As for the summit, Jiang Chen could see where his allies were and where his resistance was.

    Yes, it can only be described by the word resistance.

    By now, no one has been able to stop Star Ring Trading from doing anything, and no one can change the decision he made. But the views of these energy giants are still likely to be a drag on the star ring trading to push Himalia colonizing plan. Because they represent often not only themselves, but also represent the interests of a country.

    Energy is really important.

    No matter whether it is military or economic, it cannot be separated from it. Once something is detached from the first two, it will naturally come with political significance.

    Stand on the rostrum and watch the representatives of the countries sitting under the table.

    Jiang Chen心中莫名产生了一种错觉,他已经成为了这个星球的“Sovereign Emperor”,而他此刻面对着的,等候着他发落的,不过是Empire内的“封臣”。

    The NATO, which lost United States, has been in a non-existent. Star Ring Trading opponents have not been found on this planet. Unless all countries are united, they can barely have a 20% chance of winning. Europe’s “barbarian people” sooner or later will be the Earth Defense League under the banner, and the soldiers of the “seal”, and sooner or later the clan will be cut, and finally hands to their own power.

    Now, “Sovereign emperor” summoned his “minister” to ask them the views of the new colonial continent. In fact, “Feng-chen” of the views of the matter is not important, it is important how the cake should be divided in order to maximize the benefits.

    If the ultimate goal of the star ring trading is to eliminate all borders, upgrade the Earth Defense League to Earth Federation. Then as the “Sovereign Emperor”, or the “President” of the Earth Federation, or the so-called “Planetary Leader”, it is not only the interests of Star Ring Trading but also the overall interests of the entire Earth Federation.

    After all, they still have truly deadly enemies to face – from Colony Ship 20.5 light years away, a decisive battle about humanity’s Life and Death.

    First of all, Kelvin explained to all the prospects of colonial Himalia, and the necessity. The richness of the above resources is no longer required, not just the ones mentioned by Star Ring Trading, and countries have certainly conducted analysis through various technical means.

    Soon came the questioning session.

    It is naturally Aerospace Domain’s expert who first asks questions.

    The technical consultant from RussiaSpace Agency (RKA) first stood up and asked questions.

    “The most critical question, how can we survive without water?”

    “This is a very good question, in fact, before the summit, it was the problem that we studied most.” ”Jiang Chen smiled and went on, “according to the outpost station we have deployed in Himalia, Europa stores a large amount of water resources, which are covered by glaciers, and under ice cover are flowing oceans.” Not only the water problem, the problem of heat can be solved, and the liquid sea can exist under the ice cover, so it must mean that Europa has violent seabed volcanic activity. ”

    “We are considering colonization plan, which will focus on Europa living area and industrial areas.” And Himalia will be our resource mining base, producing Black Alkane, shipping to Earth, or other Colony. ”

    On the holographic screen, light blue particles are flashing.

    In Jiang Chen’s finger-swiping position, three-dimensional images of Jupiter and all its satellites were presented in front of everyone. Europa produces water, liquefied hydrogen, oxygen, and relies on geothermal power, and Himalia produces energy, two interlaced blue lines connect between the two planets, eventually connecting to Earth, Sparks (Mars), hundreds of millions of of kilometres away.

    A simple, easy trade route has been planned by the star ring trading. Starship with Star Ring Trading is responsible for shipping within the Galaxy. As far as the transportation within the Star System is concerned, with the strength of several major member states, there is no problem to complete it alone.

    All of us can see the broad prospect of colonial Jupiter from this concept map.

    However, as the old problems were resolved, new problems emerged.

    “Black alkane?” So what’s that

    The technical advisor from Royal Dutch Shell Company stands up and speaks.

    Wen Chen, Jiang Chen smiled slightly.

    “This is what we are about to say.”

    Saying, he reached out and drew his finger a few clicks on the touchpad. The cylindrical platform slowly rose. Located on the platform Central, it was a thumb-sized black crystal, like the obsidian, with glass on the surface. luster.

    Captured by a high-resolution camera, everyone can mount it on the electronic screen on the desk and clearly observe the thumb-sized black crystal.

    The obvious sign that glass luster is common in silicate minerals, especially found in igneous rocks, is almost impossible to see in hydrocarbons.

    Just as everyone thought this was probably the star ring trading survey ship, the rock samples sent back from Himalia, Jiang Chen felt a lighter from his pocket.

    Then he lit it.


    It’s just a point.

    Almost all the technical advisers present, as well as the petroleumcompanyexecutive of the 1~2 of Mineralogy, were all stunned, except for those politicians and diplomats who did not understand the whole process, sitting idly by.

    In particular, when the flames of the fire from the painted black crystal on the moment, a sound incredibly exclaimed to emerge in succession.

    “That’s impossible!”

    “Coal minerals?” I heard that there is a kind of bituminous coal that also produces a shiny glass…”

    Some people even stand up eagerly.

    “Is that black alkane?” Is there calorific data? I need its calorific value data! ”

    Jiang Chen lifted her hand and motioned to the people calm, calm, and continued.

    “The density is twice times the water, and the composition is a mixture of alkanes …In fact, I said here, many of you have been able to approximate the calorific value of it, and for this new material, we do not intend to conceal. ”

    “We found a kind of bacteria on Himalia, temporarily named it MW1, and its metabolite is ‘Black Alkane’, a mixture of alkanes that appears black. Its molecular structure is tightly folded by Z-type, and the heating can be decomposed slowly into methane, ethane …

    看着倒吸一口凉气的Russia天然气companyChairman of the Board,不安分地左顾右盼的Saudi Arabian Oil CompanyNasser,以及小声和身后大佬交谈的中petroleumexecutive,Jiang Chen微微笑了笑,继续开口说道。

    “Believe me, here, everyone in this room already knows what this means,” he said. ”

    “Yes, it will be an energy revolution.” ”

    “Of course, the main thrust of our summit was not to sell you this kind of compound that is easy to store, transport or even use, but to tell you what kind of treasure we are facing.” ”

    “Now I’ve taken the Treasure Map out. Then we’re going to discuss how to tap the treasure.” Here, Jiang Chen paused and looked at the brooding face. Smiled slightly, “We have always believed that the pay is directly proportional to the return.”

    “People who are not interested can exit early.” ”

    “But if you’re interested, I promise you won’t be disappointed.” ”

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