Chapter 117, finishing

Among the four women, Chen Fei has the highest appearance. Lulu is petite and has white and greasy skin, so she is very playable. Smoke is weird. Kiki doesn't have any obvious characteristics, she is an ordinary beautiful girl, but if she insists, she is bisexual?

However, the four have something in common, that is, they are more devoted to money. In other words, I like money.

Otherwise, Zhang Cheng just started five rows without discussing with them at all, and he could leave no matter what.

After all, Zhang Cheng didn't have eight hands, so he could catch them all.

"I have an idea, can you listen?"

Hearing Zhang Cheng's words, the girls all pricked up their ears.

They didn't leave even if they were very dissatisfied with Zhang Cheng's actions just now, wasn't it just for the compensation now.

Even Qiqi's anger was to remind Zhang Cheng. She is aggrieved. There is no compensation for that.

"I plan to rent a larger apartment for you to live together." Zhang Chengdao.

Hearing Zhang Cheng's words, several goddesses moved slightly.

"In addition, I will give each of you a monthly allowance of 20,000." Zhang Cheng added: "But it is not unconditional. I hope that you will not have any dealings with other men during this period. I don't like to be like-minded people with others. Of course. I will not restrict you, if you meet someone you like, you can leave at any time."

There was nothing incomprehensible about Zhang Cheng's words, so the girls instantly understood what Zhang Cheng meant.

In the future, this brother Cheng will give them a place to live and pocket money. As for 20,000 yuan, it doesn't sound like much, but it is more than double or even twice their salary.

In particular, Zhang Cheng's shot was very generous, which made several women believe that as long as he followed this person, there would not be only pocket money at all.

So the girls almost agreed without any hesitation.

Even the angry Kiki turned her anger into joy.

This made Zhang Cheng sigh, that money is really a good thing he made.

Soon, a few women took out the takeaways that had been delivered before, and the ones that should be heated, and those that should be placed on the plate, were placed on the plate, and they worked together to serve Zhang Cheng.

Before, when there was only Qiqi Lulu or Yan Yan Chen Fei, Zhang Cheng didn't stay overnight, but now that there is such a good thing as Happy Five Row, Zhang Cheng will naturally not do it again.

And he didn't mean to hang up a few girls, and directly passed this month's pocket flowers to them, of course, except for Yan Yan.

"The ones I compensated for you before will be deducted from the pocket money, and it will take about 8 months." Zhang Cheng smiled slyly.

Yanyan looked at others who received small money, but she didn't have it, so she couldn't help being a little angry, but who made her so unlucky.

Qiqi was a little surprised, and Chen Fei explained a few words by the side.

I saw the woman lowered her head and pondered for a while, and then discussed with the women around her in a low voice for a while: "Brother Cheng, how about each of us helping Yanyan make up five thousand?"

Hearing Qiqi's words, Zhang Cheng raised his brows somewhat surprised.

"Are you all willing?"

Chen Fei nodded when she heard the words, at least she couldn't see anything on the surface. After all, she and Yanyan are best friends and have a good relationship. They won't make trouble because of such a small amount of money, at least they won't make trouble in front of Zhang Cheng.

Lulu also nodded obediently. In her opinion, 20,000 is a lot, and 15,000 is not a lot.

Zhang Cheng glanced at Qiqi with a half-smile but not a smile. He didn't say much, and simply transferred 20,000 to Yanyan.

Complete the other's sisterhood.

After all, if the relationship between several women is better, it is not without benefits for him.

Seeing that Zhang Cheng was as she thought, and he didn't care so much, Qiqi happily offered a sweet kiss.

"Thank you Brother Cheng."

And with such a thing, the girls who were a little bit estranged just now became much closer to each other. Although they were not at the level of girlfriends who talked about everything, they had cooperated with Zhang Cheng in the fifth row together.

Anyway, this night made Zhang Cheng very cool.

The next day, after kissing the girls on the face, Zhang Cheng got up and left and returned to Xiangxiang's residence.

First he changed his clothes, and then went to Yang Yu and Yang Xue's residence to get a set of ginseng. He was going to visit Mr. Guan Daqiang.

However, before going out, Zhang Cheng stopped and sat back on the sofa again.

Because he felt that he had to sort out his wife and good friends.

First is the fragrance.

Although she had done live broadcasts before, since Zhang Cheng decided to accept her, he did not mean to treat Xiangxiang badly. After all, when Zhang Cheng first got up, she was a woman who obeyed him and made Zhang Cheng's confidence increase a lot.

I learned to dance before, and now I try to shoot film and television dramas. It's all Zhang Cheng's support for her. After all, it's basically impossible for a woman to be with her, so in other respects, Zhang Cheng will naturally have to double the compensation.

And so far, Zhang Cheng has spent almost five million on Xiangxiang.

Next is Zhao Shengnan.

This silly woman really moved Zhang Cheng's heart. If Zhang Cheng wasn't so lecherous, Zhang Cheng felt that the most likely marriage partner he would choose was her.

After all, the firm will and the figure of working hard for the dream made Zhang Cheng, a bystander, greatly touched. What's more, when the other party handed it over to Zhang Cheng, he was still a child.

But there is one thing to say, based on Zhang Cheng's understanding during this period of time, Zhao Shengnan's strength in boxing is basically the top of the amateur level.

Of course, if Zhang Cheng can give her a ginseng of the spirit grass level, it will definitely change the other party's situation. After all, ordinary ginseng can only be taken a small amount at a time, and the ginseng of the spirit grass level, Zhang Cheng is direct twice. I gnawed on one, and there was no problem, at most it was a little noisy.

After that, the physical fitness was greatly improved. With such support, Zhao Shengnan may not be able to shine in the world boxing arena.

But out of consideration for his own Zhang Cheng basically wouldn't give out Lingcao-level ginseng for others to use, not even a close lover like Zhao Shengnan. At least for now.

So now Zhang Cheng has to think about the placement of Zhao Shengnan after he has no achievements in boxing.

Help her open a gym, or what?

Zhang Cheng felt that he would listen to Zhao Shengnan's own opinions and make corresponding arrangements.

So far, Zhang Cheng has spent two or three million on Zhao Shengnan.

Then there are the two sisters, Yang Yu and Yang Xue.

The two sisters were met by Zhang Cheng when he happened to go out for a morning exercise. Later, the two women had an economic situation and were taken advantage of by Zhang Cheng.

Although various situations occurred frequently in the middle, the results were good.

As for Zhang Cheng, who spent more than 30 million yuan for the two sisters, and also opened an online shop for them, and got a lot of favors from Mr. Yang Shuyang. Even more investment is foreseen in the future.

Beautiful twins, little children.

These two attributes alone are enough for Zhang Cheng to invest regardless of the cost.

However, Zhang Cheng also needs to pay attention to make up for his other women's benchmarks. Otherwise, it would be too generous.

And finally, the beauty lawyer Wang Qing.

This encounter was undoubtedly the worst among Zhang Cheng's women.

Husband cheated while pregnant. Some time ago, her ex-husband instructed her daughter to pretend to be sick and cheated a lot of money.

Fortunately, I met Zhang Cheng. Although I won't have any status, I will definitely not have any problems in material life in the future, and now I have opened a law firm with the help of Zhang Cheng.

And after docking with Jin Luo, I saw an improvement.

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