19. Obadiah is anxious, he is anxious

Obadiah's office was also on the top floor, just one floor below Tony's.

Opening the door, Lu Yuan came into his office.

Obadiah was waiting.

The decoration in the office is still very particular. There is a large floor-to-ceiling window behind the desk, where you can stand and look out at the distant scenery.

There are bookshelves and many other things around.

Lu Yuan just glanced at it casually and then looked away. He was not here to visit, and after seeing Tony's luxurious office and villa, these were nothing.

Besides, his home on Krypton is even more luxurious than this.

Not to mention the gap in technological level, Krypton a hundred thousand years ago was enough to beat the earth today.

Did you ask someone to give me this suitcase? Obadiah stood up from behind the desk, took out the suitcase Lu Yuan had brought before and put it on the table.

It seemed like he hadn't touched it, but Lu Yuan knew very well that he had already seen what was inside.

What is this? Obadiah asked.

Lu Yuan smiled, glanced at the closed door behind him, and stopped pretending. He pulled out a chair and sat down, crossed his legs, and said straight to the point: I'll ask for extra money. Didn't I tell you before? ?

Obadiah hesitated for a moment, then suddenly sat down, no longer anxious, but said with a smile: Tony did not disappoint me. This is the latest weapon he designed, right? It's great, as long as it can be mass-produced Production can make a lot of money for the company, and the country is more secure.

Lu Yuan just smiled and watched him perform.

Obadiah frowned slightly. Seeing that Lu Yuan was so calm and composed, he couldn't help but probe: What? Didn't Tony ask you to bring me the drawings?

Of course not, Lu Yuan said without hesitation, telling lies with his eyes open, and without any scruples, I'm here to ask for money.

But he wasn't lying, because Tony really didn't know that Lu Yuan wanted to give the drawings to Obadiah.

Tony only knew that there was a mole who wanted to kill him, but he didn't know that the mole was actually his father's friend, and could also be said to be his mentor, Obadiah.

I don't know how Tony will feel when he finds out later.

No wonder Lu Yuan said he couldn't let Tony know, otherwise he would alert the enemy.

What do you mean? Obadiah's expression suddenly turned gloomy, and he yelled angrily: You are cheating? You are Tony's bodyguard, but you steal his things and sell them to me? What are your intentions? ?Aren’t you afraid that I will put you in jail?”

Not to mention, the acting looks really good.

But Lu Yuan didn't care at all, and continued to look at Obadiah intently. It wasn't until the latter became more and more uncomfortable with him that he spoke and said slowly: It's better to say that you are not afraid of Tony knowing. ?

Obadiah was shocked. This is a common problem among people with a guilty conscience. They always worry about whether something will be exposed if they have something on their mind.

Lu Yuan obviously didn't say anything, but he started to mutter, could it be that he has been exposed?

No, that's not possible.

Obadiah calmed down and shouted angrily: I don't know what nonsense you are talking about. Get out of here quickly.

Lu Yuan was also serious and stood up directly, reaching for the suitcase as if to leave.

In the end, Obadiah couldn't hold back and held down the suitcase.

Lu Yuan asked with a half-smile, What do you mean?

Obadiah raised his head, looked at Lu Yuan seriously, and asked, Who are you?

You don't have to worry about this, as long as you know that as long as you give me money, I will give you something, Lu Yuan said with the face of a greedy villain.

He did not make up any nonsense and said that he was a member of the Ten Rings Gang, that is, the enemies he encountered in the desert.

Because he knew that Obadiah had a secret deal with that group of people, and it was Obadiah who asked those people to kill Tony. As soon as he lied here, the case would be solved immediately.

It's better to play a character who is just in it for the money.

Obadiah continued to stare deeply at Lu Yuan and asked tentatively: What did you mean by what you said before? What do you know?

Lu Yuan shrugged: Actually, I don't know anything, not even Tony.

Obadiah almost vomited blood, are you kidding me?

It's true that Lu Yuan only knew that Obadiah was the villain because he knew the plot, but he really didn't have any evidence. Before that, he had been 'liar'.

It was Obadiah's poor concentration and because Lu Yuan acted too confident, as if he knew the truth (because he knew the truth), so he was deceived by Lu Yuan.

In the end, he said he didn’t know anything? Obadiah even wanted to kill Lu Yuan, and Obadiah was indeed ruthless enough to do it.

Lu Yuan saw that Obadiah was already showing signs of losing control, and knew that he could not continue to stimulate him, so he changed his voice and said: However, the weapons used at the scene were all produced by Stark. That group of people came from a certain country. Enemy, how come they have so many Stark Group weapons? Can you explain?

And Tony's itinerary that day was also a secret. How did the enemy lay a trap in advance? And just happened to attack Tony?

Tony really has no evidence, but he has begun to suspect that there is an insider in the company, and he wants to take this opportunity to get rid of him, and even take away the company. Who is the most suspicious person?

Lu Yuan lowered his head. Although he was tall, Obadiah was still sitting. Such an oppressive aura made Obadiah start to sweat on his forehead.

Lu Yuan's speculation was also very simple. He could understand it in one sentence. Who would be the biggest vested interest after Tony's death?

You don't need to ask to know that if Tony dies, it means that the Stark family is extinct. Then Obadiah will get the company and even annex all Tony's property and shares.

So do you still have to wonder why Lu Yuan found him?

Lu Yuan was good at knocking on the suitcase deliberately: This is what he is going to use against you. It is both the latest weapon and the latest armor. Once he successfully develops it, he can use it to kick you out of the company. As for how to take revenge in the future, let him do whatever he wants.

No, he can't do that, Obadiah said, standing up.

Lu Yuan just looked at him, knowing that Obadiah was anxious, and he was anxious.

It's easy to handle if it's urgent.

Lu Yuan opened the suitcase himself, found a drawing, pointed at the Mark 1 armor and reminded: When the time comes, new energy sources will be installed here. The weapons of the old era are outdated, and he will become the sole leader of the Stark Group. , and lead the Stark Group to a new future. And what about you? You conservative and pedantic old guys will all be eliminated.

And you yourself know very well that once Tony succeeds, how will he deal with you?.

20. Obadiah took the bait.

In fact, Lu Yuan cheated. He obviously took advantage of knowing the plot in advance, and then talked about it carefully, using some specious words to deceive Obadiah.

If you ask, is there really any evidence?

That's definitely not possible unless the boss of those people in the desert is caught and a confession is obtained.

However, his words were not without purpose. Only Obadiah himself knew that the previous traps and attacks were led by him.

In this way, the guilty person will take the bait himself.

Obadiah didn't have the confidence to think that Lu Yuan and Tony really knew something and were going to deal with him.

This set of drawings is evidence. Once Tony really develops a new concept, a new era of weapons, or even a new energy source, he has every right to expel himself from the board of directors.

Then Tony will have countless opportunities and time to slowly investigate Obadiah's bit of trouble in the company.

So for Obadiah, he had no choice.

How can I trust you? Obadiah asked Lu Yuan, why should he trust Tony's bodyguard?

Lu Yuan pointed at the drawings on the table: Brother, I brought Tony's stuff to you, what do you think?

But there is nothing about the core in it, Obadiah sneered. He had seen it before. The drawings of this armor were easy to understand, but how to drive it?

It can't be gasoline, right?

The reason why he believed Lu Yuan's lies was because if he wanted to activate this set of armor, he would definitely need a new concept and a new era of energy, and the old models were not enough.

Battery? What kind of battery should I use?

Fuel? Less likely.

So Obadiah knew very well that Lu Yuan was hiding something, which was the most critical core secret.

Only when he gets this will he believe Lu Yuan's words and take action.

Otherwise, he is not a fool, he is a cunning person.

Unexpectedly, Lu Yuan really didn't mind and told him the core secret.

It's very simple. As long as you can shrink that big thing downstairs and study it, the energy of the Ark reactor can be enough to drive this armor suit. I can even remind you that this suit is just the most basic We can continue to develop the version of the armor. For example, we can increase the thickness of the armor, increase the power tonnage, and even equip it with the most advanced weapons, etc. Lu Yuan did not hide anything for himself, but truly taught everything he had.

It's just that what he taught him with all his heart was of course Iron Overlord's original design.

Obadiah was the designer of Iron Overlord. After listening to Lu Yuan's suggestion, he couldn't help but nod secretly, feeling that it was very satisfactory.

But when it comes to the Ark reactor, Obadiah hesitates.

Are you sure that damn thing can really be used? Obadiah showed a hesitant expression: That thing was made by Howard thirty years ago. It has been left there untouched for thirty years. It has always been It’s just for outsiders to see.”

Lu Yuan was right. The large Ark reactor had been just a facade before. To those outside, we were not only a weapons dealer, we were also developing other technologies.

But in fact, there has been no research and development based on the Ark Reactor for thirty years.

As a result, Lu Yuan suddenly brought news today that the Ark Reactor is a new energy source in the new era, and of course it can drive steel suits.

You are really holding a golden rice bowl to beg for food, Lu Yuan felt speechless.

From a more advanced perspective, once a new energy system is developed around the Ark Reactor, it can directly overwhelm the world's energy system and even control global energy.

This is more profitable than selling anything.

Are you still thinking about selling weapons? too stupid.

But he doesn't want to use the knowledge he gained on Krypton to change the earth here, let alone become a so-called pioneer, so that's fine.

Are you sure I can defeat Tony? Obadiah asked again, and finally revealed that he actually wanted to defeat Tony's ambition.

Lu Yuan shrugged, but it was a pity that he didn't bring a recorder, otherwise he really wanted to listen to Tony.

But it doesn’t matter if you don’t have a recorder.

Tony is a genius, and he is also improving the suit. That's why I remind you that as long as you build an armored suit with greater power and stronger defense than him, won't you be sure of victory? Lu Yuan said without sincerity. Take Obadiah to the ditch.

If strength and tonnage alone can determine the outcome, why should Tony consider a refined and advanced version? Wouldn't it be better to just develop a big thing that is tens of meters high?

Quite the contrary, the bigger the guy, the bulkier he is.

What's the point of having only Yamato Shige if you can't even touch the enemy?

Lu Yuan did it on purpose. Iron Overlord was destined to be a failure, and he deliberately wanted to lead Obadiah in the direction of Iron Overlord.

Let's go. Seeing that he had finished what he needed to say, Lu Yuan stood up and was about to leave.

Obadiah watched Lu Yao leave, still a little hesitant in his heart.

Suddenly, when Lu Yuan opened the door, he did not forget to remind Obadiah: By the way, my salary card has been processed. Don't forget to pay.

Obadiah's heart was suddenly relieved.

It is said that people die for money and birds die for food. Lu Yuan's greed for money is very vivid. If he betrayed Tony for money, it is not unbelievable.

The most important thing is that Lu Yuan did bring him the thing that Tony was studying, and also brought him the news that Tony was doubting him.

If Lu Yuan was Tony's man, he shouldn't have done these things. Instead, he should have secretly investigated himself and even stolen information from his computer.

But Lu Yuan didn't. Instead, like a true betrayer, he stole important things and brought them to him in exchange for sufficient rewards.

Obadiah had seen too many similar things like this before he felt suspicious.

Then, next, it’s time to think about how to take the lead and create this new era of big guys earlier than Tony.

Tony, I'll see how you die this time, Obadiah said with a proud expression.

On the other side, Lu Yuan was walking on the way out, with a dark sneer on his lips.

Obadiah, Obadiah, those were all his one-sided words before, even though they were all true, because he knew the plot.

But Lu Yuan could not deny that he could not provide any evidence.

So he needs Obadiah to take action. Only if he takes action can he prove that he is right and that Obadiah is the villain.

Obadiah's vision is not high enough. What he doesn't understand is that although Lu Yuan is indeed on Tony's side, he doesn't mind helping Obadiah develop Iron Overlord.

So what? If Obadiah can jump out of the water on his own initiative, this will be nothing.

Moreover, Obadiah would never have imagined that Lu Yuan asked Tony to print out this drawing in person and then handed it over to him.

He will never understand until he dies.

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