With a long sword in his hand, he took the lead in striding out with the people. Nami looked at this scene and froze in place.

A stream of people walked past her.

Nami fell to her knees again in despair.

No one knows better than her how strong the dragon gang is. That’s a bunch of monsters.

It is definitely not something that this group of ordinary villagers can deal with. When they went, it was undoubtedly equivalent to sending them to death.

Nami sat on the ground crying bitterly. At the same time, he hated Aaron in his heart. It’s that hateful fishman!

“Aaron! Aaron! Aaron!! ”

Nami pulled out a short knife at some point and stabbed it at the tattoo on her left arm. Just a few clicks.

Nami’s left arm was completely unconscious, and blood was dripping from it.

The tattoo of the evil dragon pirate group was stained red with blood, and it was also smashed by the desperate Nami with a knife. Watch this scene.

Everyone in the Straw Hat Regiment was stunned.

None of them looked back for a while. None of them expected it. Nami would actually do this.

He was so cruel to himself! That’s an arm!

Nami sat in place and cried. While crying, he continued to stab with a short knife.

Netizens in the live broadcast room were all shocked when they saw this scene.

“Oh my God!”

“Nami what the hell is this doing!”

“Nami, how deep is her anger towards Aaron!”

“Abominable Along, pay me the arm of the goddess of beauty!”

“Abominable Aaron, damn it!”

The live broadcast room was full of anger.

Look at the helpless and weak Nami. Everyone was utterly furious.

And just when PDD and the others were stunned, shocked by Nami’s move. Luffy stepped forward.

When Nami was about to continue stabbing the short knife into the arm. Luffy grabbed her.

Luffy at this moment was expressionless.

And Nami at this moment was also stunned in place. She lifted her head and stared blankly at Luffy beside her. While Nami was stunned.

Luffy removed the straw hat on his head and buckled it on Nami’s head. See this scene.

Nami sat in place completely stunned. Countless netizens in the live broadcast room were also stunned. A moment later.

Instead, patches of his scalp tingled.

“That’s Luffy’s most cherished straw hat!”

“He dared to bring it to Nami.”

“My God, do you feel it?”

“Just now, Luffy is so handsome!”

“I can remember the act of buttoning Nami’s straw hat for the rest of my life.”

“Is this the captain?”

“Is this what a captain should have?”

“Luffy, he…”

The live broadcast room was shocked. Scene.

Du Xiaomei, Sister Zhou, PDD and everyone else also felt a burst of scalp numbness. It’s really this scene just now, it’s too shocking.

Kneeling on the ground, Nami’s eyes stared at Luffy and trembled. And Luffy just looked at her calmly and didn’t say a word. Nami understood everything at this time.

She looked at Luffy and said helplessly.

“Luffy, help me…”

She turned her head again and looked at her companions.

“Help me…”

Face Nami’s begging eyes. Everyone couldn’t help it.

PDD’s hand holding the black knife trembled.

The bodies of Du Xiaomei and Sister Zhou trembled, and their hands were clenched.

With tears in his eyes, the cigarette in Yamaji’s mouth slowly extinguished. Solon watched quietly, his eyes more serious than ever.

Then. Hear Nami’s words. Luffy smiled.

He didn’t speak, turned his head and left. Solon Sanji and the others stepped to follow.

Everyone lined up, and the aura was unprecedentedly powerful. Du Xiaomei and Sister Zhou were two steps behind.

Du Xiaomei redeems a healing pill from the game store for Nami to take. Then the two picked up Nami and followed the footsteps of Luffy and the others.

They don’t go fast, but their momentum is exceptionally strong. Watch this scene.

Look at this victorious Straw Hat Regiment. The live broadcast room was silent.

Everyone watched quietly.

Quietly waiting for the big battle that will come. Meantime.

Their emotions are also repressed, suppressing anger. How abominable that Aaron really was.

Unexpectedly forced Nami a little girl to this point. Push her to be strong.

Force her to make an agreement with Aaron to save up 100 million Bailey. Nami has been working on this for eight years.

Just for that little bit of hope. Now it’s time to succeed. But it was ruthlessly destroyed by Aaron.

Taken away by that filthy and vile Navy Mouse Colonel. Everyone couldn’t bear it anymore.

Luffy was ahead, leading everyone step by step towards the Dragon Realm. When they arrive.

The villagers had already arrived. Now.

Many villagers have been knocked down by the strong fishmen. But they still fought hard.

Seeing this scene, Luffy was ready to start. But PDD and others refused to let it.

In this battle, they will leave Aaron to Luffy. But these little minions.

But they have to be left to surprise. PDD black knife wielded. Solon’s three knives were unsheathed. Yamaji Blackfoot kicked out one after another.

The water stream entangled the necks of many mermaid people, strangling them alive. The water nature that they were most proud of on weekdays was strangled to death at this moment. How ridiculous.

Sister Zhou’s eyes rotated.

There was a fishman who was instantly hypnotized by her, and instead fought with other fishmen. Usopp also fought bravely, taking out a slingshot and shooting it into the eyes of the fish.

The villagers’ eyes were shocked.

Fishmen who seem invincible to them. In front of these people.

It’s no different from ordinary humans.

Even at will.

What kind of monsters are these! The villagers sighed.

Nami looked up and smiled at this time.

“They’re my partners!”

Luffy, who was walking in the front, heard Nami’s words.

He smiled, and then slammed a punch through the wall of the Evil Dragon Paradise in front of him. He stood there and roared.

“Aaron!! Wide! ”

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