However, the ancient goodness and the hidden metaphysics are unfathomable.

The husband can’t see clearly, and his appearance is so strong: like crossing the river in winter; if afraid of neighbors; four majestic, like guests; happy creek, like its release; pier creek, simple; open, valley; muddy. Which can be stopped by turbidity? Quiet Xu Qing. Who can be safe for a long time? Let Xu win.

People who protect in this way do not want to benefit. The husband can only gain more than the loss, so オ will be able to compete with words and new things, up; equality, down; inferior, survival. The spirit of human beings and everything depends on the way of heaven and earth, and we must also understand that this way the same continent in the Central Plains is full of vitality.

Central Plains! Between heaven and earth. In the original Tongyuan, people started with Yuan. After it became independent, the mountains and rivers showed off. This is a piece of land, but it is time-sharing, and people are always on this journey.

I don’t know how many years it has been. There are five countries in the Central Plains, which are named after five words: Du Gong, seal, exchange, and earthquake. In the first few years of struggle, the people’s livelihood was sorrowful, and there was ancient humanities. "It is better to have a child than to have a daughter." The strong were recruited, or were cut off from outside, or blocked inside. The five countries think this is tired. Although they have not yet signed a treaty, the five countries can finally do their best to make people's lives safe and stable for nearly a hundred years, and they have something in common. However, it is as calm as a lake. Although a wave has not risen, its undercurrent is surging and there is also a growing trend. In the general trend of the world, the division must be combined before the alliance can be divided.

Five states or five states. According to the weight of the military, the country left the country the most, followed by Burgundy, and then cut, swap, and avoid. In other words, these five kingdoms were originally one, and they were divided and merged in some way. To this day, they have become five kingdoms. In the five countries, there are five groups and three groups. These five groups are all based on martial arts practice, but all three groups are rooted in spiritual practice and are good at reading poetry and research on war art.

These five groups often exist in the arena. Now they are in the government, and the five countries also desire their people. But these five groups are not among them. Tianyun Mountain is located in the northern part of the Kingdom of Burgundy. It is the five countries. The most powerful branch in China is located in the northeast of the five countries. Therefore, most people in Tianyun Mountain wear piles of hats on their heads and plush clothes. They are tall but not violent, petite but not timid, and walk on the mountain. When the wind is rising, it is not easy to describe the color.

Located in the northeast of Huiguo, the Shadow Gate is located in the southwestern part of the Central Plains, with beautiful scenery and rich people. Therefore, it is the basis of anti-state exchanges. All previous masters were senior officials of the dynasty, Wen Neng governed the country, and Wu Neng was from Anbang. The current homeowner is only the court's uncle, serving the royal family's cronies, positions and people.

Ziruoting, located in the southwest of the Tian Dynasty, is attached to the capital. Among these five groups, only this group is female, whose origin is unknown. It is said that one of the former princesses of the Gun Kingdom escaped from marriage but is also a family member. However, his martial arts training qualifications are very high, he was unplugged by a famous teacher, although he can not direct a group of men but he can also rule the other side. The woman who is often praised as the intercalary room also makes many men believe it sincerely.

Benzhu Valley, located in a deep valley southeast of the epicenter, the earthquake was in the northwest of the Central Plains. The people in the valley are good at making poison, but they are not. Responsibilities, ordinary government gentlemen, dare not give up prison. Instigators and gentlemen should inspire people to cultivate virtue. You can see its behavior. Speaking of poison, it is like an armored weapon, but the owner is not very good at it. Far away from the cold palace, far away from the country, leaving a rich settlement, in the southeast of the Central Plains, its cold palace is also in the southeast of this country. As the name suggests, in addition to the country, Korean is the common voice of the surname in this country. Outsiders say that it was created by national leaders and has deep roots. There is no way to inquire about it. It is the end of the five major groups.

These five groups are well known, but little is known about these three factions. The strength of these three schools is even less known, and the two are inseparable. According to legend, they will be born in this world only when they are in danger of heaven and earth, and they possess the magic power of ghosts and gods, and the laws of heaven and earth creation are hidden in them. Ordinary people call it a living fairy, while leftists and rightists call it a monk, but they call themselves mortals. Although this is true, there is always a name and a surname

Qian Xuan, located in the shredded country, is a third-party country. Although there is no group, it can be seen that its status is very high.

Kun girl is on the land leaving the motherland, so leaving the country is the most important of the five countries.

The whereabouts of Jieren is unknown, almost unknown to outsiders, and even the practitioners know very little.

Although these three factions are the same, they did not practice with them. Although they have contact, they do not have a deep understanding. On the surface, they live in harmony, but in reality they compete in secret. Although there are a few resentments, there are also a few friends who often look back on the past, everything is just eyes and ears.

Ten years of war, nine wars. There are sad bones everywhere.

The Xiaoshan stele records a dark history. Many people say that the sea has always been difficult to obtain water, but history advances in reincarnation. The sea will become a holy field and the sea will rot. Over and over again step. Huiguo, located in the southwestern part of the Central Plains, has a flat terrain with strange mountains and dangerous waters. There is a river from west to east that will be almost divided into two countries, generally called the mother river. The strange thing is that this river is not the source, but even the end of the river can't be found. I can only see that this faint quagmire is lost, and this quagmire is a story. It is said that in the era of floods and famines, demons fought with each other, killing countless people, and finally meeting here was the last time to fight for the name of heaven and earth.

On that day, the sky was dark and no brilliant colors were visible; on that day, the earth was red, and no lamenting moans were heard. For what? Maybe they forgot about themselves. In this way, the blood under the loess foot, one drop, two drops, three drops. In the land of Crimson Swamp, posterity will often go through sincere worship.

No one knows the final victory, but it is said that some of them survived, and they are what people later call monks. Thousands of years have passed, and the swamp is still pale red, maybe this is the memory it keeps for itself. Because of this story, people used to call it Qize. However, it is precisely because this swamp has such a story that it has always been a place where monks continue to search for treasures. According to legend, the beast of this town and country, the Jiao Man, was discovered from this flag.

Akasawa is located at the junction of the Three Kingdoms and is extremely dangerous. The native soldiers of the Three Kingdoms dare not approach and become a natural barrier for the Three Kingdoms. Because of the non-military disputes here, Antai is peaceful all year round, and the people live and work in peace and contentment, and Zhou Guo is thriving and not busy.

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