I Don’t Want to Be a General, I Choose Buddhism

Chapter 280 The Secret of Domineering Color and Domineering Qi

But at this moment, Yaen still didn't know anything about the plan of the Marshal of the Warring States Period.

Old man, you must be joking, right? Ian murmured with a tangled face.


Yann is not yet mentally prepared for this.

That's right, the old man is probably just joking, or maybe he and I have the same idea, so I can find a reason to stay in Nine Snakes Island like this.

Thinking of this, Ian couldn't help but feel relieved a lot.

But how to explain this problem to Hancock and Robin has become one of Ian's current problems.

Especially Robin. In the past few days, Ian has received Robin's eyes many times, which also caused Ian to simply hide in the forest behind Nine Snake Island to practice.

Forget it, don't think about this problem, continue to practice!

After leaving with Polusalino leading the battleship, Ian took a chance and asked Hancock about the overlord color entanglement.

As we all know, in this sea, Domineering is divided into three categories, namely: Overlord-colored Domineering, Armed-colored Domineering, and Knowledge-colored Domineering.

Among them, armed-color domineering and knowledge-color domineering can be acquired through hard practice and exercise, and each person's physique and characteristics are different, and there will be corresponding differences to a certain extent.

As for the domineering look, it is the most special. It is the symbol of the king, and only one person in a million can possess the power.

It can be said that not every strong man has the domineering aura, but those who have the domineering aura have the qualifications to become a real strong man.

The general domineering role of the domineering color is to deter the enemy, causing a huge impact and coercion on the enemy's spirit, so that the weak-willed people will fall into a faint state.

However, from Hancock's mouth, Yan understood that the real function of domineering domineering is not to deter mentally, but to cause substantial damage.

Among them, using this power through the Overlord Color Entanglement method can generate huge destructive power and attack power, and can even destroy things in the air.

If armed color domineering is a metaphor for possessing invisible armor, overlord-color domineering is a weapon that truly possesses terrifying and destructive power.

And according to the records related to domineering preserved in Nine Snakes Island, the strong man who has really perfectly controlled the overlord color winding, and even developed to a deeper level, the aftermath of a random blow can crack the sky and the earth. crumble.

The information learned from Hancock also made Ian fall into deep thought, and reminded Ion of the time when Red Hair Shanks visited Whitebeard Newgate Edward in the memory of his previous life screen.

While Shanks was strolling, the domineering arrogance he radiated casually stunned many pirates of the Whitebeard Pirates, and even caused the surrounding hulls to be shattered.

And the confrontation between Red Hair Shanks and White Beard Newgate Edward, the aftermath of a collision caused the sky to crack.

So far, Yann has almost affirmed that it should be the power of overlord-like domineering.

But this also made Yan understand that overlord color domineering and reiatsu are not the same thing, but have quite similar properties.

Without it, it is simply that Ian observed Hancock's use of the power of overlord color entanglement at close range, and found that as long as Hancock uses this power, he will naturally be entangled with a black-red substance.

That is... the truly substantive dominant look and domineering.

However, even though Ian was a little disappointed that Reiatsu and Overlord's color domineering are not the same thing, he still had a certain expectation to try to control his own Reiatsu according to the technique of Overlord's color winding.

If Yan can really use Reiatsu freely, instead of using it in a formulaic way like now, then his own security will definitely be several levels stronger.

However, just when Ian intentionally hid Hancock and Robin in the deep mountains behind Nine Snakes Island to practice, but before he could achieve any results, Ian's knowledgeable domineering sensed that an uninvited guest was approaching Nine Snakes island.


That old bastard, why are you here?! Yan's face darkened, and he murmured.

If there is anyone in the navy whom Ian is most resistant to approaching, it must be the naval hero Vice Admiral Monkey D. Karp.

When he was a child, Ian couldn't remember how many times he was almost slapped to death by Lieutenant General Garp.

That bastard is really careless, his shots are not light or heavy!

Under the multiple psychological shadows, Yann's knowledgeable domineering has even reached the point where he will automatically warn that Lieutenant General Garp is approaching.


Yann's body moved almost instinctively, but stopped abruptly.

The arrival of Lieutenant General Garp is undoubtedly aimed at Yan.

But now that Yaen is a captive of Nine Snake Island, it is impossible to hide.

Damn it, the old man knows that I'm most afraid of Garp, what is he going to do?

Yan swallowed his saliva, and suddenly had a bad feeling.

But no matter how reluctant Yaen was, he could only hurry back to the Nine Snake Palace.


Soon, a naval warship with a dog-head-shaped bow and a unique overall shape approached the port under the vigilant eyes of a large number of Nine Snake warriors.

Where's that kid's wife, Yann? Why didn't anyone come out to welcome the elders when they arrived?

Garp stood on the bow of the ship carelessly and yelled, and his loud voice almost spread throughout the small half of Nine Snakes Island.

'Asshole Garp...'

Yan cursed secretly, but he could only continue to pretend to be a prisoner, and appeared with Hancock at the unrepaired port.

When Lieutenant General Garp saw Yan and Hancock for the first time, he shouted directly. Boy Yaen, congratulations, happy wedding.

For Karp's congratulations, Yann played stupid as if he had never heard of it. Lieutenant General Garp, are you here to save me from leaving?

Lieutenant General Garp grinned, showing his big white teeth, and said. No, no, Warring States asked me to supervise your marriage.

? !


Also, Yaen boy, work harder, work hard, if you don't have a baby, the guy from the Warring States Period won't allow me to leave Nine Snake Island. Lieutenant General Garp.



Yann was stunned for a few breaths, and shouted in a shrill voice that was so startled. Are...are you kidding me?!

Who's kidding you?

Lieutenant General Karp said while picking his nose with his little finger.

The guy from the Warring States Period has already received a large amount of red envelopes in the name of your marriage in Marin Fando, and the boat I pulled over is all gift money for Nine Snake Island.

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