In the blood mist, the halberd in King Yan's hand shook continuously.

Dahei's huge body kept dodging, but he was inevitably hit several times.

His mind had reached an extreme state of trance, and all his thoughts gradually became chaotic.

When my mind wanders, all the memories seem to no longer belong to me.

"Dragon Ancestor? It's really ridiculous. You were just a four-realm sea snake hundreds of years ago. Thanks to God's grace, you transformed into a dragon."

“You are not grateful to God, but instead you are at enmity with Him!”

King Yan spoke calmly, and with a flick of his halberd, there was an endless storm in the blood mist. Countless ghostly wails seemed to come from the terrifying blood mist.

Dahei rolled on the ground, and the ground was shaken by the black dragon's solid body, sending up huge amounts of smoke and dust.

At this time, its thinking was almost frozen and it was difficult to think.

"Long you are also afraid?"

King Yan couldn't help but sigh, the thousand-year belief of the Bloody Clan turned out to be nothing more than this.

He couldn't help but feel more and more that his choice to believe in God was the right one.

If not for this, I am afraid that it would still be difficult for me to condense a complete body.

He will be trapped in the realm of True Lord Yang Shen for a thousand years.

Not to mention rebelling at that time, I am afraid that his own son, King Chu, who was blessed by the dragon vein, could also kill him with his own hands.

Think of this.

In the blood mist, blood and soil gradually became entangled.

In this blood-stained dirt, those resurrected people appeared again.

Their eyes were dim for a time.

King Yan smiled disdainfully: "Being weak is really the biggest original sin..."

"It's only been a while since you died again."

He raised his hand and pointed at the huge rolling black dragon: "Go, peel off the skin of this dragon, and pull out the dragon's tendons."

A contemptuous smile appeared on the corner of King Yan's mouth: "Don't worry that you will die."

"With me will be immortal!"

The resurrectors took a deep breath of blood mist and smiled intoxicatedly.

This blood mist gave them a kind of narcotic pleasure, making them forget the fear before facing death.

King Yan lowered his eyes, and the euphorbia in his hand also shone with blood-red light.

"Is this the power of God..." At this time, it was only a few blinks of time before he got the halberd.

The black dragon that could easily ravage him was already as crazy as he was.

In his heart, his devotion to God became more and more fanatical.

King Yan raised his head and looked at the Huagai Star, which was gradually becoming brighter in the sky.

"God...let me climb to the top of this world with you..."

At that time, no matter what Lunzhuan Road, Zenlin Temple or Chengping Road, there will be skeletons on the road.

Suddenly, a stream of golden stars flashed across King Yan's eyes.

The star stream continued to expand, and seemed to be heading towards him.

Is this... a shooting star?

Doubts flashed through King Yan's mind, but at the next moment, a breath of horror quickly came to him.

Not long ago, Feng Zidu used this golden flame to completely burn his body.

The energy body condensed by countless thoughts was completely destroyed in an instant.

That feeling of power was deeply rooted in King Yan's perception of Feng Zidu's power.

After witnessing it with his own eyes, he felt that he was even more difficult to defeat.

King Yan took a deep breath, and the euphorbia in his hand gave him an extremely peaceful feeling.

But the most frightening thing about Feng Zidu is that he can dispel the divine realm.

Let a god-worshipper lose his most important terrifying resilience.

When the time comes, he will even be able to be resurrected in front of God.

But how is it any different from these inferior resurrectors?

He didn't know how Feng Zidu was able to do this, but he could only guess whether Feng Zidu worshiped a god like him.

He had just witnessed the power of the gods not long ago, the power of a thought projection.

If the true form of the god comes, how powerful should it be?

In his mind, the only ones who can fight against the gods are the gods.

If there really was a god standing behind Feng Zidu, he didn't know what he should do.

The power of the euphorbia in King Yan's hand gradually became stronger, and the relaxation and ease in his heart suddenly changed.

At this time, he could see the stream of fire and rain stars in the sky.

When he saw the Bi Yuewu heading towards Zi Weiyuan, he couldn't help but feel nervous.

King Yan gritted his teeth and his body reached its peak in an instant.

In an instant, blood mist enveloped his whole body, and he became one with the blood mist.

He instantly seemed to turn into a piece of bloody wind, taking advantage of the momentum to move forward and rush onto the falling stars.

Following a violent explosion, the golden flame burned away the blood mist surrounding King Yan.

But he was not worried. Instead, he showed a hint of joy in his heart.

Last time in the vast sea, I had no resistance at all to Feng Zidu's golden flowing fire.

The moment you encounter it, all your thoughts will be ignited at the same time.

He simply couldn't think of any resistance.

But at this time, he was actually able to control this blood mist to fight against the golden flames!

To him, the blood mist is nothing more than harvesting some mortal life.

The bodies of hundreds of thousands of people in Zhasa's capital were all lying underground, along with the three hundred thousand troops brought by Emperor Fengyu.

Now my blood mist field can be said to be almost infinite.

Unless the opponent is much stronger than yourself in terms of strength.

The blood in King Yan's eyes was burning. After believing in the gods, his self-confidence was extremely expanded.

Even Feng Zidu, the imperial master who had been invincible to the Great Zhou Dynasty for thousands of years, was somewhat indifferent to him at this time.

Thousands of miles of grassland and the corpses and lives hidden underground are constantly providing him with strength.

The belief in gods supported his undefeated soul.

Now, both in terms of strength and mentality, I have reached an extreme level!

"bring it on……"

The next moment, a familiar figure appeared in King Yan's eyes again.

"Feng Zidu..."

He murmured.

The Feng Zidu who came into his eyes was still expressionless, his eyes were empty and lifeless, without any trace of desire for the world.

King Yan's mood gradually reached its peak at this time.


With the euphorbia in front of him, he felt that his heart was already surging.

Killing Feng Zidu was a wish that he had hidden in his heart a long time ago.

Now, there is hope.

Feng Zidu remained motionless, holding a flower in his hand.

A mighty big moon appeared in front of King Yan.

He was a little disdainful.

This trick again?

After believing in the gods, there is no flaw in your soul.

He would never again be disturbed by others' past events like before.

Any illusion or mind-attacking method is useless when facing yourself!

The euphorbia shook off, and the moon wheel also shattered.

But the moment King Yan touched Feng Zidu's body, he only heard a sound like breaking glass.

Feng Zidu in front of him actually disappeared at this moment.

King Yan's eyes also fell into darkness, and he only heard a voice without any emotion coming into his ears.

"Duan Chan·Asking the Heart."

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