I Have a Mansion in the Post-apocalyptic World

Chapter 427 Smoke from Pagadian City

“The previous day, the anti-government forces of Philippines launched an assault on the west cities and towns Pagadian City of Mindanao Island at 9 pm. The arson destroys 4 city Police Departments, 2 bus stations, 2 government office buildings, and 2 power stations in the city, causing massive power outages in the city. ”

    “The two sides engaged in a fierce exchange of fire in the northern part of the city, killing 101 local garrisons Death and 210 people. Five hours after the incident, Moro National Liberation Front announced that it was responsible for the attack and said that the Mindanao Island liberation movement would be carried out to the end. ”

    “It is reported that more than 1,000 militants participated in the attack. During the fighting, the anti-government armed heavily used U.S. weapons such as the M4a1 assault rifle and night-vision devices, equipped with a large number of anti-armored weapons such as RPG-7, and heavy infantry weapons such as mortars, which was the largest attack in 30 years. Its well-equipped superior to the local garrison, MNLF organization equipment source became fascinated. ”

    “After 12 hours after the incident, Aquinogovernment strongly condemned the attack and strongly condemned the organization providing weapons and equipment to the anti-government forces. It also stated that it would consider sending armored forces to Mindanao Island to clean up the guerrillas in the local activities, at all costs. Tracing behind-the-scenes criminal.”

    “Some analysts commented that this attack may have marked the bankruptcy of the peace agreement reached between the Philippines government and MNLF in 2012. Aquinogovernment has sent troops to Mindanao Island or has caused opposition to the MNLF deconstruction organization that has reached a peace agreement. However, if there is no increase in troops, the situation in the region will probably worsen. At the moment, the Aquinogovernment is already in a difficult situation. ”

    “There are also military analysts who say that the armored force of Philippines is not easy to develop on the rugged terrain of Mindanao Island. Even if an armored force is sent, the guerrillas armed with Anti-tank weapons will not necessarily achieve results. The Aquino authorities should primarily solve the problem of the anti-government forces’ sources of weapons. Only by strengthening border controls can the situation be further deterred from extermination. ”

    A spokesperson for the US Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that the U.S. side has closely followed the attack and expressed willingness to assist Phili side to investigate the source of anti-government forces equipment. When the reporter asked whether the United States would send ground troops to assist the Philippines’s troops to clean up the MNLF Organization, the United States stated that it would not consider sending ground troops to intervene in the internal affairs of the region, but it did not rule out using drone to support the military operation of Phili side. ”

    “From 7:00 today, China’s tourism bureau has issued a red alert for travel to the Philippines. It is recommended that travelers with travel plans change their travel plans or try to avoid hot spots near the guerrillas.”

    “This Taiwan reporter, Yang Yong reported.”

    In the television, the government forces opened fire on the back of the bunker. Although they did not capture the shadow of the offensive, they could see the tragic circumstances of this battle alone from the flying tracer, the dust and the vague screams. .

    From time to time, there are explosions of fire and smoke coming from afar, and the use of mortars as mortars in urban areas. It is almost impossible to accidentally injure civilians. Government forces must take into account the consequences of accidental injury to civilians, but anti-government forces have no scruples when they engage in war.

    Several stretchers crossed the street and ran to temporary medical facilities next to the armored vehicles. The shop window shattered and the people who robbed the fire rushed into the shop, grabbed something on the ground and ran away…

    Many people will die.

    But Jiang Chen will not regret it.

    It’s not because of his Cold Blood, but because of the Philippines. from which they chose a stream.The governed government came to power and flowed into them.The Government of the mob encouraged the populace to flow.The actions of the apes took place in the attack on Koro Island.

    All this is just a price!

    Leaning on the sofa, Jiang Chen reached out and pressed the remote control.

    It seems that Santos has made the right choice, which will save Jiang Chen a lot of trouble. MNLF organization guerrillas and philippinesgovernment forces fight for 44 years, or for the first time received such a large number of military material assistance, this time can be regarded as elated a back.

    Of course, Jiang Chen did not like the MNLF Organization and the Philippines. He only needs to use this piece to split this nasty neighbor, and after the Country of Moro is completely independent, he will then take the mineral, copper, and gold mineral resources of Mindanao Island under his pocket…

    Taking out the casually purchased phone from the street, Jiang Chen edited a text message and sent the password to Santos.

    Since he has already fulfilled his promise, he will not pay for him. Believe that with this second batch of equipment, the combat effectiveness of the MNLF Organization will go to the next level.

    And as Jiang Chen had expected, just throw the lighter in the hands of the monkeys, and they would be excited to point the zoo to flames.

    Just then, Jiang Chen’s satellite phone on the table suddenly rang.

    Without thinking about it, he knew that it was definitely from Roberts. The satellite phone is his special line with Roberts, which is theoretically absolutely safe.

    After the phone was connected, the old friend’s voice really passed over.

    “An old FBI friend invited me to tea today.” ”

    “What did he talk to you?”Jiang Chen asked casually.

    “Talk about it casually, like asking me what I’ve been doing in South Africa a few days ago. I have met all of them.”Roberts wry smile way.

    OHWhat did you say to him? ”Jiang Chen laughed.

    “You can also say, go to South Africa to deal with the gold company’s business…fellow, no kidding, you’re playing a bit big this time.”At the back, Roberts took a deep breath and lowered his voice, “The Fear-bu doctrine has been the bottom line of White House, especially within the borders of their allies.” Although the White House did not loose ground to support Philippines, CIAagent had already entered. ”

    Hearing this, Jiang Chen smirked at the disdain.

    The so-called terrorism has always been a double standard. The anti-government forces in the United States allies are terrorists and separatists, while the anti-government forces in the United States are civilian fighters and free guards.

    As for CIAagent? Santos himself does not know who is the person who deals with himself. What’s more, he has already pointed out what happened in his whereabouts and leaked. If he is not stupid, he will carefully hide himself. This CIA is not necessarily able to hold him.

    From Jiang Chen’s laughter, he noticed that he was dismissive and Roberts sighed helplessly.

    “Well, I’m not calling to call you for anything, just to remind you to pay attention. It wasn’t just me who was called to talk. Some of the not yet retired arms dealers were interviewed by FBI people. From the South African General to the East South Asia guerrillas, taking air to go through multinational airspace can’t be traceless. And take the sea and land, just 3 days is impossible to, so I suspect is not very big …Although I do not know how you sent General Fire to Philippines, intuition tells me that this matter is definitely related to you. ”

    “But I won’t admit it. ”Jiang Chen laughed.

    “Never admit it.”Roberts said earnestly, “Don’t let White House know you did it, or we’ll all be screwed.” Damn, I knew you were going to do that, and I might as well sell that dictator in West Africa. This is a good one. The number of people who died in my hands was tens of thousands more. ”

    When it comes to the end, Roberts’s tone was a bit of a laugh.

    “Reassured, this is something I do secretly. Are you not planning on taking an autobiography called ‘Death Merchant’? Now I have added a pen to your memoirs. ”Jiang Chen comforted him with a relaxed tone.

    After hanging up the phone, Jiang Chen stretched and threw the satellite phone aside and rose and walked toward the door.

    It’s already approaching the end of July. At the beginning of August, he will have to go over to the Last of Days. So long did not return, he also some strange miss Sun Jiao them.

    However, before going back, he still had something to command.

    Driving a private speedboat to New Moon Island, Jiang Chen found Ivan, who was training new recruits, and inspected the fighting power of the youngsters under Star Ring Trading. He then explained to him that he had recruited 300 seafarers as soon as possible.

    Before leaving, Jiang Chen handed over the cell phone used to contact Santos to Ivan and told him to read the news every morning. Then, according to the completion of Santosmission, the password for unlocking the map is sent to him.

    After a period of time to go back to the last of the days yonder, “Play monkey” thing or to be assured that people to do more secure.

    After dealing with this, Jiang Chen went to Koro Island again to transport the steel and aluminum produced in July to the Last of Days. The efficiency of the direct transport of ore is still too low, processing into steel to transport the past is much more efficient.

    With this batch of steel, the supply of resources for the factory of the Last of Days is no need to worry about it, it is re-made into Cshaped steel or other materials, and the surplus can be sold to the Sixth Block factory.

    After doing these things, Jiang Chen and a trip to future biology headquarters, understand the next nutrition mixture sales.

    In general, this month’s financial report is very bright.

    Month sales profit as high as “100US dollar!

    The 200,000 boxes that the Nutrition Mixture Production Plant worked out overtime have been delivered in two batches, and the remaining 200,000 boxes will be completed next month. With the promotion of Future 1.0 and the promotion of large retailers such as Walmart, the nutrition mixture is very easy to enter.

    Pure natural green skim liquid food, eat for 30 days, thin off 30 pounds. In addition to the promotional advertisements shot by Emma, ​​based on the feedback of several retailers, this nutrition mixture has a good sales volume, and retailers have added additional orders. Walmart, a large retailer, even asked Tao Ming to pay a premium for the nutrition mixture’s exclusive agency, but was declined by Tao Ming.

    The reason is very simple. We cannot always abandon the entire tree for a tree. The sale of exclusive agency rights means that you have to abandon the development of online sales channels and other retailers, which is tantamount to losing watermelon and sesame seeds.

    After reporting sales to Jiang Chen, Tao Ming urged Jiang Chen to expand the production line as soon as possible. Orders flocking to Future Biology floated like snowflakes. The Nutrition Mixture Production Plant squeezed the workers’ production capacity to the extreme, but still could not keep up with the growth rate of orders.

    According to Zhan Shujie’s estimation, the existing production equipment and algae planting area can only be doubled to meet the current production demand.

    To this Jiang Chen of course is nod agree, a few organic synthesis oven is not difficult for him.

    After the production equipment and 10 tons of new induction agent were shipped to the warehouse in Koro Island, Jiang Chen got on the speedboat and headed for Koro Island. The rest of him, such as hiring and arranging production, was naturally handed over to him. Zhan Shujie went to solve it.

    However, on his way home, Xia Shiyu’s phone call came.

    When she heard her voice, Jiang Chen’s face suddenly felt happy.

    The player inside the game was finally finalized!

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