I Don’t Want To Be Popular

Chapter 411: 4 Seasons Hotel George V

Since 2009, France has implemented the "svi registration system", and vehicle registration management has become very fast and efficient. For new cars, the owner is allowed to directly go through the registration procedures at the vehicle dealer.

There are machines in the store, which can print and make license plates on site, and then the staff can help install them.

After installing the license plate, Chen Chuan obtained a temporary driving permit, and the official driving permit will be mailed to Chen Chuan's registered residence address, which is the Tuweier Manor, by registered letter a week later.

This license plate is a combination of ab-123-cd, with a blue EU flag emblem, and a combination pattern of the French region logo + province code. The meaning of the corresponding pattern combination is similar to "京a", "京p", "京n"...

This Star Vessel is a top-fit ​​limited edition, limited to 500 cars worldwide. The cheapest ordinary Xingmai is 50,000 euros, while this one cost Chenchuan 106,000 euros, a 3.0l supercharged engine, a maximum power of 360 horsepower, and a gun-gray body, which looks pretty good.

Chen Chuan and Marion chatted for a while and learned that driving a car worth 100,000 euros in Bordeaux, France, is equivalent to the domestic 1.5 million to 2 million level. Cars over 80,000 euros are very high-end here.

Marion's logo car only costs 18,000 euros.

After all the formalities are printed, it is at sunset.

The two drove away from the 4s shop. Marion drove her own car back to her home and parked it. Then she got into Chen Chuan's car.

"Would you like to sit in my house? My family is very hospitable." She asked.

"Next time." Chen Chuan exchanged positions with her and asked her to drive.

Although he had a driver’s license translation and could drive it, he could not lie half-lying and enjoy the beautiful scenery comfortably.

The car is driving on the boulevard, and driving along here, you can drive to Lacano Beach.

This is the largest dune beach in Western Europe, and the endless blue Atlantic Ocean is directly in front of it.

The car drove to the parking area on the beach, because it was winter and there were fewer people.

The two of them sat in the car, watching the sunset on the beach, the western sky was magnificent red clouds, the sky was covered, and the entire Atlantic was golden.

Marien is 26 years old, healthy and without hidden illnesses, and her specialty is "sensitive and passionate." Chen Chuan's understanding of her specialty is a person's label. This information was obtained by Chen Chuan through physical contact with her.

As for asking her how old she was, she replied that "25 years old" was one year under-reported. This shows that this woman has inherited the character of an ordinary French person and is hypocritical.

This is just a bit of innocuous hypocrisy, a beautiful, thin, hypocritical and enthusiastic French woman of Kochi. This is what Chen Chuan knew about her.

As for the "romantic" element in the French genes that the world generally believes, it has also been confirmed on this sunset beach. In the carriage, Marion leaned over to kiss Chen Chuan and climbed onto him.

There was no peculiar smell on her body, only the faint smell of Chanel perfume, and the fragrance of wine between her lips and teeth.

"This is an unforgettable sunset, and the whole person seems to melt in this sunset." She said softly.


It's half past seven in the evening.

Chen Chuan returned to the city in the car driven by Marion, with music playing in the car, and there was a special bond in the relationship between the two.

There are many unread messages in the phone.

Chen Chuan sat in the position of the co-pilot and clicked to check one by one. There were greetings from friends in China, as well as two new friends from the trip, Wang Facai and Da Yinghua, two Asian girls.

The two of them visited the manor for a day and have now returned to the city.

The two expressed their desire to have dinner with Chen Chuan. They also said that they met a wave of Chinese people in the winery and sent a video to Chen Chuan.

Chen Chuan clicked and looked. These were a bunch of mentally stubborn old men in their 60s and 70s. From their conversations, they could tell that they were from China. This is also normal. Many wealthy businessmen in China like to visit Bordeaux. Not only do they like to go shopping, they also like to buy wineries here.

It is reported that there are more than 8,000 wineries in Bordeaux, of which the Chinese have purchased more than 50. Among them, Jack Ma, Xiao Yanzi, Liu Jialing and other celebrities have wineries here.

"This old man... is actually a little familiar." Chen Chuan saw a group of old men in the video. One of them was red-faced and well-proportioned, as if he had seen him somewhere. Take a closer look. Heh, isn't this old man Teng?

Looking at the people around Mr. Teng, he seems familiar, like a group of people who came to Haiqin City to participate in a collectors exchange meeting last time. This is a bunch of wealthy businessmen, who are fine when they are old, and travel everywhere at home and abroad.

But these people are rich, and if they meet the right winery, they may buy it. In other words, some of them may already have a winery here.

"The Michelin restaurant I was talking about is just before." Marion said as she drove the car.

Chen Chuan looked at Marion and Wang Facai's dinner invitation, hesitating how to eat at night.

Chen Chuan has no interest in Wang Facai, but the cartoonist, the neon girl Da Sakura, Chen Chuan has a good impression of her. She was a Japanese cute girl who was full of enthusiasm and full of vitality, which completely accorded with the understanding of the word "kawaii" in my heart.

Moreover, Sakura Mengmei is still a book painter. As a painter of that kind, she has no experience in that area... As a warm-hearted person, Chen Chuan can't restrain the urge to help her. It can be expected that helping her will definitely let her unblock her creative ideas.


Clicking on the voice note sent by Da Sakura, she asked glutinously in Japanese. The translation was "Chuan Sang, do you want to eat together tonight?"

"Wow the empty gang!" Chen Chuan replied with a voice.

Marion who was driving widened her eyes and said in surprise, "Chen, do you speak Japanese?"

"Well, two friends I met when I came here." Chen Chuan said.

"Tonight, do you want to call for dinner together?" Marien said, "If you can be your friends, they must be excellent people. I would like to invite them to dinner."

"Thank you, let me think about it." Chen Chuan said.

The French are more stingy, they settle the accounts very clearly, and they are always aa system. Marien was willing to invite Chen Chuan and two other friends to dinner, which was rare and generous.

After the car stopped, the two did not get out of the car immediately.

This is on St. Catherine Street, the longest pedestrian street in Europe.

The best shopping places in Bordeaux and even the whole of France, restaurants, cafes, brand-name boutiques, department stores are all on this street.

The buildings on both sides of the street originated from the 14th/15th century, bringing together Baroque Rococo and Gothic granite buildings.

Under the night, the pedestrian street is brightly lit, the music in the car is soft, and the sea breeze from the Atlantic is not cold.

The main driver went to the French girl holding the steering wheel, and said to herself: "This car is so powerful, and the power is too abundant. I have never driven such a strong car. The feeling of stepping on the accelerator is really great."

At first, Chen Chuan would reply when he heard the Frenchman next to him speak. But they are used to it now, because they have a characteristic, that is, they like to talk to themselves. They are the people who like to talk to themselves most.

"This is a good night for dates, Mr. Chen, I want to eat alone with you tonight, okay?" Marion suddenly turned her head and looked at Chen Chuan and asked.

As expected, she was relatively straightforward. She liked to go straight and express her thoughts directly.

She just leaned over and kissed Chen Chuan with a little aegyo.

"All right." Chen Chuan made a decision. Anyway, he has nothing to do now, and he is not in a hurry to return to China, so he will leave the dinner with Da Sakura until tomorrow.

Chen Chuan pushed Marien away and sent a voice note to Da Sakura: "桜, Tomorrow Yixuに食事しましょう."

"はい, 川さん, 楽しい夜を过ごしてください. (Okay, Chuan Sang, I wish you a nice evening Da Sakura replied in voice.

Chen Chuan put away his mobile phone and got out of the car with Marion.

The streets are crowded with people coming and going.

Marion naturally took Chen Chuan's arm, leaned against him, pointed to the magnificent building not far away and said: "There is the Grand Theater, which looks like a solemn Greek temple and is a landmark of Bordeaux. Architecture. After dinner, shall we go to the opera?"


In the evening, the two had dinner, watched the opera, and opened a hotel. The Four Seasons Hotel George V in the city center exceeded the five-star standard.

This hotel has the architectural style of the 1930s and old-fashioned French style. There are century-old antiques everywhere in the hotel, as well as a large private collection of oil paintings and vintage furniture.

There is a garden in the hotel, and there is a fountain of love built in the 18th century in the center of the garden. The overall design continues the decorative style of Louis XV and Louis XVI periods and incorporates a romantic and fashionable atmosphere. The exterior and lobby of the hotel adopt warm colors based on red and gold to highlight a romantic atmosphere.

Of course the price is also beautiful, the luxury suite costs 1021 euros a night.

There is a saying, the luxurious big bed in the room is indeed very comfortable, and you can see more scenery when looking at the night.

Midnight is approaching twelve o'clock.

The white woman on the big bed in the room was already asleep. Chen Chuan sat in the living room and posted a few photos taken during the day to Moments. Then I watched the old French film "Escape from the Tiger's Mouth" on TV. Although I have watched it many times, I still feel funny every time I watch it.

This is the Dong-1 time zone, which is seven hours faster than in China. A small partner in the country sent a WeChat message, which is the dinner time at five or six o'clock in the evening.

In fact, I was chatting with Zhao Yutian, not a beauty. Zhao Yutian is chatting with Chen Chuan about his ex-girlfriend Lin Yingya.

Chen Chuan turned into a listener and listened to Zhao Yutian's story of how he went to find Lin Yingya three times and was beaten by Lin's father.

On the surface, Zhao Yutian is a prodigal son, but in fact, at any rate, he is also an infatuated rich second-generation driving a McLaren sports car. After pursuing Chen Chuan's cousin, Chen Ziyue, to no avail, he recalled his ex-girlfriend, although he and his ex-girlfriend did not have many stories.

Chen Chuan responded to the message, watched the movie, and waited for the [Daily Gift Pack] at midnight.

Zhao Yutian: Boss, where do you put it now? I haven't seen you for many days.

Chen Chuan shot him a small video of the night scene outside, but with Zhao Yutian's eyesight, he should not be able to tell that this is abroad.

Zhao Yutian: Where are you playing, Tieling? Are you accompanied by a girl?

Chen Chuan:...

Chen Chuan is speechless, Zhao Yutian IQ... Is it midnight in Tieling?

When asked if she was accompanied by a girl, Chen Chuan took a picture of the interior of the hotel room and Marion who was sleeping in the bedroom. It's just that, only a little bit above her shoulders, she can see that she is a white girl with long chestnut hair.

Zhao Yutian: Oh, who is this? He dyed his hair, but it was quite white.

Chen Chuan fell on the bed, turned off his mobile phone, and was about to go to sleep after receiving the gift package.


There is new news.

Chen Chuan looked at it, not Zhao Yutian, but Big Sakura.

Dai Sakura: Chuansang, are you asleep?

Chen Chuan replied "No" to her, and the two chatted together.

Given that they can't sleep, and they are all in Bordeaux, they are not far away.

The Four Seasons Hotel is in the city center, and the homestay where Wang Facai and Da Sakura live is also here, even on this street.

When the two chatted, Chen Chuan put on his clothes and went out and went downstairs.

The streets of Bordeaux at midnight in winter are quiet and slightly humid. The air was filled with the smell of red wine, sea breeze and midnight.

But there was another smell. Chen Chuan tasted it. It was the smell of fresh garlic in the kitchen in the room. At that time, Mary was already asleep.

Chen Chuan strolled in the suite, looking at the room decoration in the Louis XIV period. When passing by the kitchen, he saw fresh garlic. In order to taste the difference between foreign garlic and domestic garlic, he ate a few cloves raw. I thought it was delicious.

The difference is no difference. It is the smell of garlic in the mouth.

Chen Chuan wondered whether to go upstairs and brush his teeth before coming down.

"Chuan Sang!" a vigorous shout.

"Hi, Sakura."

Chen Chuan saw the light green plush short coat, high-waisted trousers, and the neon girl Dai Sakura with a camel hat. The other party was a pure Japanese outfit, highlighting cuteness and warmth, as well as pure and sweet temperament.

In essence, the meeting between the two of them near midnight was a bit nonsensical.

What I have to say is that I promised to come out to meet, but it represents the recognition of each other and expresses the goodwill of each other.

The big cherry blossoms slowly approached.

"Wow, did you live here at night?" Da Sakura looked at the splendid Four Seasons Hotel George V.

Since it is a tourist city, and the hotel is in a prosperous downtown area, even at this late hour, there are still guests coming in and out.

Chen Chuan casually chatted with Da Sakura~www.ltnovel.com~ and asked them how they played during the day and what they ate at night.

The atmosphere is not embarrassing. Although I have not known each other for long, this girl has a shy and enthusiastic temperament. She laughed as soon as she spoke, her smile was cute and sweet, and her eyes sparkled.

Chen Chuan didn't know why they laughed when they talked. how did you do that? You know, many goddess-level girls he knows speak sternly.

"Ding, the [Daily Gift Pack] arrived, is it open?"

At this time, the system prompts that it is midnight.

"Open." Chen Chuan said silently in his heart.

Da Sakura looked behind Chen Chuan, and said in a surprised tone: "Huh? The grandfathers who got off the car, I saw them during the day."

Chen Chuan turned around and saw several black cars parked in front of the hotel.

The door opened, and several old men got out of the car, among them some young people.

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