I Have a Mansion in the Post-apocalyptic World

Chapter 608 If possible, happy cooperation

In the context of foreign capital’s continued setbacks, if the Future Group of neighboring countries can be pulled to invest, it is undoubtedly a lure for Malaysia, which is eager to recover its economy.Trick option. With the speed of expansion of the Future Group’s business, even if it is to search the entire world, I am afraid that no one else.

    In order to catch the rapid Rocket,malaysia the third time to country of Xin sent a visiting team.

    The visit was attended by Malaysia’s prestigious Lower House Representative and Papua Province’s economic development advisor. Although the officials of the visitors were not as big as the previous two, the visitor was a combination of the Malaysian government and the local government. Double background. This means that he has enough chips on his body.

    Besides, this guy’s name is Yu Weida, and he’s a Chinese.

    Chinese face is not uncommon in Malay, but in Malay’s politics there is no doubt that the giant panda level exists.

    “Nice to meet you, Jiang Chen, but I’ve heard a lot about you.” ”

    As soon as they met, Yu Weida dressed in a suit and shoes enthusiastically reached out and welcomed Jiang Chen. After a few greetings, at the invitation of Jiang Chen’s, the Representative seated on the sofa in the reception room. The welcoming staff approached the two for two cups of tea.

    According to the basic flow of diplomatic visits, he has gone to the Presidential Palace and the Country of XinPresident to shake hands. However, when facing Jiang Chen at the moment, his attitude and actions still looked very restrained. Obviously he had already done enough homework before coming, knowing that the person in front of him is the rightful owner of Country of Xin.

    “Believe in Mr. Jiang already knows what I wanted to do this time. The last time FenixMinister had expressed our welcome for your investment in Malaysia.” Dunton, Yu Weida stared at Jiang Chen with a glance, sincerely saying, “No Do you know what your consideration is? ”

    “To be honest, I’m still thinking about it.”The teacup slammed and Jiang Chen smiled and said without hesitation.

    Yu Weida also not discouraged, but is and Jiang Chen opened a joke, “ancient cloud, Sangumaolu can table sincere, we have three times, Mr.” Jiang will not let us go empty handed. ”

    That can be bad.

    The Future Group has been very good in New Guinea. Both the local government and the New Guinea government have “picked care” for his industry. The recent government of Vanimo Port City is discussing whether to approve Star Ring Trading’s Marine Team to establish an “employee sign base” in Vanimo Port. If the application is approved, the Star ring trading will be able to obtain sufficient manpower from the New Guinea. The yearning for Country of Xin will certainly prompt many New Guineans to register.

    After all, the less educated islanders, if they want to move to the Koro island of the rising immigration threshold, have only joined the army.

    Jiang Chen smiled smile and looked at Yu Weida, “it seems that Mr. Man knows a lot about Chinese traditional culture.” ”

    “Of course, my ancestors were Chinese businessmen who settled in Kuala Lumpur in the Republic of China and later moved to Papua Province in the West.”Yu Weida said with a smile.

    “Then you should know, Liu Bei was the prime minister of Zhuge Liang,” paused. Jiang Chen leaned forward and smiled at him. “So, what can you give me?”

    mr Jiang, you can’t just look at the benefits. ”Yu Weida reluctantly spread his hand. “No matter how I say this, I also represent a country. Invited you three times, even the Apple group, we have not invited so attentive. ”

    “What was Malaysia’s GDP last year?”Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

    “312” 700USD. ”Yu Weida replied soon.

    “The market value of the Future Group is 500 billion, which is only a conservative estimate of Wall Street.”This is just an estimate of Wall Street. If it is according to Jiang Chen’s psychological price, this figure will have to double.

    “It’s too much for you to say this…”The wording was put in his heart and Yu Weida smiled and said, “It’s too unreasonable.”

    “There is nothing unreasonable to say,” Jiang Chen waved his hand and sat looking at the malaysiarepresentative, “I am a businessman, whether I invest or not, depending on what you can offer me.” ”

    “We have the third largest labor market in the world and the overall economic outlook is positive. At present, ASEAN is the third force in Asia, and Malaysia is undoubtedly the first in ASEAN. If you can invest here, we are willing to provide you with a series of facilities such as loans, land, and talent recruitment…”

    “But your labor costs are higher than theirs.” ”Jiang Chen laughs, “take steel and iron works as an example, calculate the overtime pay, the workers of New Guinea each month to calculate overtime also as long as 750USD, and you do not calculate overtime salary base wages are above 800USD.” ”

    “It’s not fair to talk about average wage levels, and our country has a higher level of education.” ”Yu Weida explained.

    However, Jiang Chen obviously does not eat this one.

    “Does it need to be educated to operate boilers?” Literacy is fine. ”After a pause, Jiang Chen added, “Not to mention, we will send at least five technicians for each steel and iron works. As long as we do a good job of production guidance, even if the education level of the workers is low, it is completely acceptable to our group. ”

    Yu Weida secretly bite his teeth. He knew that if he did not come up with any attractive proposals, he was afraid that this negotiation would not have any results. Although before coming, Parliament and local government had already made the bottom to him, but so early to take out the bargaining chip, really is not conducive to counter-offer.

    “One year tax free!”

    “New Guinea gave us three years. ”

    “Then we have three years!”Recalling Jiang Chen and BHP Group’s Ore Order Agreement, Yu Weida continued, “In addition, the ports in the Papua Province area are exempted from the three-year import tax on iron, aluminum, nickel and copper ore from the Future Group. As long as your investment in Malay exceeds “2USD.”

    Hearing this, Jiang Chen could not help moving slightly.

    Actually exempted import taxes! As a result, the Future Group will save at least 200USD per year! At present, Future Group has made drastic business expansion, and liquidity is still a bit nervous. If he can save this than the expenditure, he will be able to allocate the budget to other more burning items.

    However, it is not enough to persuade Jiang Chen to import tariffs on minerals alone. Unless they can come up with more benefits …

    “You almost persuaded me.”Jiang Chen said.

    “I can know, where am I wrong?”

    See Jiang Chen appetite so big, Yu Weida Heart is also not from dissatisfaction up.

    The benefits he can take out have already come out. If the Future Group is still unwilling to nod his head, he is not going to talk anymore.

    “I admit your terms are tempting, but,” said Jiang Chen, suddenly changed, “We have invested in the total value of 1USD in New Guinea, followed by the” 5USD Investment plan. If you give up the previous investment of 2USD because of the value of the “200USD policy dividend,” will you choose to sit at my position, will you make such a significant loss? ”

    There is also “5!

    Yu Weida hold his breath.

    He did not notice Jiang Chen’s second half of the sentence, because his attention had been completely attracted by the first half of the sentence.

    “What do you want?”Yu Weida murmured.

    “I have just added another condition, the franchise permit,” Jiang Chen put up a finger. “All Future Group trucks and employees are able to make a free pass on Malaysia’s Papua Province and New Guinea border roads. Need to complete immigration procedures and pay customs duties -“

    “That’s impossible!”Yu Weida exclaimed.

    “That’s impossible!” This is absolutely impossible! Not only does it involve tariffs, it also involves National Security issues! Even if the Future Group has enough weight, it is absolutely impossible for Parliament to nod to such absurd proposals.

    But Jiang Chen couldn’t care so much and smiled and reached out to him.

    “If possible, happy cooperation. ”

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