Chapter 72, Lunch

Leaving from the residence of the two sisters, Yang Yu and Yang Xue, Zhang Cheng went to S Film and Television, and wanted to meet the author who wrote the good martial arts book.

However, after waiting for an hour, Zhang Cheng still hadn't waited for the other party.

Professor Wang Li and Wang hung up the phone in embarrassment.

"That kid stayed up all night last night, and is resting now, he will come over in the afternoon."

He clearly said something good, but he failed to keep the promise.

This made Professor Wang's face a little ugly.

However, Zhang Cheng didn't care much.

"Then I'll go around the campus and experience college life by the way. I don't know if I can?"

Professor Wang was not surprised to see Zhang Cheng, and he was a little relieved: "Of course there is no problem." Then he found a temporary pass for Zhang Cheng.

Bringing the pass, Zhang Cheng walked into the teaching building area.

I looked at the classroom where there were classes, and walked in through the back door.

The teacher who taught the class didn't care, and continued to explain his class, the difference between smiles.

Zhang Cheng listened for a while and was quite amused, because there are so many kinds of smiles.

Smile, laugh, laugh, sneer, smirk, smirk, cry and laugh, secretly laugh, smirk, laugh, smirk, wry smile, giggle, pretend to laugh, laugh, laugh, laugh, giggle, giggle, forced laugh, crazy laugh, crazy laugh, Lang laugh and so on.

As an actor, it is indispensable to perform some of these smiles in his acting career.

Especial smile is the most contagious expression. As long as you smile well, your performance will naturally be outstanding.

It is also easier to make an impression.

In this class, the teacher emphasized sneering.

Even sneers are different because of different emotions, sneer under anger, sneer under grief, sneer under sarcasm and so on.

To perform an expressive sneer, one needs to mobilize one's emotions, and on the other hand, one needs to have seen enough sneers and practice imitation.

Then, the teacher started to play a few short videos.

All are some classic sneers.

For example, in a police and bandit film that Zhang Cheng watched, the villain's younger brother died, but he couldn't take revenge because the police were present. When he looked at the murderer of his younger brother, he showed an angry sneer.

And by virtue of this police and gangster film, the actor who played the villain won the Best Supporting Actor Award of the Golden Dragon Award, the most important film and television award in China.

I have to say that this sneer played a big role.

And with the explanation, the morning class soon ended.

Zhang Cheng stood up still, and followed the students, preparing to go to the cafeteria in S Film and Television School to make do with a meal.

"Hello." Just as Zhang Cheng recalled what he had heard in the morning, a greeting came.

Zhang Cheng turned his head to look, and found that it was a girl in her twenties, and there was another girl not far away, looking at him nervously.

"Hello, what's the matter?"

"Are you a scout who came to the school to select actors?" The girl looked at Zhang Cheng with some hope.

Zhang Cheng shook his head: "No."

The girl was a little disappointed: "Sorry for disturbing you." After speaking, she nodded to Zhang Cheng, then turned to leave, went back to her friend, and said something in a low voice.

"Just say no..." "You really..."

Occasionally, a voice came over, which made Zhang Cheng involuntarily happy when he heard it.

Really a carefree student.

Come to the dining hall.

Although there is a lot of information on the Internet about the food in the school canteen, the food in the canteen of S TV is still good.

There are meat and vegetarian dishes, noodles and rice, as well as northern and southern cuisines, which are very rich.

Zhang Cheng bought a few steamed buns, egg and seaweed soup, several meat and vegetables, three taels of rice, and a bowl of hot and dry noodles.

Carrying a large plate and preparing to find a place to eat.

Some students think that there are too many people in the cafeteria, so they go back to the dormitory with lunch boxes and the like, while some students like the lively environment and eat directly in the cafeteria.

So even if the cafeteria is not big enough for all the teachers and students to eat, there are still some vacancies.

Zhang Cheng quickly found a free place, and went over to put down the plate and start eating.

The buns are pork scallions, pork cabbage and pork mushrooms, two of each filling.

And compared to the buns sold outside, because they are in the school cafeteria, they are all quite affordable. One bite, full of meat filling, fills the mouth with fragrance.

Served with egg and seaweed soup, it is really delicious.

Zhang Cheng was eating and noticed that someone was sitting across from him. didn't care either.

After all, in the public cafeteria, if he can eat here, so can others.

"Hello." But the other party took the initiative to say hello.

Zhang Cheng looked up and saw that it was the two girls who had asked him if they were scouts before.


"Do you still have friends?" The woman who put down the rice noodle in her hand and greeted Zhang Cheng asked curiously.

After all, there was too much food in front of Zhang Cheng.

Zhang Cheng looked at the steamed buns, rice, and hot dry noodles on his plate, knowing that it was a misunderstanding by the other party, and smiled lightly.

"This is my own lunch."

Hearing Zhang Cheng's words, the two girls were a little surprised. After looking at each other, they ate in silence.

Then he watched Zhang Cheng eat steamed buns and drink a bowl full of egg and seaweed soup, then eat rice, and then eat hot dry noodles.

And looking at the other party's unsatisfied appearance, he didn't even have enough to eat.

"You're amazing," said the girl who spoke.

The other girl also nodded.

What is this great? Zhang Cheng couldn't help but be With such an appetite, if you go to eat and broadcast, you must have a future. Hello, my name is Lu Wei, she is Miao Li. "The girl introduced herself.

"Zhang Cheng." Zhang Cheng said.

"What are you doing here at our school?" Lu Wei asked again, apparently seeing the temporary pass that Zhang Cheng was hanging around his neck.

"I saw a good script before, and I came to see the author today." Zhang Cheng didn't hide anything.

Lu Wei's eyes lit up, and she and her good friend Miao Li glanced at each other.

They had guessed that Zhang Cheng might be a scout who came to the school to select actors for the crew, but they didn't expect it to be a producer?

If that's the case, then it's more worth making friends than a scout.

Although the two of them are still students, they will graduate in a year and a half, so they already need to plan for the future.

"Then are you a producer?" Miao Li asked expectantly.

Although he has already invested and is shooting a TV series, Zhang Chengyuan is not enough to call himself a producer.

"Where is the producer, he is just interested in the script."

The two women were a little disappointed when they heard this, thinking that Zhang Cheng was the kind of drama manager who helped people collect scripts.

However, a small letter from Zhang Cheng was added.

After walking around the campus for half a circle, after finishing Xiao Shi, Professor Wang Li Wang called and said that the student who wrote the martial arts book had arrived.

Zhang Cheng stopped hanging out and returned to Professor Wang's office.

In Professor Wang's office.

A young man in his thirties sat with a tired face.

He has long hair, which is simply hooped with a rubber band, and has a lot of messy hair, and his beard doesn't look like he's shaved for a while.

Very sloppy look.

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