I Have a Million Skill Points

Chapter 1725: Underground Palace Training

Chapter 1725

After receiving Master Kumano, it was almost noon. Su Chen wanted to find Zhu Jiuyin and Bai Qingxue to have lunch together, but as soon as she asked, she left Qunyu Pavilion together two mornings, saying that she was going to buy clothes.

Why are these two people inseparable recently? Is the relationship so good?

Su Chen shook his head. He didn't bother to eat lunch by himself, and directly informed Gan Yu to go to the underground palace to practice.

Today he intends to challenge himself to see if he can move further towards the singularity.

It will take half a month for the Dimensional Gate to be completely completed. When the Dimensional Gate is completed, Su Chen will take over the family. After that, there will be no time to practice, so this half a month must take time to exercise, Su Chen’s The goal is to push the average attribute to 30,000 points.

Entering the underground palace again, Su Chen walked straight to yesterday's position, took a radio gymnastics to warm up, then took a deep breath and took ten steps forward.

It was only ten steps away, but Su Chen tried his best.

"Daddy Su, you can no longer move forward. When you get close to the singularity, the gravitational force increases tremendously. If you don’t move a step firmly, you may be swallowed by the singularity. Although the underground palace has insurance measures that will not threaten your life, you will be If the singularity is attracted, it will peel off if you want to break away from the gravitational constraints.

Gan Yu had been observing Su Chen's every move outside the underground palace. Seeing that Su Chen was taking risks, he hurriedly reminded.

"It's safe, Dad, I'm free."

Su Chen stopped, first came a hundred push-ups to wake up the muscles, and then a thousand squats to stretch the joints and ligaments.

Sitting down after a set of exercises, Su Chen was tired enough, but his body's ability to withstand it seemed to be much stronger than yesterday. After a short rest, he became alive again.

Su Chen thought for a while, and decided to take ten steps forward.


As a result, at the eighth step, Su Chen spewed out a mouthful of old blood. If he hadn't taken a step back in time, I'm afraid he would really be swallowed by the Singularity.

At this time, Su Chen is not far away from the singularity, but the naked eye can't see any matter, or even the slightest light, or even sense the existence of space, because everything here has been attracted by the powerful gravity of the singularity. Tied up.

Whether it is seen with the naked eye or perceived by the spiritual sense, it is all dark.

But in this darkness, some clues can still be seen.

It was a pitch-black sphere, not the size of a baby's fist, but the fluctuations in some special frequency bands it released were so dazzling that people couldn't look directly at it.

Worthy of being the most terrifying existence in nature, Su Chen is now the 200-star supreme, but facing this singularity, he can still feel a great sense of crisis.

When Su Chen rested and recovered, Su Chen observed the state of the singularity in all directions.

What a perfect substance!

Su Chen couldn't help feeling full of emotions.

Once the little singularity bursts open, it will form a whole new universe. All the matter contained in a universe is initially compressed in this little singularity. Essentially speaking, my body Every piece of flesh and blood, every cell, traced back to the source, is a part of the singularity. Everything in the world, from the beginning, there is no distinction between high and low, and they are all closely connected to each other.

Su Chen was fascinated by it, as if he was not admiring a ball of pitch black balls, but admiring the body of a peerless beauty.

So, after a long time.

Su Chen suddenly refreshed.

In a daze, Su Chen sensed that this singularity seemed to contain a wave of vitality.

Is it alive?

Su Chen asked: "Little secretary, why is there a vitality fluctuation in this singularity?"

"Life fluctuates? It's impossible. Daddy Su, are you wrong."

Did you read it wrong?

Su Chen still wanted to sense it carefully, but this time she couldn't sense anything.

Is it true that you have an illusion?

Regardless, continue to exercise.

This time Su Chen plans to do 5,000 push-ups in one go!

Seeing that Su Chen didn't change his posture, Gan Yu had been doing a monotonous and repetitive exercise. He couldn't help but asked with some doubts: "Daddy Su, there are thousands of exercises, why did you only choose the simplest and basic one? "

"What do you know, this is my housekeeping skill when I eat, naturally I want to cultivate to the extreme."

Gan Yu's small head was filled with big doubts, and she didn't understand what Su Chen was expressing at all.

Could it be that Su's father was able to see and conquer Master by this trick?

Three hours later.

Su Chen walked out of the underground palace panting. There were scars all over his body. The blood that appeared had solidified into scabs. He himself didn't even have the strength to speak, so he let Gan Yu help him go to the bath, in the medicinal bath. Soaked for half an hour before reluctantly came over.

Then Su Chen felt tired and fell asleep. When he woke up, it was already the next morning.

As soon as he opened his eyes, Su Chen saw the little Secretary Gan Yu who was standing by, and she guarded herself all night.

Although this little Nizi is always on guard against herself and distrusts Su Chen, as a secretary, she is still very responsible.

"When my wife Ningguang comes back, I have to advise her. It is necessary to promote this temporary secretary to a permanent one."

In a blink of an eye, it was already half a month later.

There is news from Master Kumano that the Dimensional Gate will be completely opened tomorrow.

Su Chen also came to the gate of the underground palace for the last time.

At this time, the average value of Su Chen's four attributes has exceeded 30,000, and he has perfectly achieved the goal he set himself. Moreover, Su Chen's ability to adapt to the singularity is getting stronger and stronger, and he has been able to walk to the deepest part of the underground palace. , Less than ten steps away from the singularity.

Today, Su Chen intends to complete the ultimate challenge. He will touch the singularity with his own hands and feel the greatness and magic of the singularity.

"Daddy Su, be careful. If you feel uncomfortable, tell it immediately. I will control the formation to seal the singularity immediately." Gan Yu's concerned voice came.

After spending half a month together, Gan Yu was still full of vigilance towards Su Chen, but was moved by Su Chen's perseverance, and developed a deep admiration for Su Chen.

She herself had practiced in the underground palace, and she knew the power of this underground palace. There were countless disciples under Ning Guang, but none of them could challenge Su Chen to this level in the underground palace.

Su Chen was originally the love of Master Ningguang. Even if he does nothing, he has inexhaustible wealth and enjoys inexhaustible privileges. However, Su Chen has no peace of mind to eat and die. When he fights together, even Gan Yu was terrified when he saw it. It was really hard for Gan Yu to admire him.

Now, Gan Yu finally understood why Master would like this man.

He is definitely not a little white face who specializes in soft rice, as the outside world rumored, he is absolutely qualified to be the teacher's Ruyi Langjun, and even only he has such a qualification.

Su Chen took a deep breath and nodded: "Thank you, Xiao Gan Yu, I am very relieved to have you guarding the outside, this time I will be able to challenge successfully!"

After all, Su Chen resolutely walked into the underground palace.

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