127 – Han Soo-ho (4)

His face hardened with tension.

Suho looking at me creaking like a machine.

There were many emotions in his eyes.

Confusion, sadness, perplexity, doubt…

Looking at him, Moonssak opened his mouth first.

“I knew from the beginning. The fact that you were betrayed by the older sister you loved. And that Sword Saint Kang Baek-ho was killed by Xia Han, not your father who died in his honor.”

“… how… how… that.”

“I know how lonely you must have been and how painful it must have been. Not only that, but the fact that I tried to walk the right path as a hero.”

I had no choice but to know. I am the one who shares his journey more than anyone else.

‘no… ‘


Knowing is just deception.

Did I sincerely face Suho, this child in front of me?

I raised my head.

I saw him hesitating and stepping back.

He could see that his breathing was disturbed.

Following his family, he now fears being betrayed by his precious friend.

yeah i had to admit

The person in front of me is not the Han Su-ho from the game I knew.

He is not a wonderful hero who advances without succumbing to any evil.

He was nothing more than a pitiful child, insecure, longing for affection, and barely brushing away wounds.

So I sincerely regret it.

The me who thought and expected that he would overcome anything because he was a hero or a hero…

I regret myself for not being of any help.

‘So at least for now… ‘

I really wanted to save him.

“Suho. Remember the bet?”

“… What about listening to the winner?”

“Can I decide now?”

He looked at me for a while.

“great. Tell Siu first.”

“If I win, that sword at the waist. give up.”

“… Is that all?”

“No, there is one more.”

“… What’s so boring… ”

“Come with me, let’s go to the saintess and return the qualifications of a hero.”

“… … ”

Suho was silent for a long time at those words. I could see the focus of the eyes gradually disappearing.

“… what does it mean?”

“I don’t think you can handle the weight of being a hero right now.”

“gibberish. I have the greatest talent among all warriors. And that power is also in perfect control. Other than me, who the hell is going to be a hero?”

I shook my head.

“It is not a question of strength. It is the most important mission matter as a hero.”

“… mission?”

“A hero is a being who protects this world. An existence that received the power of a goddess for that purpose. And the most important thing is to save someone.”

“Am I saying it’s not enough? With my strength, I can defeat any evil without yielding. I can protect them all!”

“But you couldn’t save yourself.”

I saw him with his mouth shut.

“Suho, the one who hates himself more than anyone else in the world is you. You are the one who blames yourself for not stopping your father’s death that day, and yourself for not stopping your sister. How can a person who hates himself save others?”

He seemed to be looking for something to refute. But in the end, there was no answer.

took one step forward.

“This is a story told by someone I recently met.”

“Even if that person said, you can lean on me if you’re having a hard time, you can take a little break, you can talk together instead of hugging yourself.”

“I don’t think I have anything to say, but I wanted to tell you even if it was just me.”

his trembling gesture.

“Suho, there is no need to be weighed down by the qualifications of a warrior. You are enough as you are now.”

“I am not saying to give up everything. I’m just going to lay down my qualifications for a moment. Let’s go a little slower. Let’s go look around for a bit. And be a person who can forgive yourself.”

“Until then, I will be by your side no matter what happens.”

“… … ”

Eyes staring at me. His throbbing heart seemed to be visible.

But he shook his head and turned around.

“I’m okay.”


“Siwoo, thank you for saying that. So, I will tell you one truth of this world.”

An unknown spark rose from his eyes.

“In this world, power is everything. It is an overwhelming force, not an ordinary one. A person with more power than anyone else must establish justice in this world. We need to build a system that tolerates neither evil nor disorder.”

“… … ”

“I can do it. I feel like I’ve been getting stronger lately. I’ll prove it to you. And I’ll show you. That I am right.”

He took a moment to catch his breath.

“I should also tell you the terms of the bet. if i win Be mine, Siwoo.”

“… … ”

“I won’t do anything serious. Just trust me until the end and follow me. Be the person who never betrays me under any circumstances. And be the first to be with me at the destination of my dream. That is my condition.”

I closed my eyes.

‘It would have been nice if it could have been solved with words, but… There’s no way that’s the case.’

“I will.”

“… … ”

Looking at me, he forced his lips up.

“Just next week… It’s a formal sparring.”


“… at that time… see.”


He slowly turned around.

The back view that goes away without looking back.

“… Whoa… ”

He sighed softly.

I turned my head to face the huge statue.

“Don’t worry too much. Son, I will try something. So will you help me during Dalian?”

A statue that doesn’t say anything as if it were natural. As I watched it, I made up my mind inwardly.

bang! The ground shook with the sound of an explosion.

A training room full of equipment.

A boy running with lightning-like movements.

Training robots appeared everywhere and wrapped around him.

[Training DS-Scarecrow Mecha appears×10]

“Whoa… ”

Legs pushed forward. A naturally slender waist. I exhaled.

The aura of indigo was wrapped around the whole body.

[Requiem law is in effect! Physical abilities improve. Continuously recovers mental strength and replaces it with ‘ki’!]

A boy with an open mouth.

“… Is it like this?”

Yoo Si-woo speaks as if he is talking to someone. He corrected his posture little by little and put his hand on his waist.

[Summon Ernel Longsword (C+) for training.]

A blue longsword that appears instantly.

Concentrating his energy on the blade, he unleashed it.

A silver sword spread around him.

Drawing a bright full moon, I saw all the approaching mechas cut in two at once.

Paperweight! I shook my head as I looked at the wreckage lying on the floor.

“… It’s not going as well as I thought.”

【Still, you’ve improved a lot in a short period of time. This is an amazing achievement, sir.]

A deep voice in my head.

I raised my head and looked behind me.

There was a man swaying with a blurry shape.

Long ponytailed hair with a uniform that seems to show the passage of time. And a longsword worn at the waist.

Anyone would know that he was a cosplayer or a member of a long-established swordsmanship family, but in his time, it was a normal outfit.

[The Seeker’s Martial Arts (A-) is active!]

[Advisor (B+) is active!]

[Calling the founder and receiving help!]

[This is a heroic existence]

[You get mental pollution as time goes by!]

[He is a person who is friendly to you.]

Sorry, I opened my mouth.

“Sorry. You were suddenly summoned from an unknown place, and you teach swordsmanship to someone you’ve never seen before.”

【No, on the contrary. Yeonja. Didn’t you say that from the beginning? If you don’t call us, we’re specters that are nothing more than records.]

“but… ”

A man shaking his head.

【Yearer. I warn you again, but don’t give us your heart, your time. To you, we may not know how to be teachers and benefactors, but that is always your position.]

【I still feel it little by little. The voices of resentment asked whether it was right to take the body of the performer and run wild, wouldn’t it be unfair, the heroes who dominated a history, and furthermore, the gods worshiped by everyone in the world should be imprisoned like this?]

“… … ”

【I heard that you encountered Brahma Heaven when you first met the tombstone. Is it right?】

“Yes, I borrowed his power for a while to use ‘Kalpa’s Up’.”

【Do you know his true identity?】

He hesitated and nodded.

“Brahma of Indian mythology… is not it?”

【Accurately, one of the names referring to him. However, that doesn’t mean its presence disappears. Because it’s one of the three. I’m glad he has a good heart. If he harbored malice from the beginning, he would have been in trouble as he was still immature.]

“… ”

[Always be careful, Yeonja. And don’t look at the top of the tombstone until you’re a little stronger. The higher you climbed, the more people with absurd beliefs lined up.]

【Simply reciting the name written there will have a strong influence on you. A name is not a mere designation, but a commanding spirit with strong power in itself. It is the power to count one’s presence in the world.]

Sincere advice. I bowed my head towards him.

“… Thank you. What should I call you?”

The man chuckled and shook his head.

【Your name when you were a hero is not important. don’t you know We are not real beings. It was only through the absurd mystery of your system that you gained your self and were endowed with power and dignity. In the end, it is nothing more than a simple illusion and a made-up fictional character.]

【I’m sure the swordsmanship I have is nothing more than something created by unknown beings.】

“… … ”

【Don’t make that face. I am truly grateful to you. You are the one who makes me feel alive. … There was a lot of talk like this. Yeonja. Grab the sword again. Two hours a day is too short, so I’ll teach you as much as you can.]


I closed my eyes and concentrated my mind.

In line with that, a massive mecha stepped out.

A fighting machine with six arms. Each was holding a long polearm.

[Ernel Match-Sixteen-appears!]

【Concentrate. Refine your breathing first. Breathing is the most important thing for humans. I feel life through breathing and draw life through breathing. By controlling your breathing, you can control everything within yourself. Yeonja. You have already mastered your own breathing technique. So you don’t need to learn anything else. feel and refine Look inside yourself and be sure of your own strength.]

Make sure to read from noble mtl dot com

Grabbed the sword The seething power began to fluctuate.

The man’s voice resonated in my head and was guided through my whole body step by step.

Mysterious ripples spread. A cracked floor cracked by advance angles.

The unleashed sword caused a sword attack.

[I am receiving advice from the swordsman of the Goryeo Dynasty!]

[I will cast Chilgok Sword 1 Gyeoksan Chilgok!]

[This is an immature skill. Add-ons do not work properly. The power is downgraded.]

Jiang! A silver sword that spreads.

With a clear feeling, I saw Sixteen’s waist split in two.

Perbung! Debris lying on the floor with the explosion. He looked down at it and let out a heavy breath.

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