“It seems that not everyone has been recruited by the four people.”

Yang Tian saw a lot of people in the buildings in the A city block. They are also smart people, knowing that they can’t guarantee their safety with all four.

Yang Tian also saw some small organizations’ Utility User looking for food in the dilapidated warehouse, the messy supermarket, knowing that there is no food left for them, but they will still be looking for it.

The Ability User of these small organizations is the Ability User who has not left with everyone, and the number is not small, so Yang Tian will encounter a lot on the street. Even because of a little food, there are not a few big shots.

“You have to be careful today.”

Yang Tian passed a hidden warehouse, and a very weak voice came out of the warehouse and happened to be heard by Yang Tian. Originally, Yang Tian intends to return directly to Wufu, but now has to stop. Because Yang Tian’s mental exploration found food in the warehouse.

There are three figures in this warehouse, two men and one woman, both of which are Ability User, and there is a mutant hound and a three-headed pig.

Yang Tian’s mouth swelled in a curve.

One foot kicked open the iron gate of the warehouse.


Yang Tian’s such overbearing behavior is not possible without causing attention. Even the other users of the Street hear the sound of the door.

Both men and women are Level 2 Ability User, and the mutant hound and pit pig are also Level 2 creatures.

One male and one female are husband and wife, and they were pig farmers before the arrival of Last of Days. Last of Days came, they all got the foreign ability to make the body into metal, and the pigs they kept in captivity all changed. Fortunately, although three sows have changed, they have not forgotten their master, and these three The sow has become a pit pig, which is much stronger than other mutant pigs. With the help of the pit-head pigs, the couple did not suffer any harm. They also gradually realized that the world is no longer the world they know, so they took a pit pig and left their own pig farm.

The other male is a veteran. The mutant hound is a stray dog ​​that he found after he retired. It is a veteran who will raise a stray dog. After the arrival of the Last of Days, the veterans became the low-level animal melee Ability User, the wind wolf warrior. The stray dog ​​has also successfully mutated and has been with the veterans. On the way to playing City A, he and his husband and wife met and walked together.

After that, they joined a warehouse and snatched a lot of food. The three of them are also experiencing the test of life and death, and they are also very trusting to each other.

“Inability, long time no see”

A pair of husbands and sisters, Yang Tian can be said to be very familiar. In the past life, when Yang Tian was an ordinary person, he got help from the couple. They gave Yang Tian food and took a safe life with Yang Tian. Although they experienced a lot of battles in the middle, they were in their Under protection, Yang Tian has hardly suffered any harm. later. They have to leave the city of F, and Yang Tian does not want to leave, and he parted ways.

After Yang Tian became a legendary animal trainer, I wanted to find them, but in the end there was no result. I did not expect to meet them here.

“do we know each other?”

Asked by Yang Tian, ​​a man who is powerless, asks doubts! He did not have any impression of the strange man in front of him, but he also felt Yang Tian and Yang had known him for a long time from the tone of Yang Tian.

Yang Tian can’t control whether this powerless brother is a powerless brother in his previous life. Helping himself is helping himself.

“I am Yang Tian, ​​we met a long time ago.”

Yang Tian went inside the warehouse, but the three of them were very nervous. They saw the dark red wolf behind Yang Tian, ​​who felt a deadly threat in the dark red wolf.

“Incapable brother, Ting sister, haven’t you introduced me to who he is?”

Yang Tian was sitting at the side of the warehouse very casually, but the three of them had to be careful. In the city of A, they saw a lot of people who did not choose the means for food, but their strength is very weak, and Yang Tian’s strength is very strong, if you can see that their food can be completely grabbed, they do not need to be close to them.

“Do you really know us?” Ting Jie said with a little uncertainty.

“I know you two, but I don’t know him.”

Yang Tian said with a smile. In the past, when they were down, it was their husband and wife who were willing to help themselves. When I saw them, Yang Tian’s cold heart also produced a warmth.

Sōu sōu

Yang Tian’s recent movement attracted some small people. At the moment, outside the warehouse, many people are glare like a tiger watching his prey.

“Clean them up” Yang Tian scared the command to the dark red wolf.

Upon receiving the order from Yang Tian, ​​the dark red fire wolf immediately came out of the warehouse. In a scream, the dark red fire wolf returned to the warehouse. Now there is no living person outside the warehouse, and all of them have become corpses.

“I know that you don’t believe me. If you encounter threats, you can come to Wu Family in Wu Family to find me.”

Yang Tian sees their vigilance, and they can’t say anything. A bunch of food was taken from the bronze ring for them, and the Level 2 weapon cartilage knife was given to them.

However, the door of their warehouse was broken by Yang Tian, ​​and Yang Tian said a sorry before leaving.

“Don’t it be that he really knows us? Can he leave more food than all of our food?”

“Ting sister, powerless brother. If he does not know you, he will not give me food, you must know, but you two can’t think of it at this time.”

Little Zhang, a veteran on the side, also said. Only when I arrived at Last of Days, I realized that the food was valuable. Yang Tian would leave so much food. In Little Zhang’s opinion, Yang Tian and their husband and wife had a good relationship.


Powerless brother is also crazy memories at this moment, but there is really no such person in his memory.

On the way back to Wu House, Yang Tian knew that his behavior was a little excited. The pile of food is left to keep them from guarding themselves. When they need help, they can come to Wu to find themselves.

And Yang Tian also discovered the relationship between the veterans Little Zhang and Tingjie. This is not difficult to find. Why can’t the powerless brother call the incompetent brother, because he has obstacles in the world, weak and weak, and all the people in their village have given him a nickname, powerless.

Powerless brother is an honest man, of course, will not recommend others to call him so. Therefore, the incompetent brother gradually replaced his name. If someone asked his name, he would laughed and could not answer the two words. Later, I couldn’t help my brother to be such a very beautiful wife. I don’t know if it’s a good thing or a bad thing.

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