“That’s my elder sister. ”Sun Xiaorou shook his head, smiled, “although we sisters two long indeed quite like.” ”

    Dr. Sun Leng, immediately smiled.

    “Are you? I’m sorry

    “I’m fine.”Sun Xiaorou shook his head and a remembrance appeared in his eyebrows. “Sometimes I was often confused by people. It was obviously not a twin.”

    “Begin to introduce yourself. My name is Sun Boyi.”Dr. Sun extended his right hand to Jiang Chen.

    Holding his right hand swaying, Jiang Chen looked at him and resumed a simple self introduction.

    “Jiang Chen, NAC Marshal.”

    Release the hand, Dr. Sun smiled kindly to Jiang Chen and then opened his mouth.

    “Because of the same surname, I still have a deeper image of the little girl. Since younger sister is here, then you should know her elder sister. ”

    “En.”Jiang Chen nodded.

    He was the first person to meet the world.

    Sun Xiaorou pondered his chin for a moment and asked the confusion in his heart. “But,Even if you’ve seen my elder sister, she was just a baby. You shouldn’t have seen her when she was grown up. But why did you mistake me for elder sister? ”

    Dr. Sun smiled and said, “At the time, there was a baby boom in Sanctuary. The doctors were in short supply. It was me who was responsible for attending Madam. By DNA reduction technology, we already know what the future president like when you are not born. It’s just a pity that I didn’t watch you grow up. ”

    Sun Xiaorou nodded clearly.

    Jiang Chen took a diary from his pocket and placed it on the table. “This diary, is you in DirectorOffice? ”

    “The diary was there. I just moved his body back to where he should be.”

    Sun Boyi’s mouth is that he should be the dead Sanctuary Director.

    The diary was torn off a few pages. ”

    “The diary was originally torn off a few pages and it was his owner…Of course, I want you to have no. 71Sanctuary of the past, should not be very interested. ”

    “On the contrary,” Jiang Chen shook his head, “if it is convenient, I hope you can tell me what happened after that.” Including No. History of the 71Sanctuary, including you as Observer…The experiment that had been done. ”

    “Observer?” You actually know the word,” Sun Boyi’s face shows a hint of remembrance. “I forgot myself. ”

    Paused, he Jiang Chen, and made a gesture to the next chair.

    “Let’s sit and it may be a bit long.”


    When I woke up from the Hibernation Cabin, it was the tenth year.

    Eight years ago, director commanded security personnel to attack my lab, flames my blood and snatched golden Apple from my hands. However, he did not kill me, but said that “wait for Sanctuary to open, someone will judge your crime” and the like, put me in the Hibernation Cabin.

    His arrogance made me feel uneasy.

    It is not because of the trial that is impossible at all, but because of his unrealistic fantasies about the outside world.

    If this fantasy is held, his innocence will kill the entire Sanctuary sooner or later, but it will kill more people than I do.

    And definitely because of a boring reason…

    I stumbled down in the chair, 呆愣 to see the wall of the sanctuary propaganda mural, the brain to vent, to adapt to this unnatural sense of space-time difference.

    Eight years is like a dream.

    When I closed my eyes and opened my eyes, everything outside the window was covered with thick dust. The time irritated everything, but it did not paint me in the mirror.

    Golden Apple has been destroyed, and it seems that the arrogant Director pressed the Hibernation Cabinactivate(d) button and crushed the treasure in front of me.

    Anyway, my mission is over.

    When I stepped out of that cordon, as I had expected, it was abandoned.

    As I crossed the iron gate, as I had expected, everything outside had been destroyed in the nuclear War.

    This kind of outcome is obviously predictable, but most people always hold that unrealistic fantasies and eventually die in a dream.

    It has been said long ago that Ruin’s world only needs two nuclear bombs, the first being called fear and the second being called revenge.

    I can’t remember his name, but one thing is certain, he has been upgraded from a sociologist to a prophet.

    There are several iron booths on the surface. I remember those things. It was the battle pool in Sanctuary. The PAC flag, which had been burned to only the scum, was satirically photographed with the posters displayed on the subway.

    If the gate opens, Survivor will rely on these tools to rebuild its home on the ruins.

    But from the bones and the bullet marks, I have guessed their end.

    Why is the regular army losing to refugees whose weapons are behind?

    I think it is definitely not because of marksmanship. It must be that ridiculous humanism, and the support of civilized people.

    I rummaged through the ruins, trying to find something useful.

    A pistol, a photo of who I don’t know belongs to, and a diary with many pages torn off. This is all the supplies I can collect.

    I thought about going back to bed.

    Ten years is too short, if “time travel” to 1000 years, the situation must be much better than now.

    No matter where it was, it was an untouched wilderness, or a city built by the new humanity.

    If it is the former, I can recover PACcivilization through Clone technology in other Sanctuary. If it is the latter, the new humanity’s museum should provide me with a very rewarding job. The elementary school students for social practice will tell how the people in front of the station live and how to ruin themselves…

    However no matter what choices I make, urgent things must be resolved.

    Without energy, without food, I had to find something useful on the ruins.

    At the very least, get enough of the Fusion Fusion Core that Hibernation Cabin needs, and a few nutrient mixtures.

    Before searching for other Survivors, I first replaced the blue skin.

    If all the fledgling rookies are wearing similar clothes, I have reason to believe that this blue skin will bring me trouble.

    It’s like civilization, which is inherently attractive to barbarous.

    It took me quite a while to find the fitted suit, and finally I picked a faded suit and put a body armor in it.

    Along the highway, I went all the way to the city.

    Zombie, Mutated Creature, Plunderer, Mutants…There are also cannibal tribes.

    There are dangers everywhere, and my bullet is only 14 rounds – two clips.

    Hospital, school, automated factory…These may appear nuclear Fusion core Place, has been scavenger patronize. Some survivor settlement can see the trail of humanity activity, but for security reasons, I didn’t come near.

    After all, this is last of the days.

    Later, because of an accident, I rescued a businessman from zombie’s mouth and exchanged some useful things with his subcrystal.

    He took me to United City and told me that as long as there is subcrystal, anything can be bought here, whether women or men.

    If there is no market, go to bar.

    After contact with survivor, my days relaxed a lot. After learning that there was no doctor here, I opened a clinic here to collect subcrystals for people. Then, using these subcrystals, he commissioned the acquisition of the Nuclear Fusion Core at the pub.

    A lot of things happened in the middle of the year. Anyway, I got enough of 10 Nuclear Fusion Cores.

    This Nuclear Fusion Battery is very efficient, but it is enough to maintain Hibernation Cabin, and one would be enough for me to sleep for 100 years.

    I turned off the clinic and declined the retention of President, Representative, and friends and returned to No. 71Sanctuary.

    But one second before I was ready to lie in hibernation cabin, I hesitated.

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