After the parade ended, AUEAmbassadorZariaEmir declined Jiang Chen’s feast and returned to Mombasa on a boat overnight. He went to the palace and met the Great Emir in person.

    When he arrived, the palace was also holding a banquet.

    But the party was not to celebrate the new year, but to celebrate Lake Victoria Development Zone harvest, in order to celebrate the Mombasa almost exploded granary.

    During the banquet, the aristocrats in the Steel Tooth Tribe had a two-in-one gluttonous gluttonous body, which was full of fat when compared to last year’s party. From the pile of meat on them, it is not difficult to see that in the past three years, they have been quite moist.

    “How come back so soon?” Are the monkeys ‘ food not good? Or did they not entertain? ”and took a bite of the roast deer, duamangreat Emir hug the blonde big wave beauty, looked at the doorway kneeling on one knee zaria, smiled and said, “Come, turmen, put your fat to the side squeeze a squeeze, give us the Zariaemir to move some places, the party has just begun, Try this new bottle of wine …Damn, these Asian people will really enjoy it. They don’t know what method to use. This new wine does not have a bit of astringency. ”

    “No, not at all, Emir, they treat me with courtesy, but I have to come back early to tell you what I saw in the last few days …”On one knee, in front of the Duaman Great Emir, ZariaEmir saw everything he had seen at the NAC’s celebration and the day of the parade.

    From the NAC ‘ s boom, Zariaemir felt a hint of fear.

    Now NAC and Steel tooth tribe are in the honeymoon period, because what NAC is now getting from steel tooth tribe is enough to support NAC’s boom. But what about 10 years from now? 20 years later?

    From Africa plundering food and industrial raw materials, and dumping industrial finished goods to Africa, NAC’s industry expanded at an incredible pace, liberating labor from mutated fruit farms and nutritional mixture factories.

    One day, NAC’s appetite will swell to steel tooth tribe, and even the entire aue cannot be satisfied.

    Zaria has even regretted it now.

    Perhaps the first trade treaty with NAC was the wrong choice.

“……Their collectors add up to less than half of Mombasa, not to mention our great alliance. However, all the soldiers were armed with exoskeleton to their teeth. The pace of walking through the square was as if it had been carved out of a mold. They are not as strong or as vicious as the sleepy sloth in my tribe, but I have no confidence in such an army ….

    Words to stop, Zaria head down no longer openings.

    He certainly did not dare to use Duamangreat Emir under the elite to compare with those people, but euphemism with his tribe of those warrior, to and that group of people to compare. To Duamangreat Emir’s cleverness, he must be able to comprehend the meaning he wants to express.

    “I know, go so far road, you should be tired, first come here to sit down.” ”

    Raising your head, he looked at the Great Emir with disappointment and Zaria buried his head and said heavily.


    The banquet continued, and the atmosphere was not weighed down by Zariaemir’s previous remark.

    It was Duaman Great Emir, who was a little more absent-minded in his eyes when he was holding a golden glass.

    Compared to those tribes who only know the nobility of beer and skittles, and those who are boozing corrupt “Warrior”, he considered of course farther.

    Over the years, with the expansion of NAC in the Lake Victoria development area, the field production has expanded from the initial 1 million acres to 51 million acres. The annual payment of food also from “more than 400 tons into now more than 2 million tons, Steel tooth tribe granary almost burst.”

    Food prices are getting cheaper, but the number of munitions that can be converted is getting fewer and fewer. Like the pre-war African leaders, DuamanGreat Emir gradually began to realize that trade between non-industrial and industrial countries is not. Equal status.

    The original contract, with grain for power armor looks very lucrative. However, with the dumping of industrial products, the proliferation of arms to aue internal conflict more and more fierce, the Southern Alliance is also in the hot, the price of arms products are not falling, the original five containers of food can change a power Armor, now 50 containers of grain is not necessarily enough power Armor’s leg.

    Obviously the other side has been friendly, put low posture and their cooperation, but Duamangreat Emir always have their own home by robbers patronize illusion.

    No, it cannot be said to be an illusion.

    This is the true feeling.

    Not only that, the recent steel tooth tribe a few Aue on the edge of the big tribe more and more restless, and even gradually do not put him this great emir looked down on his command responded.

    Duaman Great Emir knows clearly who gave them courage.

    The Asia people are not just doing business with him, they are also doing business with other tribes in Aue.

    Some time ago, Mammoth Tribe in the north contracted the entire port to Future Growth because they did not have a freighter and they couldn’t take the initiative to go to the port of Wanghai City to do business. They could only bring those Asian people in this way.

    “This will not work,” said the drunken Duaman Great Emir, who had drunk after the party, and found his Ministry of Commerce ChancellorTurmen, the fat man who had previously given Zaria Emir’s place in the Tottenham seat. “Can’t let NAC’s continue to export arms to AUE…”Belch

    “The Emir, you drink too much, I take you back.” ”Seeing Duaman to fall, Turmen hurried forward, a hold him.

    I’m not drunk

    Waved away the Turmen,duamangreat Emir mercilessly stare at the fat one eye, look at the latter fear of the feet of the shrinking neck, this only clear clear voice said.

    “The AUEEmir conference will be held next week. You give me a contract to negotiate. After NAC’s munitions, you will not be free to sell to Africa’s ports. You can only unload in the port of Mombasa. Otherwise, it will be regarded as smuggling…”

    “Will this cause other Emir’s rebound…”Watching Duaman Emir’s slowly deteriorating sight, Turmen hurriedly covered his head and said, bowing his head nervously, “Yes, yes, I will do it.”

    “Oh,” Duaman said with his nose, and waved annoyedly. “Get it.”

    “yes” = “Yes”;

    Returning home, Turmen’s drunken face immediately swept away, grabbed the hangover and poured it in his mouth, swallowed, and rushed into the bedroom. Grabbing the phone hidden under the pillow, he used trembling fingers to dial out the numbers and put the phone in his ear.

    The phone was given to him by a man, and he could only dial one by one number.

    The phone rang three.


    There is no nonsense, turmen face to please smile, will just Duamangreat Emir confessed to him, repeat the intact.

    After the phone was over, Turmen fell back to sleep.

    However, he did not even think of himself. The next day, the Civil War’s wolf smoke burned across the entire east coast of AUE…

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