In these days of the new year, Jiang Chen has been very laid-back, although he has not been very much in the real sense of the busy.

    The parents insisted to go back to the side to visit relatives, Jiang Chen and his private jet lent Chou. Although the two old people have been refusing to waste so much extravagance, it would suffice to buy an air ticket, but Jiang Chen still insists on his own opinion. Not only that, Jiang Chen also arranged a bodyguard to protect the two elderly people.

    Unlike a civil airliner, his private jet was fitted with a hot decoy. Anti-aircraft missiles such as javelin and stinger are basically ineffective. Although he does not think that anyone will use his brains for his parents, he must be careful.

    With the star Ring Trading’s professional bodyguard on the side, there are specter agents in the dark, ensuring the safety of two elderly people absolutely without any problems.

    After sending the two elderly people to the plane, Jiang Chen headed straight to New Moon Island and deployed 20 new T-3Power Armors on the Last of Days side in the arsenal.

    The soldier, which received the Power Armor Operation training in Virtual realitytraining cabin, has basically completed the training mission. On the issue of Mindanao Island, Country of Xin has been in friction with United States. In order to deal with possible threats, Star Ring Trading can only be prevented by strengthening its armaments.

    According to Ivan’s intelligence, at present Cagayan City most of the zombie, have stopped the normal life activity function. There is no humanity to eat, and these zombie can not eat the same, it is also natural that such a result will occur.

    Country of the 11th Brigade of Moro Brigade Commanderchen Zhitian after talking to Ivan, sent to Cagayan City cleanup squad.

    In combination with a heavy-duty truck supported by the Tank Tank and the United Nations, wearing chemical protective clothing and squatting.The cleaners of the guns started from the safe area and gradually recovered the dead corpse scattered in every corner of the city. The bodies will be sent to incinerators deployed on the outskirts of the city and cremated under the supervision of the United Nations observers.

    257,201 people, this is the person who died in this Biochemical Crisis, and this figure is completed by the Country of Moro final statistics.

    Burning the corpse’s smoky cigarettes adds a touch of despondency to the devastation of Cagayan City.

    Someone has fixed this bleak picture on the painting, and the frailty of life has been sketched out in that light smoke. And the back of the living, but also foil the feeling of this bleak scenery. This painting was finally put on display at the International Art Exhibition, which caused the viewers to stop silently.

    On the other hand, with the resistance drug introduced by Takeda Pharmaceutical, it is also called “Peppermint-flavored Candy.” After the drug was proven to be effective in clinical trials, the survivors in the safety zone finally reached the day when the isolation gate opened.

    However, there are obvious flaws in this pill.

    It means that the person who is unable to obtain a permanent T-virus resistance, at most three years, must take the pill again to ensure that the virus will not be infected. And the most critical thing, taking this pill several times will also cause the user to develop drug resistance to the pill and reduce the self-resistance to the T virus.

    The results of the clinical trials of this pill were first discovered and caused Jiang Chen’s vigilance.

    Radisv had confessed to him that he had taken a mint-flavored drug before executing mission.

    According to Giles, a member of the Black Ship Organization who has already been killed, that is the anti-zombie virus!

    Takeda Pharmaceutical can take the antidote of T virus so quickly. However, what is still unclear is whether the Black Ship Organization controls Takeda Pharmaceutical or whether there is a certain interest exchange between the two parties.

    In any case, the Japan company behaves as if it were playing with fire.

    However, the evidence is not enough, RADISV Word does not prove that Takeda pharmaceutical with the outbreak in Cagayan City biochemical there is a direct link. Japangovernment is also absolutely impossible to impose sanctions on its own celebrity company due to Jiang Chen’s unilateral warnings or accusations.

    Jiang Chen can only look forward to the Specter Agent who has already left for Tokyo. This will bring good news to him.

    After Takeda Pharmaceutical launched “Pills”, Future Biology also produced the corresponding research results – injectable anti-T virus vaccine. The vaccinators of the vaccine will obtain permanent antibodies to the T virus that broke out in Cagayan City. At least within 50 years of vaccination, there is no possibility of being infected by the virus.

    Once the vaccine was introduced, it received extensive attention from the international community and exerted a greater impact on the business of Takeda Pharmaceutical.

    After all, whether it is production costs, or clinical results, Future biology developed T virus resistant vaccines are far superior to Takeda Pharmaceutical, but the output is slightly inferior. To this end Takeda Pharmaceutical had to convene an emergency press conference, promised to the media will be in the shortest possible time, to develop more effective antiviral agents or vaccines.

    As the vaccine problem was broken, the International Medical Team stationed in Cagayan City also evacuated.

    At present, Future Biology has invested in a new Pharmaceutical Factory in Cagayan City, which has expanded the daily production of vaccines to more than 100. Many international and national health organizations have issued vaccine production orders to Future Biology. According to Tao Ming’s earnings forecast report, the 202017FutureBiology’s profitability is expected to exceed “12US Dollars” because of the shortage of T virus-resistant vaccines in the international market!

    Obviously it was only at the beginning of the year. When making such a profit assessment, his voice was so sure.

    But even so, Future biology’s earnings are definitely not comparable to Future technologies.

    This is no doubt!

    As of the beginning of February, Divine Grade Continent has embarked on the right track, the media’s response is also Guangfu praise. According to the report of Future Technologies’ new CEO ONing Huajian, Divine Grade Continent currently has “110 active users worldwide.

    Sitting on such a large user base, even if the game itself is free, there is no need to worry about profitable things.

    Future Technologies has accumulated a lot of operational experience in New Age mobile games. These experiences, of which there are many places worth learning from, have also been used by the project team to Divine Grade Continent’s Virtual Reality Net tour, such as auction system, fashion system and so on. Without affecting the game, the maximum extent of expansion of the profit channel.

    However, with the beginning of the global service, there are a lot of closed-door not noticed the small problem, but also by the operation of the department found, in the last of the days beyond the efforts of the technicians have been improved.

    For example, some people are too addicted to soak in Virtual World all day, completely forgotten the day and night of the real world. Although Phantom Helmet will not cause damage to the user’s body, but people stay in bed for a long time does not move, itself is a kind of damage to the body, this is not to discuss the issue of eating and drinking Lazard.

    In this regard, Du Yongkang and his technicians involved a status panel in the player’s menu bar. According to the body feedback to the brain nerve signals, determine the body’s hunger, dehydration state, once determined to be abnormal state, will be in the player’s scope of view to remind. If the player ignores it for a long time, activate (d) the mandatory protection mechanism.

    On the other hand, in order to prevent players from overly indulging in Virtual World, Future Technologies also imposes certain restrictions on the player’s playing time. According to the urban time zone of the player’s area, the player’s experience gold coin revenue is 100% from 8pm to 6am. After the daylight time period, more than 8 hours of game time will allow the player to enter the fatigue state, the income is only 50% of the normal state. If the continuous online time exceeds 24 hours (two consecutive online intervals less than 1 hour are considered continuous online), the offline protection mechanism will be triggered.

    Of course, this protection mechanism only applies to working days, holidays will be relaxed on the continuous online time limit, this is also considered a lot of people in the holiday has the habit of playing overnight.

    Future Technologies will also launch Virtual Reality Hibernation Cabin.

    Under the protection of nutrient solution, users can sleep for a long time without damaging the body. At that time, Hibernation Cabin players who have purchased a VIP user’s distinguished status will be able to obtain continuous online privileges until the culture fluid is consumed.

    However, Jiang Chen thinks that nouveau riche players who can afford a Hibernation Cabin with a value of “100US Dollars” should not have much time to play games.

    But he also knows that in the near future, the application of Virtual reality is definitely not just a game, it will be a tool to completely change everyone’s life.

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