Chapter 296, the price

The teacher Xu in front of him now also gave Zhang Cheng some ideas. Although it is not enough to accept it, it is not bad to have a friendly exchange with it.

As for the other party's infertility, it is not a problem for Zhang Cheng.

Pretend to ponder for a moment.

"I have a suggestion, Mr. Xu, would you like to listen to it?"

Teacher Xu's heart jumped when he heard the words: "Please speak."

"I provide the child's treatment fee, but Mr. Xu needs to pay some price." Zhang Chengdao.

After not doing such bullying things for a long time, Zhang Cheng's old face couldn't help but turn red for a moment.

"What, what is the price?" Teacher Xu suppressed the excitement and urgency in his heart.

Seeing this, Zhang Cheng mistakenly thought it was forcing his anger.

But he didn't back down.

"I find time to visit you a few times a month."

Hearing this, Teacher Xu squeezed his fist tightly: "How can you do this, you are Wang Nan's uncle!" Although it is said to be an uncle, the relationship should be like that of the stepfather, and Teacher Xu can still see it.

And this sentence is not only to persuade Zhang Cheng, but also to persuade herself.

Because when Zhang Cheng said the words just now, she almost agreed.

Teacher Xu has been divorced for a few years, and she has never been in a relationship with her in the past few years. After being knocked down by Zhang Cheng, she will never forget it. Is it because the **** that has been suppressed in her heart is aroused and erupted like a volcano. After all, women's desires in this regard are much stronger than men's.

Otherwise, Zhang Cheng is not a banknote, and everyone loves it.

"I will also bear the follow-up treatment costs." Zhang Cheng said.

Teacher Xu could only be silent when she heard the words.

Zhang Cheng knew that the other party had agreed to his request, and without any nonsense, he went directly to the toll office and paid 500,000 medical fees.

"You are busy, I will call you when I go there." Zhang Cheng said to Teacher Xu.

Hearing this, Teacher Xu nodded with difficulty.

Zhang Cheng left the hospital and went around to his supermarket.

After reading the report, Zhang Cheng didn't stay any longer, and went to give lucky red sandalwood to several old men. Now it is probably determined that after getting older, you can indeed feel the benefits of lucky red sandalwood a little.

As for him, Wang Qing, who was in his thirties, or two aunts in their forties, didn't feel anything at all.

As for why this happened, Zhang Cheng wasn't quite sure.

Mr. Guan took the lucky red sandalwood, and his cautious appearance made Zhang Cheng almost think it was a rare treasure.

"Master, do you feel something different?"

Guan Daqiang glanced at Zhang Cheng. The piece of lucky red sandalwood that Zhang Cheng gave last time, he made several zodiac cards, he brought one for himself, and gave the rest to a few grandchildren that he usually prefers.

Just when he thought that wearing this red sandalwood would make his body feel much lighter might be his illusion, several other old friends also talked about it.

There is a feeling that the vitality of the body has been stabilized. After all, when people are old, the body is not as heavy as the day, which is still quite torturing. This is also the fundamental reason why the old man feels depressed.

Because the body is really not as good as it was in the past, and it is powerless.

However, after wearing this red sandalwood, although the body did not say that it returned to its youthful state, and there was not much improvement, the feeling of gradual aging was alleviated.

"Where did you get this thing?" Mr. Guan asked without answering, and for the first time was concerned about the origin of Zhang Cheng's things.

Zhang Cheng was a little surprised to hear that.

"What's up?"

"This thing is very good." Guan said.

Zhang Cheng heard the words and took out the zodiac pig card hanging on his chest. After looking at it for a while, he looked at Mr. Guan with doubts on his face.

"Which is good?" Although Zhang Cheng knew that this thing had the magical properties of gathering good fortune, but after wearing it for so long, he really didn't feel anything.

Grandpa Guan couldn't help but smile: "You'll know when you're older."

Zhang Cheng was choked for a moment, so he didn't ask any more questions, and was about to leave.

"Boy, how much can you get this red sandalwood? I'll give you 1 million for 1 catty, how about it?"

Among several old brothers, Mr. Guan has always been good at money. This is because he has seized the popularity of the Internet. In just a few years, his worth has doubled. So even if the sky-high price of 1 catty of lucky red sandalwood is 1 million yuan, it is really nothing in this person's eyes.

"I don't have much in total, you, don't worry about it." Zhang Cheng chuckled lightly.

Although the old man Guan was a little disappointed when he heard the words, he didn't force it too much, and smacked his lips helplessly.

"It seems that my old pass has no fate with this good thing."

Farewell to Mr. Guan, Zhang Cheng gave lucky red sandalwood to the others.

The 63-year-old Bai Bai Bai looked at the red sandalwood that Zhang Cheng brought over again, and was silent for a while. Although his daughter didn't know anything, she even tried to control Zhang Cheng's special effect ginseng, but Zhang Cheng, a young man, could be regarded as repaying his grievances with virtue. Whether it was the best tea leaves or this strange red sandalwood, he never forgot about him.

"Thank you, Xiao Cheng."

After being run on by that idiot Bai Miaomiao, Zhang Cheng decided to distance himself from the old man Bai, but later he kept his daughter by his side for discipline and did not let her out to make trouble.

Zhang Cheng didn't feel so annoyed anymore, so the tea leaves, Fuyun red sandalwood, etc., some of the other old masters, will also be sent here.

After all, Mr. Bai really helped Zhang Cheng a lot at the beginning, and especially gave him no stingy advice, otherwise he would like to make a TV series based on Zhang Cheng's level?

Even if it is more wasteful than throwing money into the water.

"Uncle Bai, you're welcome." Zhang Cheng said quickly.

At this time, there was the sound of high heels stepping on the stairs.

Bai Miaomiao came down step by step. After seeing Zhang Cheng, his face immediately stinks.

But after thinking about it, he walked over.

"Do you still have any tea?"

"Miaomiao!" Elder Bai frowned.

"Mr. Zhang, do you still have any tea over there?" Bai Miaomiao was a little unwilling to be polite.

Since the New Years ago, after she tried to control Zhang Cheng's special effect ginseng, she was grounded by her father and stayed by her side to teach her. It's been over three months now.

This made Bai Miaomiao not hate Zhang It's just that Mr. Bai's teaching was still somewhat effective after all.

At least Bai Miaomiao didn't have so much anger.

Zhang Cheng was somewhat surprised when he saw this. He didn't expect that this arrogant mentally retarded person could become polite now. Although it was under the supervision of Mr. Bai, it was no longer easy.

"I'll bring some next time."

Bai Miaomiao's mouth moved when she heard the words, and she immediately wanted Zhang Cheng to go back and fetch it, but she was worried that her father was by her side.

"Well, thank you." Then he turned to leave.

Seeing his daughter like this, the old man Bai looked helpless.

He has been ups and downs in the business world for decades, and he dare not say that he has never sold high or low, but he has never been deceived. Not even plotting other people's things.

But I didn't expect that the daughter, who had high hopes, had bad intentions.

Fortunately, it was discovered in time, and no big mistake was made.

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