Freemasonry, literally meaning “Free Stonemason”, formed in the 18th century, Britain, is a Brotherhood organization with Religion colors, and is currently the world’s largest secret organization, they claim to promote fraternity, kindness, virtue, the pursuit of humanity The significance of survival is that its members cover many famous people and political homes in the world. Its origin is not yet defined. According to the interpretation of the first chapter of the Freemasonry charter “History” in its program literature, Freemasonry originated in 4,000 BC. They call themselves descendants of Cain, who know Heaven and Earth naturally and The mysteries of Cosmos.

    Since the birth of Freemasonry, the voices of doubt and opposition have been heard. The most famous is the century war between Bishop and Freemasonry. The initial conspiracy challenge came during the French Revolution. Freemasonry was suspected of supporting the campaign to overthrow the monarchy. By the middle of the 19th century, Morgan events had sparked a United States campaign against Freemasonry,

    At the same time, according to unreliable rumors, many secret associations around the world have a deep relationship with Freemasonry.

    For example, Wiley Society…

    In addition, the biggest supporter of Freemasonry rumored is Rothschild Household.

“……According to unreliable rumors, only Lincoln and Kennedy were members of Freemasonry in previous United States Presidents. ”Standing at the study desk, Ayesha reported to Jiang Chen about the Freemasonry information collected by Specter Agent.

    “So they are all dead? I feel that these news are more like the conspiracy theories in the novel than rumors. ”Leaning on a chair, Jiang Chen put his fingers on his chin.

    Three days ago, he was escorted by Star Ring Tradingfrigate and returned to Koro Island. These days he stayed in this villa and sent Specter Agent to Europe and North America to collect information on Freemasonry.

    “Some are smoke bombs, and some are solid truths.”Said Ayesha cautiously.

    “Yes, the key lies in how we identify these intelligences.”Jiang Chen sighed and sat up in his chair and couldn’t help saying, “I thought I was going to South Pole, but I didn’t expect to get a lot of trouble.”

    After gently walking to Jiang Chen, Ayesha put his arms around his neck and said softly in his ear.

    “I will solve all the trouble for you.”

    Ayesha’s gentleness caused Chen Chen’s mind to wrinkle slightly, and his lips could not help but make a smile.

    “Well, it has always troubled you.”Squeezing her hand, Jiang Chen whispered.

    The atmosphere grew thicker, but at this moment, the phone on the desk was ill-timed.

    Jiang Chen was going to hang up but saw the name on the screen. He was shocked to write the word Carmen Rothschild.


    “How about South Pole?”

    “Can I understand that you are playing stupid?”Although Jiang Chen is laughing, the sound is gradually cold.

    “If I was stupid, I wouldn’t come to you.”Carmen sighed. “I admit I used to use you, but I always thought we were friends. What do you think?”

    Jiang Chen smiled and said nothing to him, but asked indifferently.

    “In order to avoid more misunderstandings, I don’t think we should be better off winding around. Say your purpose, or the purpose of Freemasonry. ”

    “Golden Apple.”Jiang Chen did not plan to go round with him. Carmen smiled and gradually changed into a serious tone. “And what you have taken with South Pole.”

    “I can not understand what you say.”

    “Please don’t be stupid, Mr. Jiang Chen.”Carmen smiled. “We have surveyed you. You traveled to New Zealand two years ago. While traveling there, you discovered the submerged U235submarine in the trenches to the west of Manor in Koror. A few months ago we found the submarine, but the stuff inside was gone. If you don’t plan to curve with me, please come out with your sincerity. ”

    Carmen words let Jiang Chen into silence, it seems Rothschild household has been investigating him, even such things are dug out.

    After a brief silence, Jiang Chen slowly opened his mouth.

    “Golden Apple is right in me, but why should I give it to you?”

    “What for? You have no idea what you’re holding. ”

    When Carmen spoke this sentence, Jiang Chen smirked in his heart.

    Who does not know that thing? The cottage version of the Klein Particle sender only, little master I even have sub-dimensional video call props have a bunch of native also mean to say.

    “Let it be a deal.”

    After hearing Jiang Chen’s proposal, Carmen sighed with relief. Although Freemasonry has never been afraid of it, the conflict with the Future Group is not a good option. Golden Apple has lost its role since 1943, which Rothschild household can confirm, so Jiang Chen should have not cracked the secret.

    The corner of the mouth evoked a smile and Carmen was determined to whisper.

    “No problem, how much do you want?”

    cash Are you joking? ”Jiang Chen laughed.

    After a pause, he said lightly.

    “Golden Apple can give you, but I have two conditions.”

    Golden Apple has always been in the Lin Ling’s laboratory and is now almost a display. As a device that accepts signals in one direction, Golden Apple can only passively listen to voices from Void. However, “Specter” has clearly told him in the end that they are no longer able to interfere with the timeline.

    Since Carmen already knew that Golden Apple was in his hands, the reasons for confidentiality no longer existed. It is better to use it to exchange greater benefits. Rothschild also saves him in mind and can also acquire time for Future International.

    SpeakCarmen said softly.

    “First, Country of Xin became Nuclear-possessing Nation.”

    “Come on it. There is no talk about this. Even if I want to help you, I can’t help at all. ”Carmen shook his head.

    “haha, really? As far as I know, 60% of Freemasonry’s members are located in North America. Are you sure that you can’t do anything with Freemasonry’s energy? International Atomic Energy Agency is located in Austriavienna, I do not believe Rothschild household influence in Europe does not reach this area. The name of Rothschild Bank is on the list of shareholders of France’s Nuclear Power Station, and you told me that you can’t? ”Jiang Chen smiled smile.

    Carmen’s eyes narrowed slightly and the fingers holding the phone moved.

    “It seems that your investigation is very clear.”

    “Mastering the Intelligence Organization is not just you.”Jiang Chen said lightly.

    Silence continued for a long time.

    After repeated weighings, Carmen slowly opened his way.

    “I can promise you, International Atomic Energy Agency will endorse country of Xin, United Statescongress will not pass the Sanctions Act on the country of the nuclear issue …However, there is a precondition that the nuclear technology you use is limited to the civilian sector and the nuclear tests conducted must also be within certain limits. ”

    Hearing Carmen’s compromises, Jiang Chen’s lips brought a hint of laughter, and he gradually raised a vigilance in his heart.

    If Freemasonry can really do this, then its energy can not be underestimated.

    No problem

    “Well, what’s the last request? I hope not to go too far. ”Carmen adjusted his sitting position and said, holding the phone.

    “The last request, Golden Apple is here for me. You come here for yourself.”

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