I have a magic dice of destiny

Chapter 393 Preparations

The true seed campaign will officially begin in one month.

The elimination phase lasts for two years, and competitors need to obtain 1,500 hunting points within two years.

The formal voting process lasts three years, and the entire election process will take five years.

This is a lot longer than the original two years.

Chen Qi quietly read the new version of the rules. In the past, the entire election process only took two years.

Now it has more than doubled.

Is it because the calamity star is coming and we need to show the power of the academy?

Chen Qi thought thoughtfully. After joining the Nantian Society, his perspective on problems was completely different from that of ordinary students.

For Tianwu Conjuration Academy, selecting true seeds is not very important.

The college can even allow major societies to directly vote for them, so there is no need to go to such trouble.

However, the process of True Seed Campaign is very important to demonstrate the power of the academy and maintain the order of the inner world.

This is the fundamental value of this process.

Generally speaking, the Tianwu Conjuration Academy will use the True Seed Campaign to conduct a two-year small-scale cleanup of the other world.

But this time it’s different!

The hunting points alone have been increased to 1,500.

This is obviously asking Chen Qi and others to step up their efforts to clean up.

Considering the recent chaos in the world due to various opportunities, this is very necessary.

The subsequent [Bloody Ballot] pointed directly at the source of the chaos and included [Disaster Star] in the hunting category.

This can almost be regarded as a slap and warning to the disaster stars, telling them who is the leader of the inner ring world.

But at the same time, this is also a test against the disaster star.

As for expecting competitors like Chen Qi, who are below the silver level, to completely solve the disaster chaos, it is a joke.

If the catastrophic turmoil that occurs every 300 years can be overcome so easily, how can the major middle powers be faced with a formidable enemy?

1500 hunting points?

Hey, compared to those veteran competitors, my debut time was too short and I didn't [mark] my prey.

Fortunately, Nantian Society is not lacking in all kinds of information, so it has made up for this shortcoming for me.

Obtaining 1,500 hunting points in two years is definitely not an easy task.

Those criminals are not stupid, they must hide themselves tightly.

To complete the mission, you have to find them first.

When elite students went on missions in the past, they would always find some suspicious targets.

For various purposes, they will not close the net immediately, but mark it.

For example, Chi Hongxuan, whom Chen Qi met before, was using the Alchemy City as bait to fish for law enforcement.

In a sense, the True Inheritance Seed Competition is the academy urging the most outstanding students to start harvesting mode.

It’s just that the scale of the harvest this time is exceptionally large.

Different from the newcomer period, Tianwu Conjuration Academy has no requirements for students and is completely free.

Once a student completes three spiritual sublimations and becomes a veteran student, there will be a [mission indicator].

As the backbone of the college, veteran students must of course shoulder the important task of spreading light and justice.

So the college built a task platform, which listed various tasks.

Veteran students need to complete three tasks every five years.

After completing the task, you can get corresponding point rewards.

This point is of course the kind issued by the Box of Wisdom.

Among students, there are always some who are not good at answering questions.

This is another way for them to earn points, and it is more efficient.

Originally, the mission platform was an information channel that Chen Qi could use. However, recently the veteran students worked too hard and simply finished all the missions on the platform.

It's not that Chen Qi was lazy before, but that he was really busy.

There are no forks in life for tasks on the task platform. They are time-consuming and labor-intensive, and Chen Qi really can't afford to delay them.

Fortunately, the human world lacks everything, including criminals.

Chen Qi didn't worry about not being able to find the mission target.

And he had already prepared for a rainy day and had his eyes on one.

Based on the sins of the target, points will be awarded.

Although the school has developed many secret techniques, the magic is as high as the Tao.

Those who do evil, especially those with inheritance and gangs, must also have various means to cover up.

This thing about sin, Xiaohong has to be a professional!

This time, no matter whether it is a big fish or a small fish, I am not going to let it go. I must catch them all in one catch.

Chen Qi carefully considered his next action plan.

First of all, it is definitely not possible to be a bare-bones commander. No matter how strong he is on his own, he is unable to do all the things he wants.

His freshmen classmates must not be able to count on him.

Chen Qi wants to play big this time, and there are still some risks.

New students with less than three spiritual sublimations are not even qualified to be cannon fodder.

Those are his hardcore vote bankers and cannot afford to lose easily.

As for the old students Chen Qixin has roped in, if they are allowed to vote, that would be fine.

But if they were asked to go on a mission, Chen Qi would have to pay, and it would have to be a lot of money.

Although Chen Qi has been reluctant to accept gifts recently, but does he pay to hire people to work?

This definitely won't work.

He, Chen, has always used prostitution for free, how can he change his principles easily?

Moreover, the lives of those veteran students are relatively precious and cannot be used to death.

No matter how you think about it, the price/performance ratio is too low, and it's a total loss of money.

In the end, Chen Qi decided to recruit employees in person.

Although it's a bit painful and tiring, it's easy to use.

At least the performance of the five Zheng Junxiong players made Chen Qi very satisfied.

Although the communication distance of the Ancestor Virus is only 200 kilometers, it does not mean that Chen Qi, who returned to the academy, has completely lost contact with the Blood Eye Investigation Team.

There is still the Internet in this world!

Chen Qi is not that pedantic in life. Through the Internet, he can also control Zheng Junxiong and others remotely.

Now Deng Junxiong and others have established a solid stronghold in the Dark Isthmus and collected a lot of intelligence.

Through them, Chen Qi gained a sufficient understanding of the dark areas of the outside world.

There are too many restless people gathered in the Dark Isthmus, which is a paradise for outlaws and adventurers.

If Chen Qi wanted to recruit employees in person, that would indeed be his first choice.

So Chen Qi made an instant decision. His next trip was to head to the East Berwick Strait to find his big octopus clone.

Then he went to the Dark Isthmus, recruited employees, made a comeback, and re-established a large group company.

After that, he arranged all the investigation work, and when he brought Xiao Hong back, he started to close the net.

The only trouble is that this series of trips is too far away, so Chen Qi has to rent a good enough spaceship first.

Although Chen Qi could definitely ask for another jade talisman from Feng Zining.

But now is the time to busy campaigning wholeheartedly, and we can't go on the wrong path in life again.

At a certain moment, Chen Qi actually had the idea to use [Forked Road in Life] to reach Tianwu Kingdom immediately.

But after calculating the distance and the possible price, Chen Qi was instantly unhappy.

There is no way, Tianwu Kingdom is too far and remote, and the price paid is too high.

Anyway, the knockout phase only lasts for two years, so there is no need to be too urgent.

It took a full day for Chen Qi to completely sort out everything that followed.

Then he began to prepare for leaving the Tianwu Conjuration Academy.

The college deliberately gave them an extra month in order to allow them to deal with various matters at hand.

The first thing Chen Qi did was to rent a spaceship from the academy through Nantian Society.

Chen Qi's requirements are simple: big enough and fast enough.

After all, going out this time will take a lot of time. At least until the elimination phase is over, there will be no chance to return to school.

For two full years, Chen Qi was worried about leaving all his belongings in the underground laboratory.

Especially Xiaobai, this little guy does not only eat but also practice every day, so it’s time for some exercise.

It has to be said that Nantian Society is proud enough. Even though the academy's spaceship is very nervous now, it still gave Chen Qi a clear answer.

Soon, more than a dozen different models of spacecraft information appeared in front of Chen Qi.

After some on-the-spot investigation, Chen Qi finally chose a weird spacecraft with a diameter of 300 meters and looked like two saucers buckled together.

The reason why Chen Qi chose it was because it flew the fastest and had just enough space.

Chen Qi plans to move his private laboratory directly to the spacecraft.

After paying a rather painful sum of money, Chen Qi obtained the right to use the spacecraft for five years and could make slight modifications to it.

If it weren't for the large number of gifts he received before, Chen Qi might not even be able to afford a boat rental.

In just three days, Chen Qi designed the renovation drawings.

In the next half month, the spacecraft's internal space will need to be greatly adjusted in order to properly accommodate Chen Qi's laboratory.

Since you have to go out for a long time, whether it is a broken fox tail or a slowly evolving immortality cell, you cannot do without the original liquid of life.

With no choice, Chen Qi could only continue to dig deeper under the earth.

This time, Chen Qi was a little unscrupulous and dug directly to 800 meters.

If he couldn't dig any deeper, Chen Qi would have to dig out everything about the Tianwu Conjuration Academy.

Chen Qi wanted to confirm whether in true history, a ceremony to ask the sky was also held on the Dickpat Plateau.

It's a pity that no matter how Chen Qi searched, he never saw that glimpse of the Babel Tower again.

After extracting a huge amount of life liquid, Chen Qi stopped his digging work.

Then he went to visit the main campus.

The first person Chen Qi saw was Feng Zining.

This person was very happy after learning that Chen Qi was planning to attack the Original Blood Consortium.

Not only did he provide Chen Qi with extremely detailed information, he also promised to target the Blood God Palace for Chen Qi.

If it weren't for some public reasons, they, the true disciples of the academy, were not allowed to directly intervene in the election. Feng Zining planned to hand over his external manpower to Chen Qi.

Every true seed in Tianwu Curse Academy has its own power in the outside world.

Even if they had nothing at first, they were just commanders.

But just like Chen Qi now, in order to win the election, he must recruit a group of people.

After the election is successful, no matter what the considerations are, the size of this group of people will only continue to expand and cannot be reduced.

It can be said that it is through this method that the Tianwu Conjuration Academy continuously monitors and infiltrates the entire inner ring world.

Chen Qi is now just embarking on the path that his predecessors have already walked.

After leaving Feng Zining's manor, Chen Qi went to Shen Yuying's place for a walk.

As expected, Senior Sister Shen was not as generous as Senior Sister Feng. She only agreed to give away a hunting target worth 300 points for free.

Of course, what she provided was only specific information, and it was impossible to send someone tied up in front of Chen Qi.

This is against the rules.

As for when this news will be available?

Then Chen Qi will have to wait.

After all, at this stage, the tiger is out of the gate, and all competitors will try their best to find and kill various targets.

Shen Yuying had to consider the problem of car crash.

Naturally, she was not worried that Chen Qi would not be able to overtake others, but that once a car crash occurred, she and Chen Qi would have violated the rules.

What Chen Qi gained most from Shen Yuying was various campaign experience.

For example, how to ask for help from the outside world without committing a foul.

How to rationally use the power of associations in elections.

How to deal with relations with major external forces.

Maybe other candidates don't need to study so much, but Chen Qi is different. They have many friends in Nantian Society, and they can definitely meet them when they go out.

Although the true seed competition is very unfair, it also has rules.

The most basic one is that the true disciples and major societies are not allowed to interfere directly.

This is the bottom line!

For example, Shen Yuying can provide Chen Qi with some specific information about the prey through certain channels, but she cannot use her own power to weaken the prey.

Likewise, this prey must not be the target of other competitors.

This is also a direct interference in the election because it affects other competitors.

But this does not mean that the power of associations is just for show. The influence of major associations alone is enough to provide great convenience to their candidates.

In this aspect, Nantian Society is uniquely endowed.

That's why Chen Qi needs to study a lot, but other competitors don't have this trouble at all.

Chen Qi studied hard in Shen Yuying's manor for three days, and then came out with confidence.

He first went to check the progress of the spacecraft's transformation and was very satisfied with the results.

The alchemy technology of Tianwu Conjuration Academy is indeed worthy of trust.

After inspecting the spacecraft, Chen Qi met with Wu Daoqi to consolidate the alliance between the two parties.

After seeing Wu Daoqi again, Chen Qi was surprised to find that Lao Wu was completely different.

Obviously the last time we talked, this guy still had a bitter look on his face.

Now his face is full of high spirits.

The state of the whole person is completely different.

It feels like a salted fish returning to the sea.

Although his temperament has changed somewhat, Lao Wu is still the same down-to-earth person.

Chen Qi quickly learned from him what he had done recently.

Unlike Chen Qi who had to recruit employees himself and start from scratch.

Wu Daoqi, a good old man, easily raised a group of his own team, and they were all elite students.

Even Zenina, who lost her spot, was given ecstasy by Wu Daoqi and tricked into joining his team.

Anyway, when Chen Qi heard about this, he was stunned.

He had heard before that after Zenina lost her place, she rushed directly to Wu Daoqi's house and smashed it up.

Is it possible that love can arise out of hatred?

The meeting with Wu Daoqi was a surprise but not a surprise.

The two sides just agreed on some mutual assistance conditions again and ended it hastily.

Wu Daoqi is very busy now. Chen Qi originally felt that he was very busy, but compared with this one, he looked like an idler.

I don't know if it was because the two parties had become potential competitors, but Chen Qi felt that this exchange was quite blunt and had no past speculation.

This is also the reason why it ended hastily.

After this somewhat disappointing meeting, Chen Qi returned to his villa and began to pack his luggage.

In three days at most, he will move his entire family to the spaceship.

In the days that followed, Chen Qi thought there would be no surprises or surprises.

Unexpectedly, a guy I hadn't seen for a long time came to visit.

Senior Chi, which gust of wind brought you here?

We haven't seen each other for a while since we last said goodbye!

Chen Qi received the visiting Chi Hongxuan in his living room.

Chen Qi is actually quite clear about this person's recent experience.

After the nomination list is announced, who in Nantian Society will be the saddest?

Zenina naturally ranks first, but Chi Hongxuan can definitely tie for first.

Because according to the information Chen Qi received at the time, this person is very likely to replace Liang Junrong and get a nomination.

As a result, everything came to nothing after Wu Daoqi appeared.

It is said that Chi Hongxuan was so angry that he cursed, and the target of his scolding was naturally Wu Daoqi.

What is quite interesting is that the two were good friends who had known each other for decades.

Junior, I'm here to ask you for help this time!

Things are about to go wrong in the alchemy city we passed last time!

It turned out that I overestimated my abilities, and I couldn't handle the big things!

So I can only ask my junior for help!

I'm only interested in that Earth Spirit Pearl. I hope my junior can help me!

Chi Hongxuan looked at Chen Qi with a frown on his face, as if he had really encountered some huge difficulty.

However, the truth is that as a core member of the Nantian Society, how could he not be able to defeat the Alchemy City?

Even if you really can't figure it out, you can always ask other people for help.

You must know that he and Chen Qi had only met once before.

It is very inappropriate to rush to ask for help now.

However, faced with such an unreasonable request for help, Chen Qi agreed readily.

Not only that, Chen Qi also showed no embarrassment, patting his chest and saying that he would definitely handle this matter.

Because Chi Hongxuan didn't come here for help at all, but gave Chen Qi a big gift.

The Alchemy City was originally a place Chi Hongxuan used to fish.

Now, for some unknown reason, it was transferred directly to Chen Qi.

Faced with such a good thing, Chen Qi certainly would not miss it.

That's a good place to earn points.

As for why Chi Hongxuan took the initiative to give it to him, Chen Qi didn't care at all.

His biggest weakness is that he never refuses gifts from others.

You probably can’t change it in this life!

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