I Don’t Want to Be a General, I Choose Buddhism

Chapter 499: The Monster Named the Strongest Marine

At the same time, at the edge of the territory of the Whitebeard Pirates, a naval warship with a dog's head prow was floating alone on the sea.

In contrast, directly in front of this dog-headed battleship, there is an extremely large pirate fleet.

The famous Moby Dick that shakes the sea and looks like a whale, and more than a dozen pirate ships that are also as large as naval warships.

In particular, the man with a tall stature, a long-handled sword, and a strange white beard in the shape of a crescent moon made the deterrence of this fleet reach its peak.

The Strongest Man in the World, Emperor of the Sea, White Beard Edward Newgate!

Just witnessing the invisibly exuding courage of Whitebeard Edward Newgate, many naval soldiers on the dog-headed naval battleship felt their hearts beating faster and broke out in cold sweat.

The source of courage for many naval soldiers to maintain their readiness for battle with weapons in hand is a Lieutenant Admiral Garp, a naval hero who wears a cloak of justice and has gray hair, but is still strong.

In this silent confrontation, facing a large number of pirate ships, that solitary naval warship seemed particularly helpless, as if it might be directly crushed at any time.

However, even though many cadres of the Whitebeard Pirates have absolute confidence in their father Whitebeard, they still dare not be careless.

After all, the Navy Hero Lieutenant Admiral Garp, not to mention his reputation as the Strongest Sailor in the past, even chased the One Piece Roger with absolute strength and fled around, and eventually even arrested the One Piece Roger. Jay.

The next moment, with the long-handled sword in Whitebeard's hand, he narrowed his eyes and asked domineeringly. Garp, long time no see, are you here to sacrifice your own head?

At this moment, Lieutenant General Garp also changed his usual inconspicuous appearance, folded his hands on his chest, and replied with a big smile.

Hahaha, it's too early for that kind of thing. I want to see with my own eyes what my future grandson will look like when he grows up, so I can't just hand over my head like this.

In that case, let's get out of the way. White Beard said.

Lieutenant General Karp didn't deliberately use verbal gags to delay time, but said bluntly.

White Beard, we are all people of the old age, why should we interfere in the battle of the new generation of young people?

I don't care about the fighting among young people of the new generation...

Speaking of which,

Whitebeard's tone paused, and he suddenly said with a sense of oppression. It's just that Lieutenant General Yinglong killed Weibull, I need to settle the score with him.


Lieutenant General Garp's expression froze for a moment, and he asked in an extremely surprised tone. Wait, is that Weibull really your son?

I don't know if it's an illusion, Lieutenant General Garp vaguely noticed a flash of embarrassment on the domineering white bearded face, and said immediately.

My son has a lot.

This sentence of neither denying nor acknowledging immediately made Lieutenant General Garp understand something, and Lieutenant General Garp, who was wide-eyed, even thought of many strange things.

For example: White Beard did not marry a wife and have children in an open and aboveboard manner, but instead liked to recognize his son as his family?

With too many thoughts and too many thoughts, Lieutenant General Karp immediately became interested, but he understood that the current situation did not allow him to continue to study and speculate on such things.

Immediately, Lieutenant General Garp spoke directly.

So, there is no need to discuss it? For example, I will help you to ask Lieutenant General Yan to come out later, and let the two of you single out or something.

I'm looking for someone to settle the score, when did you need the help of the navy? White Beard asked back as a matter of course.

It seems that there is only one fight left, Whitebeard.

I can't wait, Karp, let's settle the unresolved victory and defeat in the past today.


Listening to the conversation between Lieutenant General Garp and Whitebeard, many cadres of the Whitebeard Pirates became a little anxious.

After all, it is impossible for their entire huge fleet to stand still because of Lieutenant General Garp.

And with the physique between Lieutenant General Garp and Dad, I don't know how long the battle between the two will last.

In this way, how could it be possible to stop the naval fleet that was destroying the Red Hair Pirates?

Diamond Joz, captain of the third team of Whitebeard Pirates, couldn't help but whispered to Marco.

Marco, Dad usually values ​​your advice the most. Do you want to persuade Dad not to waste time here with Lieutenant General Garp?

When Marco heard this, he glanced at Diamond Joz with some surprise, and asked back. How have you ever seen something that Dad decided will change?

After a pause, Marco spoke. What's more, Dad did this to protect us.


Not only Diamond Joz was a little puzzled, but the rest of the team captains also looked at Marco in confusion.

After all, this time the Whitebeard Pirates may not have summoned many affiliated pirate groups, but the combat power of the group alone is enough to attack the Marine Headquarters Marin Fando.

Seeing this, Marco explained helplessly. What level of monster do you think Lieutenant General Garp, the 'Strongest Sailor', is, and what is the environment here?

Perhaps if the whole group goes together, it is indeed possible to quickly defeat Lieutenant General Garp, but with Lieutenant General Garp's strength, he can definitely sink all the pirate ships here.

By that time, not only those of us with devil fruit abilities, but even Dad will be in an embarrassing situation with nowhere to go. On the contrary, Lieutenant General Garp will be able to swim away directly with his terrifying physique.

Hearing this, the rest of the team captains suddenly understood, and at the same time, they were inexplicably shocked by Marco's evaluation.

Even if the father took the shot himself, and many team captains joined forces to besiege, in Marco's view, Lieutenant General Garp would not die, but could sink all the pirate ships?

Marco sighed, then said.

Actually, since Lieutenant General Garp successfully stopped us here, the result is already doomed in a sense. The reason why Dad decided to fight with Lieutenant General Garp is more because he wanted to meet an old friend for a while. That's all.

So, get ready. Find a deserted island nearby and let Dad and Lieutenant General Garp fight to their heart's content. I believe Dad will also be happy with this long-lost opponent.

Immediately, when commanding the fleet to turn to a nearby deserted island, Marco's eyes narrowed secretly.

There was a sentence that Marco didn't say.

But what is certain is that Lieutenant General Garp was able to accurately intercept the Whitebeard Pirates fleet, and there is a great possibility that the Whitebeard Pirates has naval intelligence personnel inside.

It seems that we have to find a way to catch the mouse.

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