I have a magic dice of destiny

Chapter 384 The Stone of Fool

Dickpat Plateau, somewhere on a barren mountain.

Densely dense intelligent creatures, driven by a group of headless people, are mining a gray-black stone.

Bang bang bang!

Without any digging tools, all kinds of weird-looking intelligent beings smashed into the black mine with their fists.

It was extremely strange. It was obviously the collision of flesh and blood with gold and stone, but a series of golden sparks burst out.

However, these golden sparks, the intelligent life itself that is working hard, are completely invisible.

The only thing that can be seen is the headless man supervising the work.

What the hell is going on?

I was obviously doing experiments in the underground laboratory, but a trance appeared here.

And where's my head?

On the hillside, a headless man in charge of supervising the work shook his non-existent head vigorously.

Quite strangely, even without a brain, he is still able to think and perceive everything in the outside world.

And this one is naturally the unlucky Mr. Chen.

Strange, really weird!

This is indeed my body!

But the two Poseidon rings I was wearing were missing.

Are you being excluded and didn't come in here with me?

The ancient ring of Tirado is indeed magical. It appears here together, but it cannot be opened!

Chen Qi carefully checked everything about himself, and he was still confused until now.

And as he learned more and more information, he became even more confused.

The fact that his physical body actually appeared here only meant that this was not an illusion.

Could it be some strange space in the academy?

But the scene of hard work is too vast.

Chen Qi looked around and saw that there were at least millions of intelligent beings working hard to mine the Fool's Stone.

And Chen Qi knew instinctively that this was just the area where he was.

There are dozens of such mines throughout the Dickpat Plateau.

And this information is naturally given by Chen Qi's identity as Supervisor.

Including [Fool's Stone].

Bang bang bang!

Millions of workers shook their fists in unison, and countless dazzling golden sparks flashed.

The scene was vast and magnificent, which made people dazzled.

After the golden fireworks flash, they will disappear into the gray-black mine.

They are like traces of golden current, tearing apart cracks in the gray-black mine that was originally solidified.

Spark of wisdom!

No need to be reminded of the identity of the supervisor, Chen Qi recognized the origin of those golden sparks the moment he saw them.

At one point in time, he also vaguely sensed the existence of his own spark of wisdom, but it was too short-lived and vague.

Originally, in Chen Qi's understanding, the spark of wisdom should be an inner power.

But they are now blooming in the outside world and used in digging mines.

This is really a spectacle beyond imagination.

The miners are all intelligent beings, and what they mine is a strange thing called the Fool's Stone.

As for the origin of the Fool's Stone, Chen Qi didn't know.

He doesn't even know why he has no brain now.

The only thing that Chen Qi knew about the identity of the supervisor was that the mined Fool's Stone would be transported deep into the Dickpat Plateau to build a giant tower.


Quietly, a small disturbance occurred among the miners.

It was a large man more than ten meters tall, and it was unknown what kind of intelligent life it was.

Compared to his size, his intelligence is somewhat lacking.

After throwing thousands of punches, his wisdom seemed to be exhausted, and there was no more golden spark.

Extremely weird, the moment the flesh and blood body collided with the gray-black mine again, a gray aura began to spread on his body.

The big guy first became dull and stupid, and then his animal nature completely lost control, and his body began to mutate.

To be more precise, the body is degenerating.

In just half a minute, Big Man transformed from a tall humanoid intelligent being into a crazy and violent beast.

And this degradation continued. After 10 minutes, the originally tall intelligent life completely disappeared, leaving only a bunch of stupid single cells in place.

The result of life that took endless years to evolve was instantly restored to its original form.

But at this time, the gray-black mine suddenly produced a terrifying suction force, swallowing up all these single cells.

The volume of the gray-black mine has increased by an insignificant amount.

This small change did not have any impact on the miners.

It didn't even affect the work efficiency of those around me.

This kind of thing is so common that it happens almost every moment.

All the workers present had long been defeated by despair.

There was only numbness on their faces, and they could only punch mechanically.

There are more than 30 types of intelligent life among miners, and humans only account for a small proportion of them.

Too strange!

What is my current state? Have I traveled to the past?

Gray-black ore, Dikopat Plateau, build giant towers.

It’s hard not to think about this in Chen Qi’s mind, “Is this building a Tower of Babel?”

But if we really travel back in time, how is this possible?

This is not mystical at all!

But everything that happened in front of me was lifelike, not an illusion at all.

At least for Chen Qi now, it is extremely real and there is no flaw in it.

You lackeys, the minions who help the evildoers do evil!

The fourth heavenly dynasty is acting in the opposite direction. It is angry and resentful, and will be destroyed sooner or later.

We, the Tiandao Alliance, represent the future of mankind and will definitely end this chaotic era.

The truth never dies, it burns with fire, burns my body, and the cauldron revolutionizes the sky!

In the mine, a new group of miners were escorted by headless people.

As soon as these guys appeared, they instantly attracted all of Chen Qi's attention.

Without him, compared to the lifeless old miners, these new guys are full of human nature and have deep anger and desire.

The most important thing is that they are humans, or a group of humans who claim to be from the [Tiandao Alliance].

As for the [Tiandao Alliance], Chen Qi was too familiar with it.

Not only Chen Qi, but everyone who is familiar with world history knows this.

It is recorded in the history of this world that after the end of the old days, the Tiandao Alliance ruled mankind for thousands of years.

The Tiandao Alliance is a joint organization of many human sects.

Including but not limited to hundreds of cultivation systems such as immortality, magic, fighting spirit, martial arts, etc.

They led mankind through the most difficult years and laid the foundation for the birth of many sects thereafter.

The theories and cultivation methods held by the major sects are basically derived from the collision of various cultivation systems within the Tiandao Alliance.

And this is also the reason why the Tiandao Alliance split and disintegrated into family sects.

If what these people just said is true, in this era, the Tiandao Alliance has obviously just risen and is even being suppressed.

Since then, the time point that Chen Qi is currently in can only be the old era before the New Calendar.

But what kind of existence is the Fourth Heavenly Dynasty?

Could it be the overlord who led human civilization in the old days?

In the old era before the New Calendar, there was only such a concept in the world, without any detailed description at all.

What the old times were like and what human civilization was like in the old days, none of this has been passed down.

It's as if that period of history has been deliberately obscured.

Today, it seems that Chen Qi finally got a glimpse of a corner of history.

Hahaha, you are just a bunch of idiots who still want to rebel and overthrow the Celestial Empire?

The Celestial Empire swept across all directions and defeated all intelligent races in just 10,000 years, completely establishing the dominance of mankind.

“Those who follow the Heavenly Dynasty will prosper, and those who go against the Heavenly Dynasty will perish. When the Heavenly Dynasty [reshapes the new heaven and establishes the Heavenly Court], we can destroy all the illusions in the world and realize the only reality.

At that time, the Emperor of Heaven will surely become a great existence comparable to the [Six Heavenly Witch King], the [Supreme Mage], and the [First Saint], and will shine on human civilization forever.

A headless man waved the chain in his hand unceremoniously and hit the tough-talking Tiandao League head and face.

Chen Qi also subconsciously waved the chain in his hand and performed his own job.

But in his mind, there were countless messages roaring at this time.

They come from the [Overseer]'s cognition, and are rooted in the deepest part of his mind like a belief.

Chen Qi's eyes swept across all the foreign races who were working. The so-called False in the Fourth Heaven refers to them.

On the fourth day, from top to bottom, it is recognized that there is no one but others.

That is, there is only one kind of intelligent race in the world: humans.

Other intelligent life forms are all illusions derived from humans.

The 4th Celestial Dynasty believed that human beings were born eternal and great.

It is the birth of these [illusions] that steal too many things from human beings, which leads to the decline of human beings.

Birth, old age, sickness and death, emotions and desires, these should not be owned by human beings, and everything is [illusory] fault.

Only by erasing all falseness and completely reclaiming everything lost can mankind return to the only reality.

This is the ideal and goal of the 4th Heavenly Dynasty.

To be honest, this view had a big impact on Chen Qi.

Who the hell came up with such a cool idea?

More importantly, the Fourth Heavenly Dynasty also implemented this concept.

No wonder that after the end of the old days, almost no other intelligent life can be seen in the inner world.

After being taught a lesson with chains, the guys from the Tiandao Alliance finally became honest.

And while waving the chain, Chen Qi discovered a guy with poor acting skills.

Unexpectedly, there are other freshmen coming in?

Brother, I'm just playing a supervisor. As for being dumb and stupid!

You're not into the drama!

After discovering that there were other freshmen entering, Chen Qi immediately increased his vigilance.

Soon, under Chen Qi's careful observation, he discovered another five guys whose acting skills were not up to standard.

But this is certainly not all, because there are still several people whose identities are questionable in Chen Qi's eyes, but they just cannot be determined.

From beginning to end, Chen Qi watched with cold eyes and played his role seriously.

The situation is a bit strange now, and Chen Qi doesn't want to communicate with those guys at all.

I have to say that Chen Qi was ashamed of his status as the freshman chief and acted too cowardly.

Compared with Chen Qi, other freshmen who were also confused began to explore after getting over the initial panic.

They began to communicate with the workers and tried to get more information from them.

But the only response they received was endless hatred. Obviously, the contradiction between ourselves and the enemy was too sharp.

After eating a lot, a certain wise man actually paid attention to the [Fool's Stone].

Chen Qi saw with his own eyes that this guy had hidden a fist-sized [Fool's Stone], and then he was exposed.

This time, it really wasn't Chen Qi who did it.

Let me go, there is actually a master of acting skills hiding in it!

We are all classmates, why should we report it?

Although the world here is extremely real, Chen Qi can still more or less detect the differences between the supervisors with his powerful senses.

Especially when they make extraordinary moves and take the initiative to expose themselves.

Chen Qi was extremely certain that the despicable reporter was also a freshman.

The poor guy who was reported was beheaded on the spot.

Yes, the overseers were clearly headless, but they still chopped off their heads again.

But this time, the stone knife used to chop off the head turned out to be a stone knife made from the Fool's Stone.

After the stabbing, there was obviously no blood left on the scene.

But the guy who stole the thing died immediately and turned into a stone statue.

Even though Chen Qi opened his eyes wide, he could only see a faint shadow.

It turns out that we are just disembodied heads, and there is still a virtual brain composed of consciousness running.

Star-like consciousness nodes are constantly appearing, which is a bit like the quantum brain I cultivate.

And in this illusory quantum brain, the spark of wisdom is clearly visible.

That stone knife chopped this head into pieces.

Chen Qi, who witnessed everything, was thoughtful, and then he began to compare the consciousness nodes of the [Quantum Brain].

The 3,600 nodes in the first level are exactly the same.

After realizing this, Chen Qi immediately became interested.

If he now completely understands the situation of the illusory brain, wouldn't it be equivalent to obtaining the secret method of subsequent cultivation of the quantum brain.

Just do whatever comes to mind. Anyway, Chen Qi is still watching the show and has plenty of time and energy.

Chen Qi was busy locating the consciousness nodes of the illusory brain, and the reporter became so successful that he was directly promoted to the squad leader.

Fortunately, Chen Qi is not under his control.

Otherwise, with Chen Qi's overwhelming sense of justice, he would definitely not be able to help but beat him to death.

After gaining the power, the team leader immediately started shaking.

He had obviously discovered the existence of other freshmen a long time ago, so he forcibly summoned them together to discuss how to get out of trouble.

Chen Qi listened in out of concern.

I found that these guys also had no idea why they were here.

But after some confession, everyone instantly discovered one thing in common.

That is, they all violated the rules and regulations of the college and dug underground laboratories privately.

And when they disappeared, they were all in the underground space.

After coming to this conclusion, not only them, but also Chen Qi was a little confused.

Damn it, do you want to be so stupid?

Private digging of underground space is not allowed. That is clearly a rule, not a school rule.

What is going on with all this now?

Although it was a little unbelievable, after everyone discussed it, they all thought that they were falling into some kind of school rules.

Some smart people have even thought of the lost school rules.

This is easy to distinguish, after all, the school rules mastered by each club have warning signs.

There was no warning about the scenes before them, and everyone was confused.

What should we do now?

We know nothing about school rules. Are we going to be overseers here and be trapped here forever?

I'm very sure that we all entered with our true bodies. If we can't escape, we will really die here.

One of the overseers looked sad, as did the others.

Finally, everyone turned their attention to the squad leader.

Although this guy is a bit wicked, his ability is indeed a little stronger than everyone else.

We now have three options!

The first way is to continue exploring the surrounding map. I absolutely do not believe that this is the real world, nor do I believe that we have really gone back to the past.

We will definitely find the boundary. As long as we find the boundary, there will eventually be a way out!

The team leader talked eloquently and felt quite confident.

As for the second way, it is to keep climbing up and gain a higher status and status.

With enough identity and status, we can know more, and maybe we can gain some knowledge beyond imagination here.

As for the third way, it is to contact the Tiandao Alliance.

We all know that they are the final winners, ending the old days and ushering in a new era.

Perhaps among those who were captured just now, there are some future big shots.

As long as we can help them get out of trouble, maybe we can leave here.

After this person finished speaking, he unceremoniously chose the second path.

The others looked at each other in confusion. They all thought that the third way was quite reliable, but there was a dog who liked to report.

If they choose to collude with the Tiandao Alliance, wouldn't it just facilitate someone's promotion?

Realizing that he had left such a bad impression on everyone, the newly minted team leader cursed and swore repeatedly, and even brought out the academy's reputation, which finally allowed everyone to reluctantly regain their trust.

Swear on the name of the school, this is not something you say casually.

Once you violate the rules, you will not just be expelled from the school, but you will have everything you have learned back.

In the end, although everyone felt that the first route was unreliable, everyone still tried the three routes simultaneously and began to explore the space here.

Chen Qi watched everything with a cold eye, and by the way, he spotted three other guys watching the fun.

My classmates are really stubborn!

Time passed day by day, and the first road failed first.

This is because they do not have enough authority to leave the mining area very far.

As for the second and third routes, there has been little progress.

It's so easy to get promoted.

Even if that person is proficient in flattery, it is just a few extra cups of tea.

As for the Tiandao Alliance, it can be said that there is no progress.

The two sides are as powerful as fire and water, so it is strange that trust can arise.

Suddenly, everyone was frustrated one after another, and even Chen Qi, who had been watching the excitement, couldn't sit still.

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