Until 22nd century, this piece of continent has been the object of economic colonization of various countries, once ushered in a brief boom. After 22nd Century, space mining became the norm, and the enthusiasm of countries for AfricaContinent plummeted.

    资源已经无法作为Africa的优势,Space Elevator可以为各大经济体带来无穷无尽的工业原材料,Moon成为了各大political联盟新的角力场,Rare Earth与Helium-3能源市场随着第一个MoonColony的建立而重新洗牌,整个AfricaContinent就像是被遗忘了一样,彻底走出了国际资本的视野之外,只留下了一个徒有其表的空壳,大片的平民窟与不见灯火的city形成了鲜明的反差。

    The Black brothers, who were already lazy, were apparently not able to prepare for the day.

    With the major mining Industry, petroleum giants have been evacuated from Africa, the continent ushered in an unprecedented depression, the debt crisis to Africa countries government successively bankrupt, war, hunger, Disease became the new normal of this continent, as in the Africa Prairie Natural selection, huddled in the slums of people struggling in poverty, and constantly suffering from coups d ‘ état and short-lived dictator reincarnation.

    Only when humanitarian supplies are delivered can they be given a half gasp.

    Situation in the 211950 ushered in a slight transformation, the global economic crisis broke out, Africa’s situation seems to have been no worse, people seem to be re-sighted back here, although the eyes full of absent-minded.

    The real turning point is 2171.

    As the Third World War broke out, the continent, which almost declined to atomic age, unexpectedly became the only survivor in the nuclear war.

    In 2174, the Third World War ended, and the World Coalition Government was established. Many people began to prepare for the escape plan. At that time, the world’s government was preparing to bring Africans into the company, but unfortunately, the entire Emirate of Africa had been unable to find a suitable spokesperson.

    It was not until 2176 colony ship was launched that the entire africacontinent was excluded from the eyes of the international community. Surprisingly, however, from the end of the war in 2174, the entire Africa ushered in the dawn of spring.

    From Moscow to Paris in ruins, no more than an inch of intact land.

    A large number of European refugees have poured into Africa across the Mediterranean, bringing with them the technology and knowledge they have not.

    It was only then that the black uncles suddenly discovered that the outside world, which they had longed for, had become ruins, and the people they had envied were looking at themselves in the eyes of envy at the moment.

    Apart from the continent of the arms reserves, the rest of the world is so backward.

    But it is precisely because of this that the black people have not, as ever, reduced to the slave of Europeans or other outsiders. Instead, the black men, armed with arms, put their guns on the heads of the European refugees and tied their collars around their necks.

    It is impossible to count on blacks to make a living. It is hoped that blacks will use food to help white people. Even whites think that it is politically incorrect, let alone blacks themselves.

    Moreover, until before the war, Africa many backward areas, has regressed back to the tribal emir system.

    And these emirate, most agree with slave system.

    This is particularly common in North Africa, where some of the countries of sub-Saharan Africa remain civilization, but the North African emirate has never been more powerful after accepting a large number of refugees from Europe or even slave.

    With the arrival of a powerful Emir, a brand new Africa alliance came into being.

    Like their names, African United emirate a high degree of autonomy in the tribes, and a strategy of joint foreign warfare, waging war against the South Africa Alliance.

    Compared to the World War, which has been playing for two hundred years in three years, this war can only be described as shabby. Both sides of the tank brigade are not together, power armor and no wearing infantry in the prairie charge each other.

    With 22nd century equipment played the first World War tactical style, less than five years South African Union declared surrender, retreated Madagascar Island. The AUE that occupied the entire AfricanContinent did not earnestly fight for the South African Union due to the lack of sufficient warship.

    A large area of ​​land has digested the refugees who have flooded into Africa. The food is enough to eat.

    The Hard-working Asia people are the best candidates for farming, and people with fields can be divided into one. In contrast, the image of whites is closer to the appetites of black uncles, so the identity played is often X-slave.

    The Negro who has status has the honor of having a white slave.

    Whether Aue or retreated to the South African Union of Madagascar Island, they had no more ideas about the land outside of Africacontinent, and how bad the outside world had been told by the Europeans.

    Soldiers who have come from Europe have become the target of their competition. Drivers with fighter, Tank, and even Mecha often get higher status than ordinary black civilians.

    As for most yellow people, living in AfricaContinent is very difficult.

    Especially Indian.

    For South-East Asia, Africa is far too distant to cross the India to reach Africa south and Madagascar Island, most of whom come from India. Most of these people were Africa as serfs after they arrived.

    “Unite, and we will not be destroyed.” ”

    The old Congolese proverb, the slogan of the Negro Brothers.

    Ironically, neither the aue of tribal self-government nor the South African Union have ever ceased to be internal. As one writer once said, no one has ever been more eager to slaughter his countrymen than blacks.

    North of the Aue like a huge feudal empire, “King” hand has countless powerful, but South African Union, it is more like a small Renaissance period republic.

    “Social patterns have been reduced to this level?”With a panda-like pouch on his face, he was on the verge of falling from the moment he entered the door, sitting on Jiang Chen in Marshal Prefecture, watching the report sent by his men, and kept hitting Hache incessantly. His mouth was incoherent. The ground whispered, “A group of rifle guys…Envoy? Well, let’s see. ”

    Han Junhua’s eyes were fixed on his face, and after a while, he coughed gently.

    “If you’re in a bad mood today, I suggest you get some sleep,” he said. ”

    “Not in good shape?” does not exist. ”

    Jiang Chen shook his head hard, stretched his hand to pinch sour brow, the hand of the document was he threw to the side.

    “Maybe you need a cup of coffee.” ”

    With a shrug, Han Junhua turned and walked out to the door.

    “Wait,” Jiang Chen raised her hand and stopped Han Junhua from walking outside the door. After she stopped, she said, “Send someone to agree a time with the Envoy, uh…Tomorrow, tomorrow I will meet with him at the Sixth BlockParliament Building. ”

    Today is impossible, he can’t hold it.

    The last scene is probably the window of the morning daylight, and Yao Yao the first touch of rain, happy and satisfied with the face, and from the sleep of the Xiaorou face that black belly of the bad smile. The last paragraph memory some fragments, he vaguely remember is Xiaorou put his arm to coax him to Marshal Prefecture, most of them are playing tricks on him …

    Otherwise he would never have come here.

    See if I go back and don’t swollen you fart.shares.

    Sentence in his heart, Jiang Chen just planned to get up from the chair, and ended up plucking on the table, snoring.

    The brow smoked, Han Junhua sighed, slightly nodded, walked to the door.


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