In this moment, Luo has only such an idea in his mind.

    But also for a moment, the idea was erased from his heart.

    A bitter smile appeared on his face.


    Where else can I run?

    EARTH Sparks (Mars)? Or Jupiter System?

    No matter which direction to run, it is undoubtedly a dead alley.

    As for the Solar System, the company number simply does not have a living system that can be completely recycled. Since the completion of the Galactic Highway, it has been easier to move from the Earth to the Kuiper Belt than it was originally. The huge living system that originally used space has also been significantly reduced to make space for weapons.

    In this regard, [the Origin] is much better than their three new ships …

    With his fists squeezed and loosened, Luo Hong took a deep breath and put his cap on the head of his head, gently straightened and looked down at the shivering crowd in the bridge and said.

    “Earth Defense League 107 resolution…On the resolution of the martyrs’ families. ”

    Everyone looked at him.

    “Warrior, sacrificed for the Defense League lofty cause, whose immediate family will be included in the first sequence of the planting plan, launches the seeding vessel to Centauri and the last Fire Seed for Earth Civilization when an irreparable failure comes.”

    This time, Luo to see them, on the pair of the eyes of the different pupils.

    “The gentlemen, behind are our homes.”

    “We have no retreat …”

    Luo has lied.

    Defense League The last issue of the resolution is number 106th.

    Resolution 107th does not exist at all.

    However, he did not choose.

    After hearing the words of Commodore, everyone came back to the post.

    They are elites from various countries’ armies. Their glory and faith do not allow them to escape.

    It’s no matter whether you believe that this is unheard of resolution 107th, and that they are standing here.

    “这里是企业号……Authorize a firefight. ”

    “[The Frontier] received—”

    “[The Trial] received…I wish outstanding achievements. ”

    Nearly a thousand kilometers of tentacles, hundreds of kilometers long body, that stretches of kilograms of meat bubble like a wave like agitated. The string of white light particles flickering behind them is like the sunrise that rises gradually in the cold night.

    An insect ship floats on the side of Colony Ship, and it is densely connected.

    Even an insect ship is enough to let EarthFleet take full strength to deal with it.

    Now, there are hundreds of …

    The three Starships tacitly transferred the ship’s head and, like the exercises drilled countless times, put on a confrontational formation.

    Even if all people are aware, everything they do is nothing but arming.

    But even so, they have something they can do.

    At least, for their compatriots behind them, they will strive for more precious time…


    There is no suspense at all.

    EarthFleet lost.

    And the defeat is very thorough.

    The three Starships held a state of mind almost equal to suicide, and launched attacks against enemies that could not be defeated. FleetCommander Luo Hong fought to the last moment, when the insect ship swallowed the entire company number, he left himself the last bullet in the cartridge.

    When heard of the bad news coming from afar, Jiang Chen felt only a cold hand.

    Why the colony ship, which should have arrived in solar system in half a century, will arrive in Kuiper Belt so many years ahead. Why in the last paragraph, Luo Hong described Colony Ship that was surrounded by “wings,” and what he saw through Ting Ting (graceful and dainty)…

    The plan to explore the land of heart was terminated.

    Regardless of the retention of Golovin I, Jiang Chen returned to Heavenly Palace City without a word.

    Whether it was the Heart of the Land mine or the Planet Furnace, it all lost its meaning in the face of the fact that EarthFleet was defeated. However, when he and Hong Zewei and others rushed back to Heavenly Palace City, it was found that the entire city had become a mess…

    On the street, screams come and go.

    Not knowing who leaked the news, the irrational people rushed up the street and jammed the road in front of the station.

    Now the location of sparks (Mars) is moving farther from Earth. Apart from Colony, which is Europa and Himalia, Heavenly Palace City is at the front line between Earth and Colony Ship of Harmony. People do not know where to flee, but the instinct for survival tells them that at least they cannot stay in this…

    “Step aside! Ler me get through! Damn it, squeeze what! Lao Tzu’s flight will be delayed…It’s all crammed in here, do you have tickets? ”Squeezed among the crowd, the man with a beer belly turned red and desperately wanted to push the crowd in front of him.

    Hearing that this person had a ticket, the woman with the baby ran out of him with all her strength and begged him to hand the baby in front of him.

    “Please, do me a favor, please take my son.” He’s only a year old, and I don’t want him to–”

    “Get away!” Who’s going to take your son? ”Seeing a strange woman blocking herself, the man was mad, however, slamming her hands over and over, but this push was accidentally pushing the baby from the woman’s hands to the ground.

    The harsh screams sounded.

    As she was mad, the woman threw herself into the ground and hugged her child.

    She only had time to protect him under the body, one foot will step toward her.

    Falling down in a crowd is almost tantamount to committing suicide …

    The stampede has taken place and the steps in front of the station are murky. However, people have no extra energy to discover the humble lives lying under their feet.

    Wearing Power Armor soldier block at the station doorway, neatly stood in two columns, forming a row of towering motionless wall. Forcelessly, not far from the armored vehicle, the muzzle of the roof heavy machine gun is aimed at the mob that is losing reason.

    Yet in the face of more serious threats, this level of threat has lost its effect …

    “Let us pass!” ”

    “How can you block the entrance of the station! I bought a ticket! Let me pass! ”

    “I know that this gang* is definitely for the rich people to withdraw!”

    “I saw it yesterday. Jiang Chen is still in Heavenly Palace City!”

    “Star Ring Trading’s Running Dog!”

    If there were stones on the ground, they would not hesitate to pick them up and smash them towards the people who had protected them.

    Unfortunately, the ground is too clean …

    The crowd in front of the station was getting more and more, the people behind pushed the people in front, under the incite of collective mood, people began to collide with the wall of star ring Tradingmarine Corpssoldier. The entire heavenly Palace city police with drone and fire drone are gathered here, but the face of tens of thousands of people is still a drop in the bucket.

    People away from the station, seeing no matter how to squeeze in, the bottom line, the moral and the fear of the law, also began to rot gradually with despair. Things that you once wanted to do but did not dare to do are not at that moment.

    Like a poppy in bloom.Millet, crime in heavenly Palace City in every corner of the growth.

    A small number of people simply gave up on their escape and all of the Star Ring Trading collectors were restrained at the station and began to walk in the streets in groups of three or five to find objects that could be used to…

    The situation began to get out of control.

    Just then, in front of the crowd, a shot rang.

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