"You have five minutes to think, and after five minutes, the game will officially start."

"There is only one winner of this game."

"The winner will receive 00 billion, of which we will take [-] billion as a commission."

Lin Fei looked around, but no one left.

All are silent.

Since everyone is here, it is not to quit.

Everyone's eyes are fixed on [-] billion.

Five minutes passed quickly, the clown tapped on the table, and everyone turned to him.

"From now on, you have entered the game link."

: Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a collection, ask for an evaluation, ask for a reward, ask for a full order Feilu reminds you: three things to read and collect

Chapter 91 The fate of the gambler 【Seeking full order】

The Joker starts hosting the game.

"The theme of this game is called the fate of the gambler."

"Please bring the game props to the staff."

The clown ordered.

The staff came over and put a pair of strap-on video glasses, a pen, and a stack of white paper in front of each game participant.

"Please wear it."

The clown made a gesture.

Lin Fei put on the video glasses, a real-time image immediately appeared in his left eye, and he could see everything in the room perfectly with his right eye.

Others must be like that too.

The video shows a man in his thirties with disheveled hair and red eyes.

He stood in front of the gaming table with empty hands, but looked at other gamblers obsessively.

"What everyone sees with the left eye is the live broadcast."

"Now in front of everyone is a gambler who has been gambling in the casino for a day and a night."

"He has lost all his chips and his last penny. He is your game prop."

The clown's voice appeared in everyone's ears.

His voice was calm and cold, and he didn't seem to think of the gambler as a person at all.

Lin Fei's eyes narrowed, he didn't expect that the game prop in this game was a person.

This is exactly what the little prince Baal said.

Every time the organized game is different, the rules are different every time, and there will never be repetitions.

"I will introduce the rules of the first round of game clearance below."

"Then someone will come and lend money to the gambler, and the first round of the question is, how much will the gambler borrow?"

"Each game participant will write down the answer on a piece of paper for a time limit of two minutes."

"The two game participants with the largest difference between the answer and the amount borrowed by the gambler will be eliminated, and the remaining five will enter the second round."

"Two minutes timer."

"Start now!"

After the clown announced the rules, he took out the timer and started timing.

The room was silent for a while, and everyone began to ponder.

The person sitting in the first place wears a sheep head mask and is a bit thin.

"It's not that difficult!"

He laughed suddenly, breaking the silence of the room.

"Not difficult"

The game participants in the room all raised their heads and looked at the goat head.

"It's not just guessing how much the gambler will borrow"

"Then we have to analyze the psychological state of this... gambler."

Sheep-headed man is like a good-hearted person, and begins to analyze without anyone else.

"First of all, he is a gambler, which is the premise of our guess."

"Who is a gambler?"

"Gamblers are a group of people who want to win even after winning. When they lose money, they want to win back even more."

The clown didn't interfere with the goathead's speech, and let him question and answer himself there.

The goat-headed man smiled.

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