I! Game Designer! Drive the Little Girl Crazy at the Start

Chapter 321 Being in the Dragon Country is my pride

Xia Siying pulled her mother to watch the video together.

The first wave of netizens and players who watched the video reacted from the shock.

All of them took a deep breath, their blood pulsed, and they felt numb.

Some of them were still in tears at this time, and the moment they saw the last sentence, tears spewed out.

Xie Xian patted Song Zhi, who was leaning on his shoulder and burst into tears, and he also had many feelings in his heart.

He really did not expect that Qiu Yaoyang would choose such a tough stance in the face of the contempt and suppression of foreign players.

Especially after they made it clear that they looked down on the Dragon Kingdom.

When faced with questions and abuse from foreign players, the first reaction of the players was to help Qiu Yaoyang to scold him back.

Only Qiu Yaoyang turned his face because Long Guo was scolded.

It's been almost two years, this is a rare positive response from Qiu Yaoyang.

Powerful and powerful!

But now after watching the video on "May 13", he was enlightened, and he suddenly understood Qiu Yaoyang's psychology—

For Qiu Yaoyang, no matter how many words attacking him, he can turn a blind eye.

But when it comes to the national level, it cannot be tolerated at all.

Dragons have inverse scales, and they will be angry if they touch them!

Qiu Yaoyang's inverse scale is obviously the dignity and pride of the country.

As a native of the Dragon Kingdom, maintaining the pride of the country is a must.

Xie Xian stroked his girlfriend's back and comforted her, but he couldn't help but admire Qiu Yaoyang in his heart.

It's like realizing it for the first time.

Like Qiu Yaoyang, maybe that's what a real Dragon Country person should do!

Qiu Yaoyang is proving with actions that the people of Longguo have never been afraid!


After watching the video for the first time on the Internet, the influence exploded, and countless players left messages on Qiu Yaoyang's Weibo.

"Fuck! The defense is broken, this wave is really bursting with tears, Qiu Thief, you are too good!"

"I have put down Xia Xing Xing and Endless Deep Space, and I will definitely play more civilizations in the future!"

"Dad is very satisfied with this video, but unfortunately there is no foreign language version, such a good video, the foreign group of Dogecoin probably can't understand it."

"Subtitles are already working overtime!!!"

"Isn't it, I'm still doing civilized dynasties mixed-cutting, thief Qiu suddenly pulled the level of mixed-cutting videos to such a high level, this is something that can be done by human beings? !!!”

Players play all kinds of treasures to ease their excitement, but netizens praise them all.

Many netizens are not stingy with their compliments on social platforms, and take the initiative to watch videos with relatives and friends around Amway.

On major social platforms, the video released by Qiu Yaoyang will always be at the top of the list, and the entire Dragon Kingdom is shocked.

"Qiu Yaoyang is the director who was delayed by the game... No, he is the host who was delayed by the game. This line is also very good!"

"I feel like he is definitely more than just a game designer, whether it's historical background, line skills, editing techniques, calligraphy and calligraphy... I have a friend who works in Xia Ke Shiyou, and she said that Qiu Yaoyang did it all by himself. Yes! I'm shocked!"

"I'm also shocked. Is there such a big gap between people? But this video is really burning, and now I really feel that our country has become stronger."

The effect of the video has never been better.

#Dragon Kingdom#

#Being in the Dragon Country is my pride#

#We Longguo people have never been afraid#

Countless related entries have sprung up on Weibo like mushrooms after a rain.

It seems that the door to patriotic feelings has been completely opened, just like opening the floodgates to release the water, full of emotions spewing out, creating a patriotic carnival on the Internet.

The seeds that were previously buried in Qiu Yaoyang's civilization exploded because of this video, quickly took root and grew into a towering tree.

After them, more companions joined in and became part of the carnival.

On the Internet, a bright red.

That is, Long Guohong.


The conference room of the Long Xuan Department.

Everyone gathered together to further discuss how to publicize and carry forward the history and culture of the Dragon Kingdom.

Just as he was talking, one of the members of the Long Xuan Department glanced at his mobile phone and exclaimed.

The deputy minister was interrupted, frowned, and looked at the person who made the sound.

"If there is something urgent, you can go out and deal with it. I have said many times before, don't play with your phone in meetings..."

"Deputy Minister! I, I saw Weibo!"

The exclaimed member blushed, and he didn't know whether it was the shame of being caught playing with his mobile phone, or the real excitement.

She stood up holding the phone, attracting everyone's attention, but at the moment she had no time to take care of other things, so she gestured for the phone...

"Now the hot searches on Weibo are all related to 'Dragon Kingdom'. The effect we wanted to achieve, Qiu Yaoyang helped us achieve it!"

She spoke very fast, with surprise and joy in her tone.

In the solemn and quiet conference room, the atmosphere suddenly became lively.

Several leaders took the lead to take out their mobile phones to check Weibo.

Other members followed suit.

Li Chengming put down the pen in his hand and turned on his mobile phone. Sure enough, Weibo pushed a new hot search message.

Eight of the top ten articles are related to patriotism, and the words "hot" and "explosive" are on the back of the topic.

This shows that these topics have attracted the attention of many people.

The goal that has been busy for nearly half a year has finally been achieved. Li Chengming is happy, but also a little bit at a loss.

They are happy that their goal has finally been achieved, but they are dazed that they have not made any particularly effective measures. The most recent big move is the civilization that praised Qiu Yaoyang on the official blog.

Why did netizens suddenly start paying attention to Long Guolai?

Li Chengming seemed to have a clear understanding in his heart, and perhaps only that man could do this.

As he thought about it, he clicked on Weibo's hot search, and sure enough, the most popular among them was Qiu Yaoyang's Weibo.

"People from the Dragon Kingdom have never been afraid of it since ancient times..."

In one sentence, plus a video, the likes, comments, and reposts have exceeded one million, and it has only been two hours since Qiu Yaoyang's Weibo post.

Weibo can have such a big popularity, and the premise that his game civilization was angered by foreign players before 5.4, many netizens paid attention to such a game, but the focus is definitely on the two-hour video.

Seeing that video, Li Chengming muttered in a low voice.

"Is it to deal with the pressure from those foreign players before? This is too straightforward, but it's good!"

As he spoke, he heard the noise in the conference room, and as soon as he looked up, he saw the video on the video website on the projection in the conference room.

In order to know what Qiu Yaoyang did, the minister spoke and watched the video together.

All the staff of the Long Xuan Department put down their mobile phones and focused on the projection screen.

The bgm sounded, and Qiu Yaoyang's narration accompanied the music, unfolding to them the dragon country five thousand years ago...

And the barrage that was adjusted to translucent flashed wildly, occupying the full screen. .

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