Mutants – In addition to the Cannibal Race, another “like” is not recognized by all humanity.

The bigger physique, the stronger muscles, the ugly twisted face and the gray-green skin, are as mad as the beastfolk in Lord of the Rings.

The infection of FEV virus makes their tissue cells have extremely perverted regenerative ability. In a sense, they can be regarded as immortal creatures that “will not die without death”. At the same time, the overbearing FEVs also gave them the ability to almost immune to all diseases and to basically exempt radiation. They sang “perfect humanity” and praised this piece of Wasted Earth as a paradise for their new humanity.

Of course, these are not the reasons why they are disgusted. Wasted Earth is arrogant and ugly. There are quite a few people who are ugly. If there is more radiation and dust, heads will become more or less abnormal.

What really made all Survivors intolerable was that they were group eunuchs.

The eunuchs are not enough. They also like to arrest people and turn the guys they catch into eunuchs like them.

Infertility is their only flaw.

At the same time, in the case of DNA telomere unchanged, the stronger the regenerative capacity, ie, the faster the cell division, the shorter the lifespan.

They will hardly be old, but they will die violently when they are around 50. The more war wounds they suffer, the shorter their life expectancy. If they want to continue their race, they can only grab people on Wasted Earth and pick them up like kimchi in a jar to make them as ugly as Mutants, men and women.

Even in order to increase efficiency, they will house males and females, force them to mate, and then pick them up after they are born. The newborn is raised again and the production line is repeated.

This kind of inhuman practice is truly repugnant than killing people directly. Obviously, people would rather lose their heads than lose Tintin. Mutants then logically boarded all Blacklists in the survivor base, even the Sixth Block is no exception.

This group of eunuchs is the enemy of all humanity.

However, even if they can’t trade with other Survivors, they still live well.

Nutrition mixture? Of course, they can produce, but they simply do not bother to eat that kind of thing. They hunt foreign-species, and then eat them raw and infected with highly toxic flesh, and rely on powerful immunity to exempt the toxicity. Even nausea such as Meat Mountain’s zombie-type foreign-species, they can eat without hesitation.

Arms? They were born in underground military facilities because they were freedom because of the dissolution of the regime. They have dominated the entire military base. They can be said to be one of the most abundant arms reserves in Wanghai City.

To be honest, they really have a proud capital in terms of their adaptability to the world. If it is not infertility, I’m afraid that they have occupied the entire world with no suspense.

And Jiang Chen, they face this group of perverted at the moment.

“His mother’s, their firepower is too fierce!” Ma Zhongcheng slammed behind the bunker, and the heavy machine guns swept by the pressure to breathe.

400 meters away, who’s firepower, who is the father.

The gray-green skin Mutants was tangled in chains, and the Rotary Machine Gun frantically shot at the Bishop Building. The strong physique allows them to shoot directly with heavy firepower and is hardly plagued by recoil.

Do not need to wear mechanical exoskeleton to increase the weight, they rely on pure power, you can wear about a ton of Could steel iron armor. If it is not to hit the uncovered joints, light weapons can hardly pose a threat to them.

“The grass is actually the Mutants.” Sun Jiao’s face was a bit ugly, and the 72mm anti-craft gun in his hand was stuck behind the bunker.

This kind of heavy machine gun has been able to pose a threat to the Power Armor. The fierce firepower on the other side has made their style of play obsolete and trivial.

Fix the anchors and replace the AP bomb. She leaned out of the bunker and lifted her hand.

Orange bullets drew an arc of light, hitting a Mutants who was holding a machine gun and venting fire.

The AP bomb penetrated the armor without any suspense, tearing the Musts into pieces.

The effect was obvious, and Mutants’ offense was clearly cautious when he found that the opposite had heavy firepower. However, the firepower also gathered at the position of Sun Jiao.

The anchoring device was hurriedly retracted and Sun Jiao rushed to activate(d) the vortex engine and shyly avoided the bulging bullet.

The raging firepower of the heavy machine gun almost tore the wall from which she was hiding.

“Damn, don’t they have any money for their bullets?” Jiang Chen chewed his teeth against the wall, moving while shooting and replacing the bunker.

“Day! Why do you always stare at your old woman?” Sun Jiao dragged the two-meter-long gun barrel behind the stairs and dared not take the lead.

In addition to heavy machine guns, there are no recoil guns, at least four opposite!

Firepower is not a level at all. The only heavy firearm on Jiang Chen’s side is the 72mm counter-propelled gun on Sun Jiao’s hand. Although the triangular-shaped Rotary Machine Gun mounted on the Power Armor is powerful enough, once the formation of firepower is suppressed, it is difficult to fight back on the other side.

There are at least 20 Mutants facing the machine gun.

“Do you want to drive the infantry? The 20mm machine gun above–”

“You are crazy. They have four recoilless guns!”

“Damn, what to do…” Sun Jiao pursed his lips.

“Retreat! Retreat! Shrinking the line of defense, damn! Preparing to fight in the building’s Civil War!” With no time to hesitate, Jiang Chen immediately took the order and shouted at the public channel.

Sun Jiao gave a glimpse and responded immediately.

Yeah, if you can’t win the distance and fight fire, then you can pull it in! If Mutants needs captives, there is no reason not to catch up.

“Roger that!”

The light infantry who had been nailed to the ground began to withdraw, then Power Armorsoldier.

Mutants prevailed in the first round of clashes. Three light infantry men died on the side of Jiang Chen, and Power Armorsoldier suffered minor injuries.

Two people were killed in the confrontation. One of them was killed by Sun Jiao. The other one was estimated to have died of character. With Mutants’ resilience, as long as it’s not a blow-up or a heart, it’s basically not a Death on the spot.

The sky was gradually darkened. Because of Jiang Chen’s retreat on this side, Mutants’ firepower stopped.

It is impossible to demolish the buildings. Their purpose is estimated to be to catch the population. In this case, they can only enter the main building and meet them with Jiang Chen.

“A total of 31 people, 19 heavy machine gunmen, have entered the building.” After opening Madness, Jiang Chen will see the red-red heart.

Madness is lifted.

He took a deep breath and his brain recovered. After a battle in Virtual World, he was able to freeactivate(d) and shut down Madness without the aid of an auxiliary agent.

However, the only bad thing about this Madness is that the more hostile targets there are, the more difficult it is to control emotions, and that when the heart builds up to a certain extent, it can even lose control. Like Sun Jiao’s weakness after using Tenacious, such hidden genetic code may not be the gift of the Creator from the beginning, but the curse of the disrespectful.

The light infantry was totally unavailable at this time. Sun Jiao had already ordered them to retreat to the doorway.

The number of the 10 Power Armorsoldiers against the 31 Mutants is actually quite different.

But will Jiang Chen play with them honestly?

Fishbone survivor base lacks many things, but no shortage of subcrystals.

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