I Don’t Love Warlock

Chapter 523: Military order against all

Yasen Rainforest, the original campsite has long been the rear in the rear. If it hadn't been for the Fortress of Renekton, it would have become a safe zone without garrison.

"Master, you are finally back!" Andrew looked very excited when he saw Leo.

"How is the battle on the front line?" Leo asked as he walked.

"Master, the battle is going very smoothly. The Red Crocodile Kingdom, the Blood Crocodile Kingdom, and the White Crocodile Kingdom have been successively breached, and almost occupied most of the Yasen Rainforest. The chief priest of the Huang Crocodile tribe has died several times. Master, you It's too late, we haven't had time to join the war, I'm afraid the war will be over." Andrew answered dejectedly.

"Oh? What's the situation?" Leo felt a little surprised. If the war really ends, then the Gracie family will have to be delayed for a while to become a nobleman. But he was not in a hurry, as the Grand Duke was promoted to the sixth rank, there would be no less wars in the future, and there was no need to feel sorry for this.

"It's such a young master. There are five great kingdoms of the crocodile tribe in the entire Yasen Rainforest. Each area may not be as big as a province of the Blood Moon Duchy. The Blue Crocodile Kingdom has been conquered long ago, and now it has successively conquered the Red Crocodile Kingdom. , Blood Crocodile Kingdom, White Crocodile Kingdom, the Huang Crocodile Clan lost almost four-fifths of the land of the Yasen Rainforest, and only defended a black crocodile kingdom, relying on the terrain and three fortresses to tightly guard the road to the Yaruite Plain path of."

Andrew paused, seeing Leo listening intently, he was shocked and continued: "And this Yaruite Plain is the root of the crocodile tribe. It is a land that must not be lost, but it is also a place we are determined to gain. The entire Yaruite The plain is at least the size of the ten provinces of the Duchy of Blood Moon, the terrain is suitable for farming, and the climate is humid, the weather is smooth, and the food is high-yield. Only after the Huang Crocodile loses a large area of ​​land, they can still feed their hundreds of millions of people. But it has to reach Asia. The Reiter Plains must continuously conquer the Black Ancient Fortress, the Bloodfang Fortress and the Pangu Fortress, none of which will work."

When Leo heard a move in his heart, he remembered something. Legend has it that a hundred years ago, the crocodile tribe did not cultivate, and lived solely on hunting. But after several wars, they lost a large area of ​​land, and they huddled in the Yasen Rainforest and Yaruit Plain, and slowly learned farming from the human side.

"According to your statement, the Black Ancient Fortress, the Bloodfang Fortress and the Pangu Fortress must all be conquered. So the war should be a long time, right?" Leo asked silently with his chin.

Andrew Ma explained: "Master, it will not be long. The military rumored that as long as the black ancient fortress was taken down, and then the entire Assen rainforest, this war would be over. The bloodfang fortress and the intestinal fortress tightly guarded the blood throat. The two ends of the canyon, and the Bloodmaw Gorge connects the Yasen Rainforest and the Yarete Plain. The terrain is dangerous and easy to defend and difficult to attack, and it is too difficult to attack."

Leo groaned and touched his chin to think to himself: "It seems that if Mrs. Adela does not come forward, I am afraid that only the battle of the Black Ancient Fortress will be left in this war. Before coming over, Teacher Palmer mentioned that the battle is imminent. It probably refers to the battle of the black ancient fortress."

Seeing that Leo didn't speak, Andrew began to introduce in detail the training of the troops on the day he left.

Early the next morning, after Leo contacted Palmer, he took Xingmei, Chidav, Andrew, ten insect soldiers, one hundred insect soldiers, and all the human soldiers to the front line.

Since they seized three more kingdoms and occupied a very vast land, it would take ten days to make a rapid march on this road. It was a good time to examine Andrew's training results.

"Not bad." Leo quickly saw some signs and nodded secretly.

After several years of arduous training, although the entire army could not see how the battle was, at least the formation was neat and disciplined when marching, and it was no longer the kind of loose and mixed soldiers.

Ten days later, Leo rushed to the front with the army, seeing the endless barracks for the first time, and his heart was secretly shocked.

After being arranged for the camping location, a messenger ran over soon.

"Is it General Leo? Razogel invites you to the meeting."

Leo was a little surprised. With so many troops and hundreds of generals, he originally thought he might not be able to see Razogel within a few days, and he didn't expect to encounter a military meeting just after he arrived.

"Lead the way." Leo threw the camping to Andrew and left with the messenger.


Command inside the tent.

"Within two months, we are going to lay down the entire Yasen Rainforest." After everyone arrived, Razogel announced a military order with a solemn expression.

Inside the tent, except for Leo, the generals who led the team of 10,000 started. Leo is considered the only captain of the Thousand-man team, and he is not even called a general.

"Impossible! Master Marshal, the black ancient fortress wall is as high as 30 meters and thick. The Huang Crocodile is heavily guarded and sent a large number of troops to defend. After two months of fighting, there will only be a strong attack, so our losses will be very high. Great." The Bruce that Leo knew was the first to jump out and objected anxiously.

Lazogel's expression was not surprised or happy, and slowly looked at the others.

"... I agree with Bruce. It is not advisable to attack the black ancient fortress, and the loss may exceed the limit we can bear. My opinion is the same as the previous few times, besie the fortress and let other troops attack the black crocodile kingdom by detour. The right strategy is to wait until all the land in the Black Crocodile Kingdom is knocked down and turn around to exhaust the food supply of the Black Ancient Fortress.” Another unfamiliar legion commander said loudly~www.NovelMTL.com~ Me too. . . ", "I also agree to the siege. "...The other commanders nodded.

Razogel stared at his men and sighed deeply. Isn't his thinking so? However, what the Grand Duke said to him through the shadow mirror last night made him shudder.

"La Zogor, you are one of the people I trust most. There is a fatal thing to tell you. Adela’s teacher, the Lord of the Moon God Tower, and the great eighth-level warlock Mark Wafy has fallen, and we are in disaster. The Ecuadorian parliament has lost its backing. On the contrary, the Green Heart Principality has a backing in the Ecuadorian parliament. Although it is only a seventh-level member, it is just an ordinary member. It has been suppressed by Adela’s teacher before, but now, the situation is probably going the other way. ."

Duke Blood Moon was obviously very uneasy when he said this, and he paused and said: "The congressman himself should not be able to do anything, but just the radiation of his influence, we will be greatly unfair. The Four Kingdoms invaded. I am afraid it will become inevitable. So I want you to end the war with the crocodile tribe as soon as possible, and then immediately return to China to prepare for the war with the four principalities. The convention of the Disaster Council, when we have no backstage, any complaints and requests will be stopped by those who are interested. It is difficult to enter the parliamentary discussion stage."

Razogel recalled this, feeling a burst of cold despair in his heart.

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