I have 800,000 private soldiers. The emperor forces me to hand over military power?

Chapter 195: Shelling the Japanese pirates, a great victory in the first battle

The leader of the Japanese pirates, Sakai Takaaki, naturally discovered that the Dragon City Navy fleet was trying to board the ship for inspection. His pair of sinister eyebrows stared straight at the approaching Dragon City Navy boat.

Sakai Takaaki's first reaction was to order the Japanese pirates in the fleet to hide their weapons and pretend to be fishermen going out to sea to get through.

But this idea was rejected by him as soon as it came up.

The naval fleet with the Jinwang flag of the Great New Dynasty hanging in front of them was obviously prepared. Putting down their weapons would only lead to death.

If you give it a try, you might still be able to win a chance.


Sakai Gaoming stared at the Dragon City Navy fleet with sinister eyes, cursed angrily and then ordered: "Send a signal to the fleet immediately and ask them to turn around and evacuate to the waters of the Goguryeo Peninsula at full speed!"

"The crossbowmen of the first ship are ready. As soon as the small boat driven by the Han navy officers and soldiers approaches the first ship, they will shoot arrows at my leader immediately!"


Soon, on the deck of the first ship where Sakai Takaaki was, the flag bearer of the Japanese pirates waved his flag and issued a retreat order to the rest of the pirates in the fleet.

After receiving the order to retreat, the pirate ships immediately became busy, turned the sails, and ordered all the sailors in the crew cabin to go out and go to the power cabin to row the oars desperately, trying to increase the distance between them and the Longcheng Navy fleet.

Unexpectedly, the Japanese pirate ship changed its course and sailed against the sea wind.

Even though the Japanese sailors in the power cabin rowed the oars with all their strength, the ships sailing against the wind on the sea still moved slowly.

On the other hand, the Longcheng Navy fleet was sailing with the wind. The raised masts of the warships were hung with huge sails, which could use the power of the sea wind to provide steady power for the warships. They would soon approach the Japanese pirate fleet.

On the deck of the "Japanese Destroyer" super warship, Jin Wang Chen Huaian, wearing a golden battle armor and holding a monocular, has been closely watching the movements on the Japanese pirates' lead ship with the help of the telescope in his hand.

Chen Huaian saw in the telescope that the navy officers and soldiers who were driving the small boat for inspection had already identified themselves to the Japanese pirates' first ship and were about to board the ship for inspection;

On the big ship full of Japanese pirates, suddenly countless Japanese rogues and samurai rushed to the deck with Japanese swords and murderous intent.

There were even crossbowmen among the Japanese pirates who showed their crossbows directly to the naval officers and soldiers who boarded the ship for inspection.

No, these stupid Japanese pirates are planning to take action directly!

Chen Huai'an's head clacked, and then he loudly ordered to Navy Admiral Qi Jiguang: "General Qi, pass on this king's military order, the Longcheng Navy fleet is advancing at full speed;"

"When you get close to the pirate ship ahead, you don't need to ask for instructions. Just let me bombard them!"

"The general will get the order!"

Navy Admiral Qi Jiguang immediately took the order and left.

Obviously, he also saw the Japanese pirates on the pirate ship. They had already shown the murderous weapons in their hands and were about to attack the small group of naval officers and soldiers who were boarding the ship for inspection.

at the same time.

On the Longcheng Navy boat that was ordered to board the ship for inspection, the Navy Baihu who led the team also discovered that the ship in front of them was carrying a ship of Japanese pirates armed with murderous weapons;

This Baihu revealed his identity and scolded sternly: "Bold pirate, this Baihu is the Dragon City Navy of His Highness King Jin of the New Dynasty, and is being ordered to board the ship for inspection;"

"You pirates and thieves, why don't you quickly put down your weapons and surrender!"

On the other side, this Baihu also hurriedly gave an order: "The shield-bearer defends the enemy, and the sailor quickly turns the bow around and moves closer to the naval fleet!"


At this time, the Japanese pirate leader Sakai Takaaki has revealed his true face of cruelty and violence.

Even though Baihu, the dragon city navy master on the boat, had revealed his identity, it still failed to stop Sakai Gaoming from the cliff. On the contrary, it aroused his desire to win and survive.

Sakai Takaaki pulled out his Japanese sword, pointed the blade directly at the Ryucheng Navy boat, and roared: "Kill the chicken for (attack!)"




Following Sakai Gaoming's order, countless Japanese pirates' crossbowmen on the pirate ship he was on raised their bows and arrows and fired arrows at the officers and soldiers of the Dragon City Navy.

Fortunately, the naval officers and soldiers on the boat responded in advance and used the shields in their hands to resist most of the arrow attacks from the Japanese crossbowmen.

Even if the arrows slipped through the net and hit the navy officers and soldiers after passing through the gap between the shields, they were blocked by the heavy armor of the navy officers and soldiers and failed to harm the navy officers and soldiers at all.

At this time, the importance of heavy armor is reflected!

Chen Huaian spent a lot of money to build the Longcheng Navy into a world-class navy.

Not only all members of the Navy are super elite soldiers, but the weapons and equipment used are also equipped according to the requirements of elite troops. Black armor and ring-shou swords are standard equipment.

It is no exaggeration to say that even if the officers and soldiers of the Dragon City Navy land and fight ashore, their combat effectiveness is comparable to that of the infantry and cavalry of the Dragon City troops.

Therefore, even if the Japanese pirates had the upper hand, they could not take advantage of the officers and soldiers of the Longcheng Navy.

On the contrary, the Japanese pirates dared to attack the officers and soldiers of the Longcheng Navy Fleet in broad daylight, which immediately aroused the anger of the navy officers and soldiers;

Today, if we cannot drive all these Japanese pirates to the Yellow Sea to feed the fish, it will be in vain that His Highness the King of Jin spent huge sums of money to equip the officers and soldiers of the Longcheng Navy.

"Target, the pirate ship in the sea ahead, fire a salvo of six guns, let go!"

The first one to approach the pirate fleet was a medium-sized warship from the Dragon City Navy fleet, equipped with six cannons on the left and right wings.

Navy Qianhu, who was responsible for commanding the battle, decisively issued the order to fire the gun after the Japanese pirate ship entered the range of the artillery.




The next moment, all the Japanese pirates and warriors on the pirate ship in the coastal waters of the Yellow Sea were stunned.

They all pricked up their ears and looked around, trying to find the source of the sound that was like a thunderbolt from the blue in the vast sea.

However, they saw that one of the pirate team's ships actually caught fire out of thin air. The Japanese pirates on the deck were running around and screaming, as if they had seen a ghost in broad daylight.

Before the other Japanese pirates, who were confused, could react, the overwhelming sound of cannons exploded one after another, finally allowing these Japanese pirates to see the world for a moment.

"Target, the pirate ship in the sea ahead, fire a salvo of six guns, let go!"

"Target, the pirate ship in the sea ahead, fire a salvo of twelve guns, let go!"

In an instant, all the warships of the Longcheng Navy fleet were mixed with the Japanese pirate fleet.

After entering the range of the artillery, the artillery of the Dragon City Navy fleet warship burst out the roar of the Eastern dragon on the endless Yellow Sea, shaking the earth and soaring into the sky!




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