I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 3119: One calamity and one result, I am the protagonist

Before Ji Xiucai entered Taoism, he was a scholar with high spirits but a rift in his heart. It's a pity that the world is unfair, the current situation is turbulent, and his life is full of ups and downs. He has to escape to the mountain gate to practice cultivation. He integrates the resentment and injustice in his heart into the sword, tempers the courage and courage of the sword with the nameless fire in his heart, and finally achieves great success in swordsmanship and becomes Cheng Xiao. Practice Excalibur.

Probably the sword comes from the heart. When Ji Xiucai speaks, he is always merciless and impatient. However, it is precisely this that makes his swordsmanship extremely sharp and unyielding, which is most in line with the Jian Zong's purpose of never bending.

Sister Priest, what do you mean?

Yuan Daozhen smiled, neither agreeing nor objecting to Ji Xiucai's words. He just looked at the last blond woman, Mu Caihe.

Among the four great sword immortals, Zhu Lanling is the eldest, Xi Kunlun is the deepest, Ji Xiucai is the sharpest, and Mu Caihe is the most assertive and the one who makes the decision among the four.

The sect leader has said that the original junior brother will be the main leader during this trip. Whatever you say, the four of us will obey your orders.

Although the four great sword immortals have high seniority and strong cultivation, they do not have the mentality of relying on their elders. They have long been accustomed to seeing all kinds of things in the world, and their Taoist hearts have long been harmonious. They have no interest in fame and wealth. This trip is just to support the original Taoism, so Mu Caihe said this.

In this case, I would like to ask the four senior brothers and sisters to give more guidance to the disciples of the Sword Sect. I hope that a genius who can rival Sikong Qingcheng and Ji Boyi will be born among the disciples.

Suddenly, the four great swordsmen all looked at a young girl, dressed in white, sharp and holy.

Qi Xianyun has prosperous luck, deep blessings, and superb understanding and qualifications. He is praised by the master of the Sword Sect as Li Qingting's second. If he can unleash his potential, he will definitely not be inferior to Ji Boyi and Sikong Qingcheng. The four great swordsmen and Yuan Daozhen has high hopes for it.

In the Kunxu Realm, there has been no major event for a long time since the righteous path dominated the world thousands of years ago, expelled the heretics and demonic paths, and occupied the human orthodoxy.

However, in recent years, rumors of a great calamity have begun to circulate in the monk world, which has begun to make the still peaceful Kunxu world become undercurrents and the situation is complicated.

The sky is round with twelve principles, and the local disciplines are twelve. The heavenly principles are related to each other, and three hundred and sixty rounds constitute one week; the earth's principles are based on three hundred and thirty rounds.

Three thousand six hundred cycles of heavenly movement are Yang eclipses, and three thousand three hundred degrees of earth rotation are Yin eclipses.

The weather is more extreme than the lunar yin, and the earth's qi is poorer than the sun. Therefore, when the yang is stimulated, it will flourish, and if the yin is not eclipsed, the yin and the yang will eclipse, and the qi of the heaven and the earth will be reversed. The qi of the heaven and the earth will be reversed, which is called a disaster!

These three sentences were silent and imprinted on the hearts of countless monks, and a restless atmosphere began to permeate the entire Kunxu Realm. When monks seek immortality, what they fear most is calamity, but for some monks who stand at the top, what they most want to wait for is calamity!

For tens of millions of years in the human world, there have been countless calamities, big and small. Since Taoist Dingxu, every calamity has been both a tribulation and an opportunity. The Kunxu Realm is now lacking in resources for cultivation. Only with the help of the great luck and the flow of yin and yang when the calamity comes, can there be a chance to step into the supreme fruit of heaven and humanity.

After the words of calamity spread throughout the Kunxu Realm, countless monks turned their attention to the boundless sea, because there, the first calamity of humanity had begun!

Unknowingly, the Sword Sect and the Dao Alliance were in doom. The humane killings began on the descendants of the ancient Canglong and the millions of water tribes.

The calamities intersect, the emperors change their positions, the nine qi changes, the sun and the moon shrink.

Ji Boyi slowly woke up from his trance, opened a pair of bright and plain eyes, and slowly read a sentence in his mouth.

The Great Heavenly Lord used the power of the Human Emperor's Book to seal off the secrets of heaven. Now the news of the great catastrophe is flying all over the sky. It was he who spread it. He practiced the Emperor's Hundred Cave Opening Tribulation Luck Sutra and wanted to intercept the fate of this human tribulation. , turn it into your own luck, achieve your own Taoist fruit, awaken the Taoist gods, and ascend to heaven!

There was a faint sneer on Ji Boyi's face. What the Great Heavenly Lord did could not slow him down at all. Even if he used a secret method to cover up the secrets of Kun's virtual world, he still could not block his gaze. He could spy on the Great Heavenly Lord at any time. Tianzun’s arrangement.

It's a pity that he is not destined to be the protagonist of this catastrophe. Humanity's catastrophe, the world of great struggle, the destiny star comes to the world, they fight with each other, one disaster and one result, the way of heaven and man!

If the Great Heavenly Lord is also a destiny star, then this calamity has already begun to brew hundreds of thousands of years ago, until the fate of the sky is passed, the earth's discipline is pushed, the heaven and earth's energy is reversed, and the calamity breaks out.

The Great Heavenly Lord has reached a critical moment in his cultivation of the way of calamity. He wants to expand the calamity and fill the air with calamity, so as to induce his own calamity and prove the way to heaven.

It's just that he never thought that I also practiced the Hundred Cave Opening Tribulation Sutra, and I also had the Taiyin destiny, and even obtained the Purple Star destiny in the legendary world of the Emperor. The tribulation energy of this human tribulation has been captured by me. , the Great Heavenly Lord is destined to draw water from a bamboo basket in vain. In this era of great strife, the calamity of humanity has just begun, and it is already doomed!

Ji Boyi said to himself, and a fairy light Qingyun appeared above his head, and a sword light as clear as water appeared in it. It was the Qingping sword refined by Ji Boyi. As his treasure of calamity, the sword light was bright , cut off all the calamity qi between heaven and earth, and poured it into the golden bell that was rising and falling. A side of the cave world appeared. As the calamity qi was absorbed and swallowed, it continued to evolve and expand, and a series of mysterious Taoist charms appeared. It permeated Ji Boyi's heart, making his realm of cultivation continue to improve.

Suddenly, a Taoist fruit that looked round but not round, square but not square jumped out from Ji Boyi's heavenly spirit. It was shining brightly, exuding an aura of perfection and transcendence. The reality was uncertain. There were stars shining all around, surrounding and guarding the Taoist fruit. Entering the long river of destiny, like the bright sun shining alone, shining all over the world, dispersing the endless fog.

As the calamity energy continued to be intercepted by Ji Boyi, the prototype of the Heavenly Dao Fruit continued to solidify, appearing more complete and real. Ji Boyi raised his head and glanced at the prototype of the Heavenly Dao Fruit. The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and a satisfied look appeared on his handsome and flawless face. Smile, according to this cultivation progress, it won't take long for him to trigger the Three Nine Heavenly Tribulations and achieve the cultivation level of the Supreme Master. He can unite heaven and man, unite all phenomena, and achieve the three realms of heaven and man in half a step. , overwhelming the three sects in the world, the Great Heavenly Lord became the number one person in the Kunxu Realm.

Ji Bo Yi's Yuan Shen rotated, Qingyun Immortal Light, Divine Forbidden Treasure, and the prototype of the Heavenly Dao Fruit were instantly put away. He looked in the direction of the Heavenly Court, his eyes filled with cold meaning, and sneered.

The Hundred Cave Opening Tribulation Sutra practiced by the Great Heavenly Lord was created by the Emperor. No one has ever successfully practiced it. It is full of dangers. It will cause disasters and intercept a glimmer of life. The most likely result is that the body will be burned by calamity fire and will never be able to survive. Superborn.”

In order to make up for this flaw, he wanted to seize the Taihuang Sutra. This mythical martial arts with the strongest power can allow him to suppress all methods, suppress the calamity, and successfully survive the Taoist calamity!

He openly asked me and Lord Zhutian Tianji to come together to find the Taihuang Sutra, but secretly he sent the disciple Yun Engle, who is the person he trusts most.

Ji Boyi's eyes became extremely deep, looking at the long river of destiny in the depths of the endless void. The fog was thick, the secrets were obscure, and there was even a human emperor's book to suppress the void. He wanted to block all prying eyes, but unfortunately Zi Weidou couldn't stop it. With his perfect understanding of numbers and destiny, a terrifying scene suddenly came into view, causing him to frown slightly and show a solemn expression.

The land is connected to the nine springs, the jellyfish are connected to the five rivers, the big birds are stationed in the dragon gate, and the five emperors are received in Xuandu!

Endless dust obscures the brilliance of the sun, moon and stars. Endless earthquakes and volcanic eruptions have left the land filled with deep grooves. These cracks and deep grooves can lead from the surface to the Nine Abyss. Underground netherworld. Later, the glaciers at the two poles melted, and great floods submerged the land of Kyushu. The terrifying water monster shrouded in shadow crossed the sky and the earth, destroying all human civilization.

All kinds of monsters and monsters came out to devour the human race. The terrifying cataclysm led to the extinction of the human race and the collapse of humanity. After the great destruction, the world was filled with lifelessness, as if it had returned to the chaotic wilderness. The world that used to be bustling, lively, and full of flowers has become completely deserted!

This is a great calamity, and I am the protagonist of this calamity!

Ji Boyi's brows widened, with a confident smile on his face. His passionate voice was like the clash of gold and iron, which caused the resonance of the Qingping sword in his body. The sword clanked, revealing endless vigor.

Dao Meng and Jian Zong had just fought against the Nanhai tribe. The strength shown by Dao Meng shocked Yuan Daozhen and the four great swordsmen. They sent Fang Qinghua and Qi Xianyun to send invitations again, hoping to invite Ji Yi to the banquet to discuss matters.

Fang Qinghua and Qi Xianyun stood together. The man was cold and handsome, and the woman was cold and pretty. They looked both talented and pretty, very eye-catching.

Ji Boyi's eyes moved slightly, and he looked at the two of them, and found that the two people's sword energy, which was originally sharp and brilliance, began to be restrained in a short period of time, and they made great progress, taking one step further, and their swordsmanship entered a more profound level. .

I know it, but it's the hard work of both of you.

Ji Boyi was sitting at the top, with senior figures from the seven sects of the Taoist Alliance on both sides. Tianzun Confucian scholar and Tiandi novice monk were on the left and right, one was smiling lightly, the other was sneering, and Yue Zun, Yanlong and others had different expressions. , gathered into a majestic aura as majestic as a star, and slowly pressed towards the two of them.

The current Dao Alliance's combined strength is really not inferior to that of the Sword Sect. Looking at the faces of Fang Qinghua and Qi Xianyun, they can only suffer. However, the two of them are the geniuses of the Sword Sect after all, with unruly personalities. Feeling the intentional or unintentional pressure from the Taoist Alliance, Fang Qinghua's eyes lit up with soft and sharp sword intent. And Qi Xianyun raised his eyebrows, and his deep and vast sword intent burst out at the same time.

Although the four swords are weak, they are very mysterious. They circulate with each other and merge into a chaotic and boundless supreme sword realm. Like a void of nothingness, they wrap up the two people and block the Taoist alliance's senior officials from inadvertently emanating from the intertwined swords. The momentum is heavy.

Hey, it turns out to be the Void Sword Realm of the Four Great Sword Immortals!

Ji Boyi's eyes lit up slightly when he saw this scene. He paused slightly with his right hand holding the invitation, then smiled at the corner of his mouth and gently placed his little finger on the plan beside him.


A low voice echoed, gloomy and thick, like a mighty force, the Tianzhu Mountain was pressed down, the Void Sword Realm just formed by Fang Qinghua and Qi Xianyun suddenly trembled, instantly shattered, turned into a sharp cold wind, and moved towards Blowing all around.

I will be there tonight, and I also ask the two Taoist brothers to tell Yuan Shengjian my reply.

Ji Boyi did not continue to test and suppress the two of them. The disciples of the Sword Sect were unruly and would rather bend than bend. Even though Qi Xianyun and Fang Qinghua were shaken by his sound waves and their blood boiled, their faces remained expressionless and extremely cold, and they did not show any signs of it.

However, Qi Xianyun and Fang Qinghua's faces turned pale and their auras weakened, letting everyone understand that they were far from as relaxed as they appeared. They just didn't want to lose the Sword Sect's face and were trying to support themselves.


Qi Xianyun and Fang Qinghua said coldly, turned around and left, their bodies as straight as swords, and stepped out of the Dao Alliance camp step by step evenly and calmly.

The Sword Sect is full of talented people!

Ji Boyi showed admiration and paused for a moment on Qi Xianyun. The qualifications and potential shown by this eldest sister of the Sword Sect made Ji Boyi take action. If the opponent was a disciple of the Dao Alliance, even if he was from another sect, he They all had to sacrifice their shame and take him under their tutelage to train him as the future head teacher of Xing Palace.

When night falls, the lunar sky hangs high, and the cold moonlight falls, spreading on the sea surface, sparkling like silver yarn, extremely poignant and beautiful. Ji Boyi, Tianzun Confucian scholar, and Tiandi novice came to the station of Jianzong together. Originally, it was still The disciples of the Sword Sect who wanted to test Ji Boyi again saw such a powerful lineup and immediately put away their sword intent, sheathed their swords, showed a kind smile, and let the three people in honestly.

The disciples of the Sword Sect are all sword cultivators, and their philosophy is somewhat similar to that of the Seven Heavens Demon Sect. Strength is respected, and it makes sense to have a big fist, so it is easiest to do it simply.

In the Sword Sect camp, Yuan Daozhen, as the person in charge, has recovered most of his energy. There is no pale color on his face. The energy all over his body is smooth and smooth. His sword intention is proud in the world, giving people a feeling of unparalleled sharpness.

Next to Yuan Daozhen, there are four great sword immortals sitting. The four powerful sword intentions merge with each other to form a chaotic and vast supreme sword realm. It is like a void of nothingness, swallowing up the energy, intelligence, and mystery in the void. Incomparable.

Ji Boyi and Yuan Daozhen exchanged pleasantries, and then sat down at the seats. The exchanges between the two were sharp, full of intrigues, flashes of swords, and the anger of the two was entangled with each other and constantly colliding. It seemed that they were going to be divided into superiors and inferiors. They were extremely tyrannical. The aura permeated the tent, but it was controlled exquisitely and never leaked outside.

Gradually, the situation began to turn against Ji Game. The light of the sword overwhelmed the shadow of the sword. Ji Boyi was shrouded in starlight, like a god or a saint. His aura was extremely powerful, suppressing all the sword energy and sword intent around Yuan Daozhen. This The Holy Sword's face was a little pale at this time, and he looked faint.

Seeing this, the four great sword immortals looked at each other and erupted at the same time. The four sword energies, some serious, some deep, some light, some sharp, slashed towards the sword light in unison, jingling, like gold and iron clashing, The cold and shining white sword light was completely unafraid, one against five, invincible in all directions, and actually did not fall behind.

When the Heavenly Confucian scholar and the Heavenly Emperor novice monk saw this, they were immediately furious. The Sword Sect did not talk about martial ethics and used the big to bully the small. How could they tolerate such a thing happening? He flew out and pressed hard against the four great swordsmen, surrounding Wei and rescuing Zhao, and attacking the enemy's weak points.

The four great sword immortals suddenly felt heavy pressure, their faces were extremely solemn, their eyes shot out sharp divine light, their essences were running in their bodies, and they didn't care about other ways, they exploded with all their strength. Suddenly, the sound of sword roars roared in the camp, attracting other Three qi machines also exploded at the same time, the tent was immediately torn apart, and powerful energy fluctuations spread.

Qi Xianyun and other five divine swords who were guarding outside the camp were unable to react in time and were thrown away heavily by the eight waves of air that were sharp, gentle, cold, or fiery. If it weren't for the protection of the Five Directions Divine Sword, shining with divine light, and the cultivation of the five people was not weak, I am afraid that just the impact of the air wave would have made them vomit blood, but even so, the five people were all disgraced and embarrassed. Incomparable.

The Heavenly Emperor novice monk was unruly and aggressive by nature. The sword on his waist vibrated and his eyes were burning. He stared at Ji Xiucai and spoke provocatively.

Old Qiongsu, I see you are not convinced. Let me tell you, the four of you will fight together. Lord Buddha, I will take them all with one sword!

Such arrogant remarks by the Heavenly Emperor Novice immediately made the members of the Sword Sect furious. Ji Xiucai was an angry person who would rather break than bend. When he heard this, he was filled with rage and his hair and beard stood on end, and he immediately responded.

To deal with you, a foreign barbarian, there is no need for four of us brothers and sisters to take action. This scholar, one person and one sword is enough.

In front of everyone, how could Ji Xiucai say something that would hurt his face like a group pick? He could only pretend to be a master, drew his sword and was about to leave, gesticulating with the novice monk of the Emperor of Heaven.

Junior brother and this fellow Taoist Emperor please go to heaven to discuss matters, so as not to scare the younger disciples.

Xu Lanling's faint words rang out, and he knew that if these two people fought, the commotion would definitely be huge, and the fight would definitely turn the world upside down and spread widely. If one was not careful and caused damage to the Sword Sect disciples, he would be heartbroken.

Hmph! Why go to heaven? To deal with a small character like him, I can't even use three swords.

The Heavenly Emperor Novice is one of the Three Pure Ones, one of the three bodies. He has a profound realm and powerful cultivation. The four great swordsmen are only in the realm of real people. Although the swordsmanship is profound, the four of them may not be able to defeat the Heavenly Emperor Novice even if they join forces. What's more, it's Ji Xiucai alone.

Such arrogant words from the Heavenly Emperor Novice made Ji Xiucaiqi tremble all over, his anger deepened, and he spoke coldly with sword light in his eyes.

Who doesn't know how to brag, but you don't know if you are really capable?

Whether this is bragging or not, you will know soon. I haven't been out of the mountain for a long time, but the world has forgotten his reputation.

The mantle of the novice monk of the Emperor of Heaven was not blowing in the wind, but his young face was filled with crystal glazed brilliance, and his treasure appearance was solemn. He had already made up his mind to teach Ji Xiucai a profound lesson, so that his sword heart would become dusty, and his sword skills would become dusty. Rewind.

Ji Boyi is well aware of the level of cultivation of the Heavenly Emperor Novice. Even Yuan Daozhen does not dare to claim victory. After all, the Heavenly Emperor Novice has the enlightenment state of a great master. To deal with Ji Xiucai, who is only in the realm of a real person, it is not easy to catch him. He has the heart to see the sword. Zong's joke didn't stop him, he just smiled lightly, but the energy in his body suppressed Yuan Daozhen, making him unable to stop him.

The result of this battle was just as Ji Game expected, shocking three thousand people in the Sword Sect. The Heavenly Emperor Shami defeated Ji Xiucai with one sword, showing his swordsmanship that was not inferior to the Three Heavenly Sword.

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