Near Koro Island,future Building, in this area of the northeastern corner of Koro Island, a high country Park, which represents Xin’s most cutting-edge technology, has evolved.

    It is also the most heavily guarded place on the entire Koro Island. The doorway and the wall are guarded by a mechanical exoskeleton soldier and patrolled with the Hummingbird Drone. The access control does not use ID cards and only authenticates with iris recognition. The security level is second only to Jiang Chen’s private villa at the northernmost end of Koro Island, slightly above the city center’s country of Xinpresidential Palace.

    Although this is the case, walking in this Technology Park will not make you feel half-hearted in the depression of military power. Apart from the wall outside the patrol, hummingbird drone usually lurking in the “drone Hive” standby, only when the alarm triggered, to the alarm source in droves.

    Obedient consciously get down, not obedient with rubber play down, as for holding weapons …

    Directly labeled as a sieve.

    There is no so-called military or restricted area within this Technology Park. And there are some special places, there is not enough authority to go in.

    For example, the Nanomaterials laboratory is 200 meters away from the building. This bird egg-type architecture was built two months ago and was put into use a week ago. The main research project is: Nanomaterials headed by graphene.

    The privilege level here is second only to Future Group’s various child company CEO Offices. In addition to the researchers working here, all of the employees in the Future Group who can enter here have counted with one hand.

    The entire laboratory cost “140USD”, is currently future group’s most expensive laboratory.

    Although it burns money, this “140USD investment has been very” cheap compared to other laboratories in the world that have studied nanomaterials. Many experimental instruments are still burning thousands of millions, and the cost and maintenance costs are all astonishingly expensive.

    However, the Future Group laboratory saved money thanks to the Industrial Grade 3D printer brought by Jiang Chen, and many of the cutting-edge experimental equipment can be produced by itself. There was also the graphene synthesis and cutting machine tool that was bought from Zhao Chenwu a long time ago, and the technical information related to the production and application of graphene. All these things provided a lot of help for the experiment.

    The scientists standing here may not be the top scholar in the world, but the technology they touch is arguably the strongest in the 21st century.

    After all, they stood on Jiang Chen’s shoulders.


    When Jiang Chen arrived at the lab, the white-clad lab director was standing with other staff, huddled around an experimental device of a rockery, nervously carrying out nanomaterials experiments. Some people are responsible for adjusting parameters, some are responsible for recording data, and some are responsible for the evaluation of the phenomenon …Of the 11 researchers in total, none were redundant.

    The director of this laboratory is Lu Yuan, gender male, 47 years old, formerly the Chinese Academy of Material Physics Academician. This year near at Old man full head black hair, the stiff body looks very hale, the slightest show half cent aging,really like more than 30 years old person.

    It’s not easy to bring him over as Director of the lab. Although China’s researcher income is not high, but to the Chinese Academy of Sciences Academician this level, especially Material Science this kind of research with the defense-linked research direction, treatment will not be low. According to Lu Yuan’s own statement, there are still 1 to 21 million a year when counting on social security bonuses…

    But Jiang Chen’s annual salary is 10 million.

    It turns out that as long as the gimmick swings well, there is no corner to dig. But the real attraction of the old Professor with his few disciples to Country of Xin is Jiang Chen’s promise of “Non-Bureaucratic Free Research Environment” and “Most Advanced Scientific Research Equipment,” and the most intriguing “ Future Group Technical Information.”

    Of course, confidentiality agreements are also unavoidable. Since he came to Country of Xin, Jiang Chen would naturally not let him go.

    Jiang Chen quietly stood in the hallway outside the lab door. He looked through the window and the researcher blew up the experimental equipment. After the experiment was over, he opened the door and walked in.

    “How is it going?”

    “Very ideal.”Lu Yuan patted the experimental data in his arms and said to him, “I am finally understanding now, how terrible the research power of the Future Group is.”

    “Can I understand this as boasting?”Jiang Chen said in a joking tone.

    In its words, you are not future group’s “scientific research strength” Mom?

    Lu Yuanhā hā smiled, handed the experimental data to his assistant, told him to make a summary of the experimental data, and then looked at Jiang Chen again.

    “To be honest, I feel very sorry.”

    UnfortunatelyJiang Chen asked.

    “Correct.”Lu Yuan nodded and sighed. “Aside from those gimmicks, we successfully produced the first 15-inch single-layer graphene in China by chemical vapor deposition and successfully prepared a 7-inch graphene touch screen. But with such a high intensity of graphene cable, I never thought I would see it in my lifetime …With it, I’m afraid the Space Elevator that appears in the novel and the movie will only be afraid that it is not difficult. ”

    In the laboratory Central’s instrument hood, a thin graphene tube is connected between the two metal columns, and this “hair filament” is the laboratory. Just now, they tested the strength of the graphene tube in different air pressure and gas environment, and the results were very gratifying.

    “Space elevator is our next strategy, I can tell you in advance.” ”Jiang Chen smiled.

    “If the Chinese Academy of Sciences can also have such a laboratory, even if there is no technical information. At most 10 years, this ‘ hair silk ‘ will be born in the …After lamenting this, Lu Yuan shook his head.

    Now there is no point in saying that, as the cost of entering the laboratory, he has signed a confidentiality agreement with future group and cannot leave country of Xin within 10 years.

    Jiang Chen, who had a deep feeling for Lu Yuan, just sneered.

    Nonsense, 50 percent of these experimental instruments are lost in the middle of the 22nd Century. What is even more crucial is the technical data, which are all from the 22nd century!

    Of course, these words Jiang Chen just think in my heart, did not say export. For the source of these technical materials, he only interprets it as commercial or other means and refuses to give a more detailed explanation.

    “So what’s a pity to say?”Jiang Chen laughs.

    “It is a pity that the Future Group has overcome this difficult problem, not the Chinese Academy of Sciences.”Lu Yuan looked at Jiang Chen and slowly said, “Honestly speaking, your problem was discussed in the courtyard. But no one expected that you have so much more than Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality. ”

    Jiang Chen smiled and did not respond to this question. Instead, he asked, “Do you think that Future Group is Future Group if there is not such a big stage today?”

    Lu Yuan could not help asking, “Are you unwilling to contribute to your hometown?”

    “Of course it is.”Jiang Chen said frankly, but before Lu Yuan was ready to continue to speak, it was a turn of words that dispelled Lu Yuan’s unrealistic idea, “but it will not be given.”

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