I Don’t Want to Be a General, I Choose Buddhism

Chapter 559 War Is Just an Extension of Politics

Listening to Yamato's answer, Yaen was quite satisfied in his heart despite his calm expression on the surface.

It seems that Yamato has already understood that with the current situation of Wano country, whether it is the victory of the navy or the victory of the revolutionary army, it is not in line with Wano country's position.

In other words, before the Wano Kingdom is completely strong, given the status quo of the Wano Kingdom, no matter whether it is the victory of any party, it may just be the next beast Kaido.

Today, Yamato should have completely developed a vigilance against the world government.

This is also one of Ion's initial expectations for Yamato, to make Yamato a representative of the interests of Wono Country itself, thus balancing the direction of this war.

As a result, the situation in the Wono Country will become more and more complicated, and the pure and irreconcilable conflict between the world government and the revolutionary army will gradually evolve into various interest exchanges, making the Wono Country's sea building Stone continues to attract the energy and attention of the World Government.

On the surface, Yaen showed a bit of difficulty for Yamato's words, as if he was willing to confront his benefactor, but in his heart he secretly deduced the current situation.

Ultimately, war is just an extension of politics.

The fundamental purpose of the World Government is always to prevent the Revolutionary Army from gaining Wano Country, and the most ideal result is naturally to completely try to eliminate the Revolutionary Army.

Then, it is clear that the combat power possessed by the Revolutionary Army is difficult to be completely eliminated by today's navy, especially when Yan has shown serious injuries and the combat power has declined, it should be enough to completely dispel the world government's expectations for the elimination of the Revolutionary Army. right.

For the rest, as long as the world government can achieve the goal of preventing the revolutionary army from completely acquiring Wano country, then the world government should have only one choice... a truce!

And in this way, the Revolutionary Army can happen to be able to initially complete the change from dark to bright, highlighting the power of the tip of the iceberg and slowly paralyzing the world government. At the same time, it can also continue to train members of the Revolutionary Army with the help of the next controllable conflict awareness of war.

‘Of course, the occurrence of some special accidents cannot be ruled out, such as Frod and Fumeru, the hidden monsters of the world government that briefly appeared in the Kingdom of Alabasta before. '

'Hopefully not needing to activate a backup plan...'

Yann thought helplessly in his heart, but he was not absolutely sure.

Under Yamato's domineering speech, in addition to the dissatisfaction of the admirals at Yamato, Drago taunted him without hesitation.

What an arrogant speech, the right to speak in this sea must be obtained by virtue of strength.

The next moment, in a flash of Dorag's figure, Liufeng's fist wrapped around suddenly slammed towards Yamato.

Tsk, I also want to avenge that one blow at that time, let you bastard see my true strength!

Faced with Drago's attack, Yamato did not flinch in the slightest. Between the black and red lightning, the mace slammed towards Drago.



In an instant, under the intertwined black and red lightning, the collision of the fist and the mace instantly caused a terrifying aftermath, and the two were still in a stalemate in the air.

Do you think that you are the only one who can be entangled with the overlord's color?

Drago said angrily, but a burst of black and red lightning burst out from his fist.

For a moment, the collision between the two completely different overlord colors almost caused the air waves to explode in all directions crazily.

And this kind of exaggerated collision made many navy and revolutionary army feel shocked.

That woman's combat power... is so strong? ! Enough to have a head-on confrontation with Drago!

‘How many top monsters in the sea exist in today’s Wano country? ! And they're all monsters that accidentally don't have any reputation. '

Even Lieutenant General He, who stayed far away in the command post, couldn't help but have such a question in his heart at this moment.

That smile was enough to rival General Polusalino, and now there is another woman who can confront Drago head-on.

What's more troublesome is the injury of Lieutenant General Yaen...can he continue to fight?

Not only Lieutenant General He, but even Marie Joya, who felt that he was remotely commanding the war in the holy land, also had such a question.

Corazon, that bastard really dared to intervene in Wano's affairs. Did he forget that Wano was also the enemy of his ancestors eight hundred years ago?

The curly-haired five old stars said in a dissatisfied tone. And still assisting the Revolutionary Army to deal with the Navy, have you completely forgotten the honor of your own blood?

It is very likely that Corazon's goal at the beginning is just as he said, he just wanted to get the Wano country, whether it is to cooperate with the navy to deal with the 'Hundred Beasts Pirates', or to cooperate with the Revolutionary Army to fight against the navy , he doesn't care at all. Long-haired Wu Laoxing said.

The blond Wu Laoxing nodded and said approvingly.

It's really greedy. Sure enough, the pirates are a group of guys who only care about profit. As one of the giants of the arms business in the underground world of the New World Sea Area, it is estimated that Corazon can't wait to get a steady stream of sea stones to exchange various benefits. right?

After a pause, the blond Wu Laoxing spoke.

Let the world government officials contact Corazon immediately. If he insists on assisting the Revolutionary Army, then the titles of the king of the world's allied countries and Qiwuhai will be deprived.

and many more……

At this moment, the skinny Wu Laoxing, who was usually quite silent, spoke slowly.

Since Corazon greedily wants to get Hailoushi, it's better to give him some of it. Now that Lieutenant General Yann is injured and the impact on combat power is unknown, it is impossible to completely wipe out the Revolutionary Army.

After a pause, facing the inquiring eyes of the other four five old stars, the skinny five old stars continued to explain.

It is indeed too hasty to deal with the revolutionary army's combat power now. Even if it has been delayed until the arrival of Lieutenant General Garp, it may not be of much use. It is better to simply stop the war and maintain the status quo, and take the opportunity to preserve the country of Wano for 800 years. The hidden dangers will be completely eliminated, and the three parties of the Revolutionary Army, the Navy and Corazon will split the 'Nation of Wano'.

With Corazon's level of greed, it is impossible to maintain an alliance with the Revolutionary Army after the pressure from the world government and the navy subsides.

And the Revolutionary Army... will be completely trapped in the corrupt situation of Wano Country. When the time comes, find a good time to concentrate its combat power and wipe it out in one fell swoop.

Speaking of the last, the skinny Wu Laoxing's eyes were shining with a compelling edge.

The curly-haired Wulaoxing showed approval, and said to the skinny Wulaoxing.

It's a good plan, but... Wano Country is your hometown. Once the split is successful, maybe the name Wano Country will completely disappear in the torrent of history.

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