The worms emerged from various locations in the city of A without any warning. In particular, the ten Level 3 mid-level bugs are basically unimpeded.

Fortunately, everyone has the power to kill Level 3 mid-level bugs.

There are two Level 3 mid-level bugs leading 30 Level 2 bugs to Wufu, while the Wu Family family lord is still recovering. For a time, Wu Fu really did not have the ability to hunt Level 3 mid-level, plus the sudden event, Level 3 middle-level insects killed nearly 100 Level 2 Ability User and dozens of Level 3 first-level Ability User .

Wu Yingxue originally wanted to seek the help of Yang Tian because she knew that her father was recovering. But she saw the eyes of Yang Tian’s four big beasts, and Wu Yingxue also knew something about it.

Wu Yingxue had to go to the Wu Family family lord’s rehabilitation point. The injury to the Wu Family family lord has not healed, but it must also be played with several Level 3 mid-level Ability Users under the hand. Wu Family family lord succeeded in killing two levels of 3 intermediate worms in Wufu.

Fortunately, there are only two Level 3 mid-level bugs in Wufu. If there is one more, Wu Family’s situation is fierce.

The wound of the Wu Family family lord split in the battle with the Level 3 mid-level bug. After the battle ended, the Wu Family family lord immediately went back to recover.

In City A, Wang Family was attacked by four Level 3 mid-level bugs and 30 multiple Level 3 first-stage bugs. With the heritage of Wang Family, Wang Family actually killed all these bugs and scored them. Part of the Ability User to protect the general population.

You know, Wu Family can’t protect the general population from the unnecessary Advantage User in the battle, so at least one third of the Wu Family’s general population died under the worm’s trampling.

Liu Family and Yi Jia suffered similar situations to Wu Family, except that their family lord was not seriously injured, so it will be better than Wu Family in terms of casualties.

Liu Family killed two Level 3 mid-level bugs, ten Level 3 first-stage bugs and 50 only about Level 2 bugs, while Yi Jia killed a Level 3 mid-level bug, 30 only Level 3 Primary bugs and 50 only Level 2 bugs.

The remaining worms were found in the central area and were all killed by the top hunting hunters in the city of A.

On the second day, the Shachi Hunting Devil, one of the top hunters, dragged the body of a Level 3 mid-level worm to the Wang Family for food.

In the face of these hunters who use worms for food, Wang Family is all enrolled, but at the very least, Level 3 is a bug.

Liu Family’s people also dragged the killed Level 3 mid-level bugs and Level 3 first-class bugs to Wang Family for food. Liu Family’s move made Yi Jia and Wu Family’s mistakes awkward. This is undoubtedly soft to the Wang Family, but in the face of food, the Yi family can’t help but kill the level. All the bugs above the 3 are taken and exchanged with Wang Family.

Wu Family is also considering whether to exchange food. If it was before, Wu Family was definitely the first to go to Wang Family for food, but after Wu Xiaoyu’s incident, the relationship between Wang Family and Wu Family was very bad. . Going to Wang Family for food, even if Wang Family is willing to exchange, it is inevitable.

Yang Tian experienced a day and night of tempering and finally recovered.

Level 3

The wind attribute and the soil attribute also reached the level 3 initial level, and the fire attribute was promoted to the level 3 middle level. After the successful tempering, Yang Tian also successfully swallowed the Fire Seed, making the scorpion worm fire more powerful. The temperature has reached 350 °C.

Dark attributes and bright attributes do not benefit much because they are unformed.

Advance to the level of Level 3, the strength of the body brought to the strength of Yang Tian, ​​so that Yang Tian has the impulse to tear the enemy. The weak body is the common problem of the animal trainer, even Yang Tian is the same, this is the first time Yang Tian feels the power of the flesh.

“Good body, but the inner work may have to be replaced.”

Zixia Shengong is only a Level 2 cultivation technique, which can only be used by the military to practice Level 2. However, Yang Tian relies on the tempering of the scorpion worm, and promotes the cultivation base of the martial art to the level 3. However, Zixia Shengong has obviously not been able to keep up with Yang Tian’s footsteps. In order to cultivate later, Yang Tian must replace Zixia.

Today, Yang Tian has a faint green light. The only thing that hasn’t changed is Yang Tian’s eyes, and the golden half-long dragonfly still exudes deterrence.

Yang Tian pushed open the door and strode to the hall of Wufu. The four big beasts follow closely from behind.

The interior of Wufu has become more messy, and there is a lingering bloody smell in the air. Wu Fu clearly experienced a big battle, and the casualties were heavy.

In the hall of Wufu, there are only four people. Standing at the top of the Wu Family family lord and Wu Yingxue below, Wu Yingxue is in the middle, the other two are standing next to Wu Yingxue, and both of them are Level 3 mid-level Ability User.

“Sir Father, those worms don’t play much in our hands. It’s better to exchange with Wang Family! Even if it’s martyrdom, it’s better than no food.” Wu Yingxue looked at the Wu Family family lord. . The situation of Wu Family and Wang Family is also clear, but she cares more about food than these.

As a background of Wu Family, Wu Yingxue does not think that Wang Family dares to be too much for their Wu Family. The two men standing next to Wu Yingxue apparently agreed with Wu Yingxue, so they came with her.

Level 3 The middle-aged worm’s body can’t be eaten anymore. In their eyes, there is not much difference between a push and a waste. You can exchange food with Wang Family. Why not?

“I know that Wang Family doesn’t dare to be too blatant, but it’s hard to guarantee that they won’t be able to grab it? Do you think that the ancestors will be for us in the corpse of some bugs?” Wu Family family lord also filled with worries.

The worms can’t last for a few days, and Wu Family’s food inventory can’t afford the needs of so many people. Who knows how long the insect tide will last, and the food is not enough, they don’t know.


“family lord, anyway, there is no, just change it!” The other two Advantage User’s ideas are very simple, the corpse for food is a business that can not make a profit, big deal will eat a loss.

Wu Family family lord fell into thinking, the hall calmed for five minutes, until a footstep arrived.

“Take me to see the corpses of the worms.” It was Yang Tian. As for their dialogue, Yang Tian heard them all.

“it is good”

Yang Tian gives the Wu Family family lord a sense of awe, in addition to mystery. The appearance of Yang Tian also made him feel at ease, so for the order of Yang Tian, ​​the Wu Family family lord agreed.

Level 3 mid-level insects are at the gate of Wufu, and there are no signs of movement.

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