I have a magic dice of destiny

Chapter 238 Artificial Man

It is indeed the furnace-exploding elixir, exactly the same as the one I obtained before.

The elixir is installed on the life map detector and seems to be used as a component.

Chen Qi carefully tested it and found that he was indeed right.

Strange, isn't this thing a lump of earth?

But looking at this posture, it seems that this elixir is really not an ordinary stone!

Out of caution, Chen Qi did not mess with the life map detector, but casually opened the archive information on the side and began to browse carefully.

At the beginning, Chen Qi was a little careless.

But gradually, Chen Qi's expression became more serious.

At the end, Chen Qi's heart began to vibrate like a giant drum, and he didn't know whether it was shock or excitement.


Hey, I am indeed a country bumpkin from a small place.

This world is amazing.

The water on Shengxian Island is so deep!

After a long time, Chen Qi closed the last document, feeling a little erratic.

He hadn't been so shocked for a long time.

Chen Qi originally thought that the materials on the bookcase recorded various experiments on transforming people.

But the reality gave him a huge surprise.

Although the frog man is a bit mysophobic, he is definitely a studious person.

This guy must have searched other laboratories. The files on the bookcase only accounted for a small part of the content related to human transformation.

More content involves some taboo areas that Chen Qi has never heard of.



After some operations, Chen Qi activated the life map detector in front of him.

A big rabbit that he had just caught was fixed in front of the life map detector by Chen Qi.

As the life map detector flashed, psychic rays were projected onto the big rabbit.

It is extremely strange that these psychic rays seem to be very penetrating, but they can also interfere with life in some way.

Anyway, after these rays penetrated the big rabbit, they projected a map of the rabbit's life on a curtain in the laboratory.

It was a fuzzy rabbit whose entire body was made of blue light spots.

The blue light spots represent the basic matrix of life. This rabbit is just an ordinary life form. There seems to be no problem with the life matrix.

The matrix of life is not equivalent to genetic genes, it also contains various elements that constitute living entities.

The light spot is blue, which means that this rabbit does not have any extraordinary genes, and the parts that make up its body do not contain extraordinary elements.

Based on the current test results, this rabbit is just an ordinary life form.

But as Chen Qi operated the life map detector again, this time the psychic rays no longer directly penetrated the big rabbit, but were first injected into the elixir and then projected onto the rabbit.

Incredibly, some black spots appeared in the rabbit image that was originally composed of blue light spots on the curtain.


Black represents the unknown.

But since it is distinguished from blue, it means that there are extraordinary factors in that area.

That is to say, this ordinary rabbit in front of you does not really have extraordinary elements involved in the life matrix.

This is an application of the elixir discovered by the Biochemical Path.

This thing is really not just Tuge Tower, but most of the laboratories of the Biochemical Path are also centered around the power of elixir.

The project of transforming people is just a casual project. It is mainly driven by the animal path and the Shura path.

Chen Qi stared at the black area on the curtain and was lost in thought for a long time.

He just used a rabbit he caught casually for the experiment, and the experimental subjects of the Biochemical Path not only included the life in Shengxian Island, but also captured many species from the outside world.

According to the experimental data obtained by Chen Qi from archives, it can be said that as long as it is life, there are black areas in its life map.

The more powerful and complex the life is, the larger those black areas will be.

Therefore, the Tao of Biochemistry came to the conclusion that the birth of life is an extraordinary phenomenon.

As for what those black areas actually contain, Biochemical Dao himself has not figured it out, at least not all of it.


Chen Qi tapped on the life map detector again.

The black patches in the rabbit's life map began to enlarge dramatically and were divided into fine details.

Soon, a black ring appeared on the screen.

The black circle itself represents a part that is still unknown.

Within the ring, the original black color has turned into other clearly visible colors.

These colorful spots represent extraordinary genetic fragments.

But this rabbit did not acquire these genetic fragments through blood inheritance.

It's just infected with a paranormal virus.

According to the understanding of biochemistry, after the death of extraordinary creatures, the extraordinary blood vessels disintegrate.

But this is not the end.

The genetic fragments left behind by the disintegration of blood vessels still have some activity and can cause contamination to other weak life forms.

They named it the Extraordinary Virus.

Biochemical Taoists even believe that all viruses in the world are caused by the disintegration of genes of living organisms.

This refers not only to extraordinary genes, but also to the genes of ordinary life.

That is, the genetic fragments left behind by ordinary life after death create viruses in the world.

Chen Qi didn't know whether the theory of biochemical path was correct, but at least the theory of extraordinary virus was completely established.

When he had mastered the fragments of life authority before, he discovered that the collapse of the extraordinary bloodline gene would have an impact on other lives.

But this kind of pollution is very slight. Even ordinary life has life magnetic field and spirituality as defense, and will basically not be affected.

Once the time is too long, these pollutions will be automatically purified by the world.

But now it seems that his past understanding is still too simple.


The extraordinary gene fragments in the big rabbit were born after being infected with the extraordinary virus, which is equivalent to a replica.

The content is not only tiny, but also hidden, so it is still ordinary life.

But as long as it is infected with enough extraordinary viruses, by chance, these extraordinary gene fragments are combined together, and they can change from recessive to dominant.

This is the birth of [Extraordinary Organ].

It's a pity that ordinary life is too weak to bear the growth of [extraordinary organs]. Without enough nutrients, extraordinary organs can only grow into cancer cells and tumors.

The main research of the Biochemical Path here is to synthesize a super virus.

After humans are injected with this virus, the original extraordinary gene fragments in the body will recombine and grow, giving birth to [extraordinary organs].

According to biochemical research, humans have been infected with the same extraordinary virus more than once.

The number of extraordinary gene fragments contained in the human body is beyond imagination.

As long as the research on super viruses is successful, ordinary people will be able to master extraordinary powers after giving birth to psychic organs.

This is much more powerful than the super soldier project developed by some medium-sized countries!

Chen Qi recalled the various experiments recorded in the files. Biochemical Road's research and development of super viruses seemed to be close to success.

Unfortunately, the information collected by the frog people is only peripheral information and can only be regarded as popular science.

The true face of that super virus was not something he was qualified to have access to.

After all, the laboratory is located in the black area at the center of Shengxian Island, which is an absolute forbidden area for life.


I hope the biochemical path will not succeed, otherwise the inner world will suffer.

Three major ancestor viruses, although I don't know which one the biochemical path will choose as the direction to attack.

But once they are torn out, even if it is just a defective product, it will be enough to shock the human world.

According to the research of Biochemistry, they found that humans were infected with a super virus about 300,000 years ago, 200,000 years ago, and 100,000 years ago.

As long as it is human blood, the traces left by the virus can be detected in it.

These three major viruses were named ancestor viruses by the Biochemical Path, and their super virus plan was anchored on these three.

It can be imagined that once they really get something out of them, these guys will definitely show off.

Ordinary people are bound to suffer anyway. Their spirituality and life magnetic field must not be able to resist this super virus.


Plop, plop.

It seemed that the big rabbit had been exposed to psychic rays for too long, and it began to become restless.

Especially after the psychic ray passed through the elixir, something changed.

Reflected on the life map, within the circle, those colorful light spots representing extraordinary genes began to wander and collide.

If this big rabbit is lucky enough, it may be able to give birth to a [psionic organ] with the help of the elixir.

This is the second magical effect of the elixir discovered by the Biochemical Path.

Of course, this effect is still too weak and too test of luck.

If you really want to reach the sky in one step, you still have to swallow the elixir.

That's right, Chen Qi now knows that psychic stone balls are actually edible.

No wonder Xiaobai is so rude!


It's just that swallowing the elixir doesn't mean just swallowing it in one gulp, otherwise it will only result in indigestion.

Chen Qi has tested it. Anyway, with his method, he can't even scratch the skin of the elixir.

According to the files, there are two main ways to swallow the elixir.

The first method is to grab a piece of grass to return the elixir, crush it and soak the elixir in it.

After seventy-seven forty-nine days, swallow the juice of the grass-returning elixir.

As for the effects, it restores youth, extends life to a hundred years, and ordinary people can also give birth to a spiritual organ.

In the archives, there is also a taboo recorded.

Do not eat the Cao Huan Dan on Shengxian Island alone, otherwise there will be great terror.

When he saw the record about the grass returning elixir, Chen Qi knew that he had made a lot of money this time.

Senior Sister Caroline has been searching for the Cao Huan Dan, trying to find the longevity village through this thing.

The file actually recorded a method of searching and capturing Cao Huan Dan, and Chen Qi was finally able to do the job.

But the grass returning pill on Shengxian Island cannot be eaten directly, which is really weird!


The second way of taking the elixir is even more magical.

Because it actually needs to be soaked in the blood of the sacred tree.

After just 10 years of soaking, the elixir will completely melt into the blood of the sacred tree.

After taking it, you can obtain the immortal body.

After taking it multiple times, up to 99 times, the body will become immortal.

And once you finish taking it 100 times, you can become an immortal.

It is recorded in the files that the person closest to achieving this achievement is an existence named [Lord of Libra].

He has completed 99 doses and is only one step away from becoming an immortal.

It can be said that most of the elixirs on Shengxian Island were eaten by that guy.

Shenghuadao has been searching for so many years, but only found 5 elixirs.


Dong dong, dong dong.

The big rabbit's body suddenly expanded, and its blood vessels were exposed on the surface like winding earthworms, and they were about to explode.

It struggled hard to escape, but could not escape Chen Qi's clutches.

No rush, no rush.

There are still two projects that need to be verified.

You are contributing to the great scientific research cause of mankind. You will definitely be blessed next time you are reincarnated.

Chen Qi casually gave Rabbit a brain-destroying blow. This guy was so stubborn that he didn't even faint.

Fortunately, I was finally knocked unconscious.

Chen Qi controlled the life map detector again, and this time it was the black ring that changed.

Very strangely, the black ring divided again, and a gray thing actually separated.

It looked like an umbilical cord, but it had been cut.

The umbilical cord of life is the key to the success of transforming people.

This thing is indispensable for being able to fuse orcs and humans into one!

That frog man has been perfecting this technology on his own. Unfortunately, after his consciousness merged with the extraordinary bloodline of the orcs, his brain was flooded.

Tossing around.

After expressing his disdain for the frog people, Chen Qi began to use his spirituality to sense something on the big rabbit.

Probably because he knew about the existence of the [Umbilical Cord of Life], or because spirituality has added psychic effects.

Chen Qi actually sensed the existence of the Umbilical Cord of Life from the big rabbit.

It's just that the umbilical cord of life on this guy's body is only half an inch, and it's about to fall off.


It is recorded in the archives that the animal path believes that all life is born from heaven and earth.

Heaven and earth are like a big placenta that gives birth to all living beings.

Just like human beings are pregnant for 10 months, the birth of life by heaven and earth is also the same process.

Before life falls into the world, it absorbs nutrients from the source of the world through the umbilical cord of life.

Once life is born in the world, the umbilical cord is cut off, and life loses its connection with heaven and earth.

At the beginning, the umbilical cord of life is nine inches. As time goes by, it will continue to shrink until it finally falls off.

Once the umbilical cord of life falls off, it means that life can no longer be connected to the origin of the world.

In Chen Qi's view, the theory of animal path is simply another explanation of the induction of heaven and man.


What the animal path pursues is to reconnect to the origin of heaven and earth before the umbilical cord of life has fallen off.

In this way, life can grow and grow again and be infinitely strengthened.

Although this theory is beautiful, it is obviously not that easy to implement.

With the current technology of the animal world, there is no way to know how to reconnect heaven and earth.

They can only start from the very basics in a down-to-earth manner, for example, linking the [life umbilical cords] of different lives together, and then the transformation of human beings will be born.

This is how the frog people were created. Unfortunately, even if the animal path unites the other two families, it still cannot solve the problem of consciousness conflict.

This only shows that their linking technology is not perfect, otherwise in theory they can really merge two completely different lives into one.

It can even allow one party to perfectly absorb the other, which is the main reason why Shura Dao is deceived into joining.

They crave all means of power and believe in the law of the jungle.

If one could really become stronger by devouring orcs, or even become stronger by devouring different beings, that would be perfect.

Shura Dao was mainly responsible for providing test subjects, and Li Yuanxiao was captured by them.


To be honest, Chen Qi was very excited when he first saw this record.

Of course, Chen Qi has no intention of not being a human being at all.

He also has no interest in eating orcs.

Chen Qi is interested in the [Umbilical Cord of Life] reconnecting heaven and earth.

This method of obtaining power from the origin of the world naturally reminded him of the Qingtian Empire.

When I was a child, I was so good at playing Colossus. Does it mean that my umbilical cord was still very long at that time, and I was very close to the origin of the world?

Chen Qi looked at himself now, and it seemed that he only had seven inches left.

Cognition is so wonderful. When you know the existence of something, you can naturally discover it.


The last remaining black ring, Shenghua Dao believes that it represents the spirituality of life.

“Spirituality is a supernatural phenomenon.”

Asura Taoism believes that in addition to spirituality, there are other extraordinary factors in it.

For example, the secret of the ancient immortal's form refining must also be hidden in it.

The reason why Shura Tao takes root in Shengxian Island is because of the secret of the ancient immortals' form refining.

Unfortunately, there are not many records in the files I have about this.

Little Rabbit, I can only apologize. Who told you to know too much?

I guarantee that you will be blessed after reincarnation.

After Chen Qi killed the rabbit and silenced him, he turned off the life map detector.

Next, he unceremoniously put everything in the laboratory into the space ring.

Well, not much in total.

When collecting the last file, Chen Qi's hands shook.

This is of course not because the file is too heavy, but because the things recorded in it are too incredible.


There are more than a dozen hand-drawn manuscripts in the file. When Chen Qi first saw them, he thought they were part of a comic book.

But after he read the entire comic, Tianling Gai was so shocked that he almost burst into tears.

The first chapter of the comic is about an ancient sailing ship transporting a bronze box back from a certain island.

The moment he saw the island, Chen Qi realized that it was Shengxian Island.

In the second chapter of the comic, the bronze box was opened and a hundred elixirs were delivered to a woman with a conch hanging from her waist.

The moment he saw the conch, Chen Qi couldn't move his eyes away.

The lines all over the conch are clearly Doumu conch inscriptions that resemble human fingerprints.

In this way, it is not difficult to guess the identity of this woman, and even the conch itself.

That woman should be the legendary high priest of the Life Sect. As for the conch, it can only be the mother conch of all things.

In the third chapter of the comic, 100 elixirs were melted into a ball of colorful mud.

The mother snail of all things disappeared, and the woman kept kneading the colorful mud and shaping it.

Finally, a lifelike human being was born.

His whole body was covered with Doumulu script, as if the high priest had imprinted his fingerprints on him.

This is the end of the entire comic. At the end of the comic, someone wrote a series of universal words with trembling hands.

[In 13425 AD, the high priest of the Life Sect kneaded soil to create a human being, and the artificial human was born. 】

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