"Then there is nothing we can do"

"We can only helplessly lose Fanuc"

"Grandpa, are you really willing"

Inaba Keiko's eyes turned red.

She seems to like the company.

This is also, a family has worked hard for this company for generations, and of course she will have feelings.

Inabagawa kept his mouth shut and did not speak. Of course he also had feelings, but the situation in front of him forced him to make a decision.

"Actually I have a suggestion."

Lin Fei spoke up.

"Mr. Lin"

"What do you suggest"

Inabagawa looked at him.

"Miss Inaba, don't be sad."

"After I acquired a controlling stake."

"You can be hired as the president of FANUC, and you can continue to lead FANUC forward."

Lin Fei laughed.

Inaba Keiko did not expect Lin Fei to say such a thing.

She thought that after Lin Fei acquired the controlling stake in Fanuc, all the Inaba family members would leave.

"What you said is true"

She raised her beautiful eyes and looked at Lin Fei in disbelief.

"of course it's true."

"I also want to invite your grandfather, Mr. Inaba, to be the advisor to the president."

Lin Fei nodded.

He did this also for the development of FANUC. The current FANUC company is inseparable from the people of the Inaba family, and he needs the people of the Inaba family to do their best.

Fanuc still has many old employees. Without Mr. Inaba, he was worried that those people would leave.

"I promise you."

Inabagawa quickly understood what Lin Fei meant.

In this way, the people of the Inaba family did not actually leave the company, they just managed the company in a different way.

"We need to sign an agreement."

Inaba Keiko is not too worried.

"It's no problem."

Lin Fei nodded.

The two sides initially signed an agreement on this, of course, the specific acquisition matters, Lin Fei intends to hand over to Li Ang to handle.

On the border of the country, Han Fei was in Qisu and they were going to buy Manchester United.

This also requires a process, and the acquisition of a controlling stake in Fanuc will not be completed in two or three days.

Lin Fei said goodbye and left immediately.

But when he left, he made a small request.

In two days, he wants to take some people to visit Fanuc.

Lin Fei thought of Jiang Siyu. She always wanted to visit Fanuc, but she never got her wish.

Inabagawa smiled and nodded, since the controlling stake has been given up, this trivial matter is of course not a problem.

These matters will be handed over to Inaba Keiko, and Lin Fei said that he will contact her.

Afterwards! Lin Fei and Han Bing said goodbye and left, and Kenzo Iki also came out with them.

Iki Kenzo did not expect things to go so smoothly.

He followed Lin Fei once, and Lin Fei became his new boss.

"Mr. Lin!"

"Is there anything else"

"I need to deal with it."

Of course, Kenzo Iki was more respectful to Lin Fei, their identities were no longer the same.

He was a little worried that after Lin Fei became the boss, his position as vice president would not be guaranteed.

"You did a great job today."

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