April 13, 1945, Rain

Berlin is raining.

The expression on the faces of all people is very dark, like the dark clouds that linger over Berlin.

The bad news came from afar. After a few days of intense street fighting, Vienna eventually fell into the hands of the Soviets. At the same time, there is also Konecranes fallen. The group of Polar Bear completed the dream that could not be completed in centuries – entering the capital of Prussia.

The eastern side has not heard good news for a long time, and the West’s situation is probably the same.

Anybody can see that this Empire has already exhausted.

As a soldier, perhaps I shouldn’t give too much comment on Empire’s future, but from the perspective of a husband and a father, I hope that American can reach Berlin first.

God, what am I talking about?

April 14, fog

It’s fogging, maybe it’s almost sunny.

The good news is that no bad news came from either the east or the west.

There is no better news than no news, but anyone knows that this is just a calm before the storm.

In the morning, I received an order to transfer my work.

Did you say that this moment has finally come? Even me, who was a civilian, came to the point where I had to pick up the rifle and make the last drop of blood for this Empire.

However, things are far from what I think, and you will never guess what I see.

In the basement of the Berlin Prime Minister’s office, I actually met the head of state!

I cannot describe the excitement in my heart at the moment. I haven’t heard him for a long time. He has an inspiring speech. Many people said that he had escaped with his mistress, but at this moment, all the rumors did not break. He is still in Berlin! He is still standing with us!

Although his face is a bit more awkward than when he first appeared before the public. But his voice is still so contagious.

He talked with me for half an hour and asked me many things. It is hard to imagine that the little person like me actually received him. Sitting face to face with the great, he talked about Berlin’s past.

At the end of the conversation, he asked my loyalty.

I said, “If you need it, I can now pick up a gun and die for you, whether it’s in the east or west.”

He said: “I have more important missions to give you than death.”

Incredibly, the head of state personally awarded me the Medal of Iron Cross.

I am terribly upset. I have not made any meritorious service. I am not even a soldier struggling in the front line. How can I have such a great honor?

However, he dismissed my concerns.

“If you can accomplish what I am about to deliver to you, your credit for Third Reich will be worthy of this medal.”

I took a locked suitcase from his hand.

Then I was taken from the basement.

I couldn’t even meet my wife and daughter for the last time. I took a Me262B jetliner and flew to Norway.

To be honest, I don’t want to see them on the last side. Because I already knew it, it could be a one-way ticket.


April 15th, sunny.

Perhaps this is the last time I recorded the weather in my diary, at least for a few months.

We set out from Seabed and set sail with U-234, and proceeded along the same route toward the same destination – Far East, Japan.

It was not until the moment of boarding that I realized the seriousness of the matter.

Counting me a total of 14 people, each crew member is a big man, the lowest level is also a lieutenant colonel. If it wasn’t the Iron Cross, I don’t know if they would be looking at me as a small person. Interestingly enough, no one noticed the medal that was on my chest. Instead, I was more interested in the suitcase in my hand.

According to etiquette, everyone introduced themselves. Commander of the Air Force, Colonel of the Army, and expert on anti-aircraft artillery … and I, an intelligence officer of the intelligence station.

God, they are all Empire’s elite. Why sit here? Sit with this little person and take a U-shaped submarine to perform a “delivery” mission?


April 20.

According to Captain, we are now sailing above the Northern Atlantic Ocean and sailing towards the Southern Atlantic Ocean.

Having arrived at the sea, someone finally stood up and introduced us to the details of the mission.

This submarine is equipped with Third Reich’s cutting-edge military technology, such as V2rocket parts and drawings, “Junker” jet engine, Tiger tank drawings, and all part and design drawings of the Me-262 jet fighter.

These military technology and weapons samples will be brought to Tokyo.

As for those ten drums, Captain is not very aware of the specific situation, but it is generally described as a raw material for certain weapons.

The atmosphere in the submarine is silent, people whisper, or simply spend their time in sleep and reduce the time they wake up. The only person willing to talk to me was a nuclear physicist named Fabian. Although I do not understand what nuclear physics is, it does not prevent our friendship.

He said that in such an environment, mental health can be maintained only by maintaining human-to-human communication. I very much agree with his point of view. Apart from writing a diary, we will talk about something else.


April 22.

Today we talked about nuclear physics, although I didn’t understand it at all.

U-235. According to Fabian, this is a group of ominous letters and numbers. It belongs to the U-shaped submarine and is also the abbreviation of the 2 No. 35 isotope of uranium.

I don’t understand what uranium 235 means. I just listened to him. This stuff can be used to make a bomb that is terrorist|terrifying. His god secretly told me that if we can bring these ten barrels of uranium oxide to Japan, we will change history.

I dismiss this disregard, even if I have not been on the battlefield, I also know that only a few bombs are simply not enough to reverse the outcome of a war. If we can, then we have already done it. We have said to the bomb that was dumped by London that there are also “10.”

“These bombs are different from the past.”

“Yes? Compared to V2rocket?”

Fabian just smiled disdainfully.

“Compared to the sum of V1 and V2rocket launched to London.”

Well, I think his mentality has started abnormally.


May 4.

The situation is getting worse.

The Goliath Signaling Station responsible for giving us instructions suddenly lost its voice. Immediately afterwards, the navy’s main communications station near Berlin’s Nauen also lost contact.

With an intermittent telegram, the things that most worried us still happened.

Germany has already announced its surrender and the Empira- vyvyt Commander Dunnitz has ordered all U-shaped submarines to go up immediately, suspending the black flag and surrendering to the Allies.

In the face of this telegram, everyone was silent.

It was suggested that this may be a plot of the Allied Intelligence Department. However, some people pointed out that it may also be true. After all, at the moment they boarded the submarine, Berlin is in jeopardy.

Vice-captain recommends turning on radio silence and confirming the authenticity of the information to nearby submarines. However, Captain did not accept his proposal and made instructions to continue sailing.

U-235 is not in the establishment and is directly subject to the head of the state, and it is not necessary to order it at Dunnitz. Goal Tokyo, continue to perform mission.

In any case, submarine continued to sail. But I can clearly feel that not everyone is satisfied with this order, which even includes Captain himself.


May 10.

We have just passed Argenyan and entered the Pacific Ocean from the southern tip of South America.

At this point, we should be completely out of the siege of the Allies.

However, nobody is happy about this good news.

Germany has already surrendered, and we are German military. Is it necessary for us to continue fighting?

Maybe we should surrender to nearby allied forces. As long as we are careful not to be bumped by British, American should let us go home. After all, we didn’t commit any crimes. This U-shaped submarine hasn’t even fired a torpedo since its departure.


May 11.

Unfortunately, it happened again, but it did not come from submarine but within submarine.

Someone died.

The deceased was Lieutenant Bertram. He took an excessive amount of sleeping pills and committed suicide.


May 14.

When I wrote this diary, Fabian was crazy and he frantically whispered something.

I don’t understand his nonsense. What “isn’t physics at all. We were mistaken from the beginning.” “It’s not an atom. No, it’s not a substance at all.” “It’s not impossible for existing technology to observe, but fundamentally. It doesn’t exist.”

He found me and confessed to me that he was the holder of the key and asked me to take out the suitcase.

I refused him. The mission that the head of state gave me was to send it to Tokyo. Before that, no one can open the suitcase.

See me with a firm attitude, he did not insist.


June 1.

Originally, we should arrive in Okinawa 10 days ago, then enter the safe route and head straight to Tokyo.

However, there was an accident.

After arriving in the South Pacific Ocean, we opened the radio silence, but it was not Japan navy that met us, but the American ship.

Submarine was shot in the side wall, but fortunately we escaped.

It seems that Japan completely lost to American in the Pacific Ocean war. To think sadly, maybe Okinawa has changed his mind.


June 2.

Captain found Fabian.

“If this 520 kilograms of uranium were sent to Tokyo, could it change the outcome of the war?”

Fabian did not answer directly.

“Even if United States lost New York within a month, could it change the outcome of the war?”

Captain is silent. Everyone knows that when the war has reached this point, the outcome is not one that can be reversed.

“What about that suitcase?”

Fabian only shook his head.

“It’s too late.”


June 4.

In order to avoid the search for anti-submarine reconnaissance aircraft, we have to re-route back to New Zealand.

Some people say that submarine has sufficient supplies, and we should probably spend the rest of our lives on an island.

However, some people refuted this view. After all, not all people have committed war crimes. Many people still have family members and are eager to know their safety.

In the end, the Allies made a choice for us.

In Little Barry, we were surrounded by ships coming in three directions.

Is surrender or stubborn resistance in the end?

Unexpectedly, Captain actually consulted me, and obviously after he boarded the ship, he did not speak to me again.

To be honest, I have a beautiful wife and a lovely daughter. I didn’t want to die. Although I had an iron cross on my chest, I chose to surrender.

Heared my thoughts, Captain sighed.

It was as though the burden on his shoulders had finally been unloaded. He actually said thank you to me.


June 5.

Sudden rebellion.

Captain died and died of shooting.

Fabian died, but he died of suicide.

There are 7 people left now and all of them are war criminals except me. Someone proposed to execute me because I betrayed the will of the head of state. However, some people have said that I do not have to be executed; I just need to shut it up.

The refusal to surrender suggested that Submarine should be allowed to enter Hauraki Bay and escape the raid by doing the opposite.

Fortunately, we found a trench near the port of Jackson. As long as you hide it, no one can find us.

We have enough supplies to hide at the end of this year. When the wind is over, we will land in Australia and spend the rest of our lives in an incognito manner.


The diary ends here.

At the end of the page, the coat of arms of the iron cross was traced, and the notes of the inscription were very delicate. The artistic fonts of the time were used. With the help of the translator, Jiang Chen read the last line of the diary.

[To my motherland – Elias]

The submarine, named after Third Reich’s last hope, “U235,” eventually sank in the trench forever, and the diary did not record the specific cause of submarine’s sinking. However, what Jiang Chen can confirm is that this man named Elias must have opened the suitcase.

Nor will this diary appear in a suitcase.

According to the contents of the diary, Jiang Chen may have inferred that perhaps he knew that he would die out and that Hitler placed all his hopes on the disobedient allies of the Far East. Black Technology has been packed into this submarine, and even this “to talk with Alien” suitcase.

However, this U-235 apparently failed to turn the wheels of history.

Two months later, United States ended the war with two original bullets.

“Do you know what this ball is?” Lin Lingtaking a deep breath of relief, ending the analysis of the ball in the suitcase.

“What is it?” Jiang Chen faintly felt that this thing might be related to Black Technology that Germany had pulled out in World War II.

The phrase “help” is likely to be a signal to the “Future.”

“A Klein Particle’s sender.” Lin Ling pointed to the small line of words on the shell. “The work is rough, but it is really exciting the Klein Particle Wave, although it is doing a broadcast on the same space. No work.”

“What other special place?”

“Do you remember what I said to you? There are traces of Klein Particle in every conscious carbon-based organism, and it is usually stored in the hindbrain.”

“So?” Jiang Chen vaguely realized what a chill could not help but climb through the body.

Lin Ling took a deep breath and said quickly.

“The whole brain extract of an iron ball, this is a man-made subcrystal… with more than 10 brains. ”

“10 people……

Just to convey that “help” that can never be heard.

“really crazy.”

Swallowing his mouth, Jiang Chen said with difficulty.

“However, what shocked me most was not this “10 human lives.” Lin Ling paused. Then he said, “The target coordinates of the signal transmission come from Void.” ”

“What is Void?” Jiang Chen could not help but ask.

“In a nutshell is behind the wormhole where all physical sensations such as space and time are chaotic.”


“Remember the story of the six interstellar Colony Ship that I said to you? Three of them went to the wormhole.”

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