I! Game Designer! Drive the Little Girl Crazy at the Start

Chapter 325 Genius is always beyond the reach of others

"This video can do it!"

In a slightly quaint three-bedroom and two-hall.

Zhou Tianhua leaned on the sofa, watched the projected video, and continued to appreciate it.

He has been fascinated by the traditional culture of the Dragon Kingdom since the last time he watched the promotional video of Civilization.

Now seeing the promotional video sent by Qiu Yaoyang, from the professional point of view of shooting and directing, he is full of praise.

"I'll just say, Qiu Yaoyang has the potential to be a director. From ancient times to the present, the domineering of the ancients, the chivalrous man to save the country, to the power of the Dragon Kingdom now, layer by layer, ignites the audience's emotions, from this point of view ,He succeeded."

"If it weren't for the fact that I was shooting Endless Deep Space now, I would really like to try a historical theme..."

Zhou Tianhua's eyes were bright, and he couldn't help frowning when he thought of those foreign players who were not willing to play games and wanted to destroy them.

The little assistant was sitting on the sofa next to him. After watching the video, he was extremely excited, and his breathing was a lot faster.

Seeing Zhou Tianhua frowning, he was silent for a while, and then said -.

"It's not a day or two for those people to slander the Dragon Kingdom, but Director Zhou, you must be content with being a human being, let's finish filming the endless deep space first..."

Seeing what Zhou Tianhua wanted to say, the assistant reminded him blankly.

"Endless Deep Space is a Spring Festival, not a summer vacation. The actors and filming team are in place, and the funds are in place. It can't be postponed any longer."

Zhou Tianhua's countless excuses for wanting to postpone were gagged and unable to come out.

"Okay, you don't need to say any more."

He interrupted what the assistant was still trying to persuade, pressed the remote control to turn off the projection, and Bai Lai turned on the TV bored.

On the TV, there was the Longview main station, which coincidentally played the promotional video of Qiu Yaoyang.

Qiu Yaoyang and his civilization were on TV again, and it was reported that it was remarkable.

Zhou Tianhua's eyes lit up, and he looked up with energy.

"Today, Qiu Yaoyang, the designer of the game [Civilization], made a promotional video to show the great power of the Dragon Kingdom from ancient times to the present, which caused a lot of shock on the Internet. We admire our ancestors, and we can say it now, Today's prosperous world, as you wish!"

The host of Longguo’s main station definitely passed the test. When the host finally said that sentence, Zhou Tianhua’s eyes were slightly wet, thinking of Qiu Yaoyang’s narration in the video, it made me want to cry. sense of purpose.

Zhou Tianhua lowered his eyes and couldn't help but sigh.

"It seems that Qiu Yaoyang has the potential not only to be a director, but also suitable to be a host..."

This talent, I don't know if it was delayed by the game production, but just think that Qiu Yaoyang's game can now affect millions of people and let them rekindle their love for the motherland.

Zhou Tianhua suddenly felt that this was not a hidden potential.

Some people can always do things that others can't do in their entire lives.

Such people are called geniuses by ordinary people.

Qiu Yaoyang is a genius.


Regarding the game that was praised twice by Longguo Headquarters, Longguo's netizens hadn't said anything yet, and the foreign media had already started screaming.

Qiu Yaoyang, they have heard of it, because of the endless deep space and my war, they entered the attention of foreign players.

There are also the Xia Ke Xing and the opening of the Heavenly Soldier Engine, which are appreciated by the Longguo General Station. . . .

Just do a random search about Qiu Yaoyang, and there are definitely a lot in Long Kingdom.

For foreign countries, it seems that they have been deliberately suppressed and disappeared. There is very little information.

In this regard, the media, how can they not know that this is the means of competitors.

"It seems that Qiu Yaoyang of the Dragon Country does threaten the interests of many people..."

"And I watched the game called Civilization, and it got a lot of praise in the Dragon Kingdom, but there are a lot of bad reviews here?"

"It seems that the players on our side feel discriminated against in the game, and then retaliate against the game."

"Yes, yes, there is a lot of controversy, the topic and heat are all over, just wait for them to quarrel."

All the media workers came to this conclusion with the joy of about to report the big news on their faces.

They don't care whether the report will break the plans of those game manufacturers, like a hunting dog, chasing the most valuable news.

Soon, the news is out.

#In addition to making games, there are many skills - take you to explore the talented game designer of Longguo#

#Qiu Yaoyang, a man who was praised by the Dragon Kingdom official#

Numerous news occupied the news page of the day.

On Little Bluebird, many news media described the game designer Longguo very objectively, and this objective description is simply a compliment of Qiu Yaoyang's 360 degrees without dead ends.

"Reinvigorated the game industry of the Dragon Kingdom, brought other game manufacturers, developed the Tianbing engine and the second generation of the Tianbing engine, and created the Xia Ke Shiyou Company and the Xia Zhe Platform..."


The golden glittering resume is so dazzling that it will even make people suspicious.

If it weren't for the fact that these media are more authoritative, they would even think that this is the news written in an entertainment tabloid that likes to make up.

"Is there really such a powerful game designer? Why do I always feel that the Xia Zhe platform is so familiar. With the STM platform, I don't know why he wants to create another game platform......"

"Isn't this the game designer we boycotted before? The one who made the game of civilization, the game he made, discriminates against us! It's not as good as Ark, or 9042, which is about to open a league soon, really, Longguo did not good game."

"That is, I really don't know why they want to make a swollen face and make a fat man, saying that they want to do our history, but what did they do to win our history, is it good to deceive themselves? The people of Longguo have always been suppressed by us, okay? , a group of cowards, speechless..."


There are various foreign comments, some netizens who do not know why, and some players who have a negative attitude towards the game.

Brian frowned in disgust when he saw the media reports. Black Games and Heilongguo had simply become conditioned reflexes.

Under the comments reported by foreign media, there are many navy sunspots who have made accusations.

Even if there are foreign players who support Qiu Yaoyang, they will only be drowned in the scolding of others, somewhat powerless.

Even those foreign media who were expecting a quarrel between the two sides were a little disappointed after seeing the one-sidedness in the comment area.

It's a pity, it seems that those game giants who are doing monopoly have long been prepared, and they don't want Qiu Yaoyang to have any chance of getting up.

I'm afraid I won't be able to see...

However, just when they were disappointed, on the little blue bird, Longguo officially issued a promotional video.

#大孱大国, Zhao Zhao Destiny#

That promotional video was processed by Qiu Yaoyang and converted into a foreign language video.

Two-hour videos are rare on Little Bluebird.

However, Longguo officials did not give preferential treatment abroad, and only a few people saw this video and went in to watch it out of curiosity.

In the video, the picture and music have not changed, but Qiu Yaoyang's narration has been changed into a foreign language, and it still sounds unique.

"The Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period were the most splendid eras of the culture of the Dragon Kingdom." Guang.

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