I Have a Mansion in the Post-apocalyptic World

Chapter 213 Ting Ting (graceful and dainty)

Out of the elevator, Jiang Chen was warmly welcomed by the Survivor of Fishbone Base.

The snow is large, but it does not cool people’s enthusiasm.

There was even a young girl who presented flowers to Jiang Chen.

The first few Survivors to join the base were Sixth Block refugees. In the slums, suffering from hunger, diseases, and white eyes, they struggled hard for survival. It can be said that for the ten-member committee that is above the top, they do not have the slightest feeling of favor. Although they are now irrelevant to the Sixth Block, they feel proud and proud of Jiang Chen’s entry into the Sixth Block.

Jiang Chen waved at people with a smile and then entered the community center with Sun Jiao.

To the Office of the Logistics Department, Jiang Chen found Minister Wang Qing.

“The reward for the black blood mercenary group has been fully paid, for a total of 11,000 subcrystals. Because of fears that his resident was affected by the Civil War, Royan has taken people back to the Sixth Block first. He left on matters concerning trade with Liuding Town. An agent discussed with us.”

Hearing Wang Qing’s report, Jiang Chen nodded.

Sixth Block and the food business outside of Wanghai City, Jiang Chen was handed over to Zhao Chenwu. As for Liuding Town, since it has already signed a trade agreement with Tang Miya, Jiang Chen directly hired the black blood mercenary group, allowing Luo Yang to take the food to the aircraft carrier, and then return the subcrystal and custom chips.

As for the details of the trade, Jiang Chen directly handed it over to Wang Qing. He believes that her experience is rich enough in this respect.

On the other hand, more than 100 Survivors have recently joined the Fishbone Base, most of which are Qingpu’s Survivor, and part of it is from the nearby Songjiang.

For the newcomers, Jiang Chen naturally expressed a welcome attitude, but the Fishbone Base’s home was a little nervous. Due to the fact that the central core of the architecture team was leaning toward the fortifications on the shore of Taipu River some time ago, the construction of the new pioneering land of the Fishbone Base has been slowed down.

However, with the weakening of the pressure from the Mutants, Lu Huasheng returned to the base with the engineering team. It is believed that the problem of how long the housing can be solved will be solved.

“Luo Yang, what did you say before leaving?”

Hesitated for a moment, Wang Qing whispered.

“He said you are embarrassed.”

Jiang Chen stunned, and hā hā laughed.

“Then I will be boasting about me.”

If he had received the Civil War news at the time, he would say that he would take people back to the Sixth Block.

More than 70 people are not many, but they are war veterans. With these more than 70 mercenary, in the Civil War casually take advantage of, but also much richer than that of 11000subcrystal.

After relating the relevant issues, Jiang Chen stepped out of the office and returned to the villa with Sun Jiao waiting outside.

Sun Xiaorou was locked in the basement by Jiang Chen after the last torture. If it is an ordinary stranger, no matter why, she is actually Sun Jiao’s younger sister. Considering his relationship with Sun Jiao, this Sun Xiaorou is still his sister-in-law.

“How are you going to treat my younger sister?” Sun Jiao whispered as she went to the basement.

“… to be honest, I don’t know either.”

Gently bit his lip, Sun Jiao wanted to say something, but in the end he didn’t say anything.

Jiang Chen sneaked at Sun Jiao’s face and said nothing.

The two silently walked to the basement door and pushed the door open.

“Great change, finally returned?”

Lin Ling sat in front of the computer, intently banging on the trackpad and said nothing.

Before departing for the front line, Jiang Chen had told her to study why Sun Xiaorou had lost his childhood memory, and he did not even remember Sun Jiao. Reminiscent of her irrational fanaticism of belief, Jiang Chen doubted that she had ever been brainwashed or hypnotized.

Disregarding Lin Ling’s poisonous tongue, Jiang Chen glanced at Sun Xiaorou, who floated in the training cabin.

“Is there a result?”

Lin Ling’s face flashed a smug grin and finally knocked down a few keys.

“Of course, who do you think I am.”

A human brain-shaped holographic image appeared on the projection device. Lin Ling slammed from the chair and walked next to the holographic image.

“After special equipment scanning, I discovered a nanochip in the hippocampus of her brain. Its role is to block the external nervous system from reading part of the hippocampus, which is equivalent to sealing her childhood memory. .”

Lin Ling extended his hand to point the hologram and enlarged the chip that was hidden in the hippocampus.

“Is there any way to remove this chip?” Jiang Chen replied.

“Of course there is, but it’s hard…” Lin Ling said with a sigh.

Seeing this always stinky Cyborg scientist, he said that it was difficult. Sun Jiao could not help but look worried. He could not help catching Lin Ling’s shoulder and begged.

“But there’s still a way to do it? Please, I don’t want my younger sister to be someone else’s jealous. If there is anything that can help, even though I said, I must-”

He was embarrassed by Sun Jiao’s earnest eyes. Lin Ling’s cheeks were red, and her eyes were interrupted.

“The chip grew up in her head. She wanted to take out the chip without damaging her brain. The pre-war medical level cannot guarantee a 100 percent success rate, let alone here…”

“What is the solution?” Jiang Chen asked calmly.

“The simplest way is to find the person who implanted the chip, release the control authority, and then put the chip into a permanent sleep.”

“Can’t use EMP and other things to get it off directly?” Jiang Chen could not help but ask.

Wen Ling, Lin Ling can not help but forehead.

“Electromagnetic Pulse is not effective for nanoscale electronic components. When the size of the device and the sensor is much smaller than the microwave wavelength, the microwave frequency cannot be coupled to the device with enough energy to cause damage… I say, your How does physics learn, and aren’t you from the University?”

Jiang Chen couldn’t help but reddened and arguing.

“We don’t learn this stuff on our side?”

Sun Jiao looked at the younger sister in the training slot and suddenly made a noise.

“Just grab the person who implanted the chip.”

“Even if I catch it, I don’t think he will necessarily hand it over to control authority.” Jiang Chen frowned and said something.

“Then forcing him to hand it over.” Sun Jiao’s face flashed a shrillness and his clenched fist shook with anger.

Looking at the expression on Sun Jiao’s face, Jiang Chen sighed.

It seems that the war with the Twilight Church was unavoidable, although from the beginning, both parties seemed to have little room for shaking hands.

“I will help you.” Jiang Chen took Sun Jiao’s fist and whispered comfort.

“Yeah.” Sun Jiao’s cheeks blushed and lowered his head.

Cut, too angry, this is a dog and a man.

Lin Ling picked up a small mouth.

For the two people actually ignored her, in front of her face show love, her heart was very dissatisfied, so that the heart rate began to accelerate.

Wait, why does the mechanical heart accelerate?

Lin Ling was surprised, but when she recovered, the body’s control had been taken away by the “guest” who was lying in her body.

“ahhh! Fast, help me, I can’t control the power of my body!”

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