I Have a Mansion in the Post-apocalyptic World

Chapter 494 Garden of Eden Project activate(d)

Arm strength is not enough? Change another arm. Is it too slow to have children? Directly cultivate the tank. No agreement for a half-day meeting? Heads connect and exchange ideas directly. Head will be blown? Replace the brain directly with a chip …

    When the various parts of human beings are replaced, it can be characterized as being personal, leaving only his thoughts. However, when ideas can be copied and mass produced, probably the world is left with only efficiency. The purpose of efficiency is only left to survive.

    But what is the purpose of survival?


    Lin Chao’en chose to self-destruct, together with the 71 backup bodies in Hibernation Cabin.

    Perhaps it was at the end of this final period that he realized what he was doing. When he made this choice, he seemed very calm, even without the slightest attachment.

    For his choice, Jiang Chen just dropped a gun but didn’t do any retention.

    Lin Ling, who was crying and whirling, was in her arms. Jiang Chen didn’t know how to comfort her. She just leaned over and whispered in her ear, then she took her away from the dead Sanctuary.

    Jiang Chen told the First Army’s soldier to remove Quantum Computer and other equipment from Sanctuary. As for the more than 70 Hibernation Cabins and the culture tank, after consulting Lin Ling’s, he left them all underground.

    Because Dr. Lin Minjie is dead, Sanctuary has lost the only Administrator and his performance has stagnated. Sanctuary’s gate could no longer be closed. In order to prevent anyone from disturbing his long sleep, Jiang Chen gave him his last decent.

    500 kilograms of explosives detonated underground, collapsed the entire passage, and completely buried the Sanctuary under 3,000 meters.

    Although civilization has not yet given birth to the unborn child, it is, after all, a tombstone that belongs to civilization and deserves to be respected in the end.

    It Paramount, but doomed to high and low.

    He is a great scientist. There is no doubt about this.

    From Lin Sanctuary, NAC seized an Experimental Grade Quantum Computer, No. 27 Sanctuary scientists are ecstatic about this. The crowded Quantum Computer finally liberated from the overloaded operation, which would be a huge improvement for the entire NAC’s scientific research efficiency.

    Warp Engine’s thesis was handed over to Jiang Lin by Jiang Chen. He has always been obsessed with this research. If this hundreds of pages of papers can give him inspiration, then the whole NAC…No, the entire Earth Civilization will be a great contribution.

    If [the Natural Selection] is destined to reach Earth, the humanity with warp engine will not be without the power to fight back. And if you can’t beat it, it’s okay to escape.

    Of course, if possible, Jiang Chen still hopes to solve this trouble.

    In any case, earthly life is his hometown.


    In the northwest of Shenxiang Town, the junction of Taipu River and Dianshan Lake.

    About a kilometer near lakeside, 10 vehicles trucks stopped at the cracked country Road. The slaves took a bar to the wasteland, and under the command of the engineer who was holding the drawing, they inserted the bar in the designated place.

    A bar of steel formed a circle of several kilometers in diameter, the excavator in this round area of work, from the center began to dig, a heap of clods into the truck, to two kilometers away from the open space.

    The circular pit of cement blocks is paved with a concrete column about five meters in diameter. This cylinder is connected with a steel bar like a confident wheel bearing, extending the periphery of the round pit. At the same time, the bottom of the cylinder is equipped with a drainage pipe with a graphite filter, and the periphery of the grinding disc is connected to the water pipe leading to the water treatment plant.

    It’s like a giant grinding disc.

    The truck dumps the incoming clods and injects pure water from an automated water treatment plant several kilometers away.

    Just yesterday, Hunter Army cleared the plant vehicle den, which was entrenched in water treatment insect, and incorporated water treatment plant into NAC’s control. Although the accumulation of Nuclear Fusion Battery in the water plant is still sufficient to maintain the water plant for two years, it has always been a problem to abandon the water plant. The construction of the Garden of Eden requires a large amount of pure water, and this pure water will be supplied through newly laid pipelines.

    Soil, water and treatment liquid in the “grinding disc” of the operation of stirring into a mud, continuous flow of soil toxins and radioactive residues washed into Dianshan lake, through this coarse washing to dilute and purify the Earth, every three days can handle about 3000 square soil.

    Soil purification, this is the first step in the Eden project.

    Although it can be transported from the earth, the soil needed for the construction of a five-mile diameter Eden will be an astronomical number. With the territory of the Country of Xin, it is not easy to get so much soil. Even imported through customs, it is not very easy to explain where the land has gone.

    If you can solve in the Last of Days, it is better to rely on the material of Last of Days. In any case, NAC has already obtained the unquestionable leading power in Wanghai City. No matter how messy it is, it can be realized with NAC’s financial power and influence.

    The soil purification system is only the first, followed by Jiang Chen will be deployed in Dianshan Lake side 10.

    Looking at the rotating disk, Lin Ling’s hand gently pressed in the collar, recalling what Chen said to her in despair three days ago.

    “Help me build an Eden, just beside Shenxiang Town. The soil there was good, and the mutated fruit and Kam Resin had been planted for more than half a year. The pollution and radiation values ​​there have dropped a lot. Although the toxicity is still high, it will be much easier to transform it. ”

    After pause, Jiang Chen continued.

    “Perhaps years later, it will be re-emerged here.”

    Perhaps it will be more beautiful than the landscape before the war.

    Lin Ling’s face showed a smile and silently added a sentence in his heart.

    Unexpectedly, the grief that accumulated in her chest dissipated.

    The war is finally over.

    Entanglement in the City Center’s foreign-species lair has been reduced to dust by the bombing of tungsten rods, and the small-scale nests in the suburbs are gradually cleared. Every day NAC will send out more than 500 people “scavenger”, armed with a flamethrower and heavy machine guns, in conjunction with the infantry vehicles in the sewer, architecture building in the remnants of a nest.

    At the same time, NAC posted an official reward through the Mercenary Union located in Sixth Block. Any marked foreign-species lairs are registered on the map. As long as they can provide combat video of annihilation nests, they can receive 1000-2000 credits after being reviewed by trade unionists.

    Through Wanghai City West City District, the most dangerous Hunting Ground on Wasted Earth turned into a relatively safe place throughout the Suhang Province.

    This Eden will become the most beautiful place in the entire Suhang Province and even the entire Wasted Earth in the future.

    “Three months, Eden will complete the soil purification, while the lakeside’s foundation will be completed. One months, the atmosphere of the membrane will be completed deployment, the Eden phase of the project will end. ”Jiang Chen and Lin Ling’s lips looked awkwardly smiling.

    “Four months? Then Lakeside’s Fort, dock and Riverside fortifications will be reinforced. ”Looking farther in the direction, Jiang Chen also laughed.

    Lin Ling gave Jiang Chen a glimpse. “Can’t help but talk about these things?”

    The guns are essential to protect this delicate flower. ”Jiang Chen said with a blind eye.

    After a pause, Jiang Chen looked at Lin Ling and smiled and continued. “But if anything is so damaging, just hand me over to the savage.”

    Lin Ling’s cheeks were slightly flushed and he looked away.

    “Well……With you. ”

    When the first Eden is established, food production can be self-sufficient in the Last of Days. At least rice, wheat, and some cash crops will be produced directly on the Last of Days. Although the cost may be a bit higher, this is undoubtedly a good start.

    Then there is the second seat.

    The new biosphere will be like a string of tightly connected bubbles, situated on the wasted Earth. In the beginning, the space here will only be used to produce food, and then the residential area will be developed…

    Sixth block’s population is more and more, can not always rely on Jiang Chen this “grain Porter” bar. Although it is theoretically feasible, it will not be stable in the long run.

    The self-sufficiency of production materials will be the first step towards order.

    It is also a step that must be taken sooner or later.

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