I Don’t Want to Be a General, I Choose Buddhism

Chapter 261 The Mission of Mortality

And as the door of the office was opened by the guards, Lieutenant Colonel Hope walked in straight and said loudly.

Marshal of the Warring States Period, I am here to deliver something under the order of Chief Yann.

Immediately, Lieutenant Colonel Hope put the packaged cake on the corner of the desk without turning his eyes.


Everyone present was taken aback for a moment, but then Lieutenant General He was the first to react and said. Hey, even I almost forgot that today is Marshal Warring States' birthday.

Lieutenant General Garp, who had been eating donuts and listening to the meeting with a carefree attitude, said in a daze. Huh? Really?

After Lieutenant General Crane gave Lieutenant General Garp a wink, Lieutenant General Garp reacted quickly and said. Congratulations, Warring States, hahaha, I haven't forgotten, I was teasing you just now.

Immediately afterwards, Lieutenant General Garp put the half-eaten bag of donuts on the desk of Marshal Warring States and said. Look, I have prepared all the gifts for you in advance.

Go away, you bastard, give me the leftovers, who wants it?

Marshal Warring States scolded Lieutenant General Garp angrily and amusedly, then waved Lieutenant Colonel Hope to retreat, but stared at the packaged cake with a complicated expression without saying a word.

And the rest of the high-ranking navy who originally wanted to congratulate the Marshal of the Warring States Period also found something wrong with the Marshal of the Warring States Period.

Lieutenant General He frowned slightly, looking at the Marshal of Warring States with an extremely complicated expression in front of him, tears hidden in his eyes, but he was showing anger, and asked.

What's wrong? Warring States.

It's nothing. Marshal Warring States stared at the cake box in front of him, obviously with a majestic and tough expression, but replied with a somewhat choked voice.

Could it be, is there something wrong with Ian? Instructor Zefa, who had been silent all the time, asked.

And as Zefa's voice fell, the aura exuded by Marshal Warring States became more and more gloomy.

After a while, Marshal Warring States carefully brought the cake in front of him, and said in a calm tone.

Sorry, I lost my temper.

What's the problem? Didn't Rear Admiral Yann return to the Navy Headquarters, Marin Fando? Lieutenant General He asked in confusion.

At this time, even Lieutenant General Garp, who was extremely nervous, became serious, patted his chest and said straight.

That's right, boy Yaen can be regarded as my nephew or something, just say what you want, Warring States.

As for Kuzan, he turned his head and looked at Polusalino directly, with suspicious eyes.

Hey, hey, this has nothing to do with me, Kuzan...

Polusalino waved his hand and said.

I didn't do anything to Brother Yaen, and I brought back Brother Yann and Gion intact.

And listening to the discussion of the high-level navy in front of him, Marshal Warring States, who originally didn't want to mention this matter, gradually changed his psychological defense, and said with a long sigh.

Master Wu Laoxing ordered Yann to lead the team to invite Hancock, the 'Pirate Empress', to become the 'King Qiwuhai'.

While the rest of the high command of the navy were puzzled by the words of Marshal Warring States, Lieutenant General He's eyes widened slowly, and he said in an angry tone in disbelief.

Why did you issue such an order?! Where did Major General Yaen offend Lord Wu Laoxing?

As for Lieutenant General Garp, he stuffed a large handful of donuts into his mouth, chewed vigorously, and said. Is this to use the hands of pirates to get rid of the new generation of potential new stars of the navy? It's really naked.

And the rest of the high-level navy also reacted when they heard this,

His expression changed.

You know, with the Pirate Empress Hancock's unscrupulous battles during this period, she has also exposed a lot of information related to her strength.

Sweet fruit ability person, strong physique, good at kicking skills, proficient in knowledge-colored domineering, proficient in armed-colored domineering, and is also the owner of domineering-colored domineering.

There is no doubt that this kind of strength template is not inferior to Charlotte Lingling, one of the current overlords of the sea BIG MOM in the same age group, and her strength is by no means comparable to that of ordinary vice admirals. It can be regarded as one of the top powerhouses in the sea.

More importantly, the behavior of One Piece Hancock during this period is not pure cruelty, but a kind of pure willfulness based on his mood.

Whether it is a pirate, a navy or a member of the world government, she will attack indiscriminately willfully, and will mercilessly petrify all enemies who show her admiration for him.

It can be said that in the judgment of the naval staff, the Pirate Empress Hancock has been judged as a willful and terrifying pirate star, and she is quite hostile to the navy and the world government, without the slightest awe Psychology, the comprehensive evaluation is extremely high risk.

As for such extremely dangerous pirates, it is not too much to send an admiral to contact and invite them, but it means that Yarn, who may not be bad in overall combat strength, but is physically weak, is sent to perform the task.

Not to mention, Pirate Queen Hancock is most famous for her charm. As long as she is immersed in her charm, all living things will be turned into stone when the sweet fruit ability is activated.

How can a young man like Yaen, who is full of vigor and blood, once boasted that his dream is to court a powerful woman, resist this kind of temptation?

Therefore, the senior naval officers present almost quickly understood that this was a mission to die for Yarn.

Facing the questioning of the rest of the high-ranking navy, Marshal Warring States said with a painful and complicated expression.

Corazon has been reluctant to reveal the information about the members of the virtual circle organization with the ability of 15 million degrees of flame. Therefore, in order to gain Corazon's trust and sincerity, the Five Old Stars decided to send Ya, who was hated and hated by Corazon. kindness……

In the end, the Warring States Marshal was tearful, his voice choked up, and he was on the verge of collapse.

On one side is the justice of the sea and the world government that he upholds, and on the other side is the life of his adopted son...

Today Ian returned to the Navy headquarters, Marin Fando, didn't the Marshal of the Warring States know?

No, he knows!

But the Marshal of the Warring States Period had no courage to face Yan at all, so while escaping, he cowardly procrastinated for time and did not make a choice for a long time.

Until the appearance of the cake that Marshal Warring States did not expect brought his psychological defense almost to the brink of collapse.

Immediately, the Marshal of the Warring States Period did not speak any more. As the most powerful man in the sea, he slowly opened the outer packaging of the cake with trembling hands.

At this moment, Marshal Warring States just wanted to have a good taste of this cake that contained Yann's heart. As for the order of the five old stars...


Suddenly, the Warring States Marshal was stunned, staring blankly at the words on the cake.

Sex King Ba, happy birthday-Tefimo Yann. chaptererror();

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