I Have a Store In the World of American Comics

: One thousand three hundred eighty one

Chapter 0381 Some things come to an end

Although forced to retire, Kovacs never gave up investigating crimes.

The tear bomb is a self-made tear bomb made by Zhou Wenwen with edible mustard powder, millet chili, chili powder, and spicy chili powder in order to deal with the gangsters in the community on weekdays.

Although Zhou Wenwen was flustered, he didn't show anything, but held his breath.

In 1985, he found out that there was something strange about the death of the joker and took the initiative to investigate, and then a series of stories came out.

This sci-fi watch that Zhou Wenwen took down from the exhibition hall was engraved with various symbols, which can be said to be complicated and mysterious. Zhou Wenwen tried a few times before gradually trying out the three abilities of the watch.

To put it bluntly, Zhou Wenwen is a part of the keyboard warriors on the contemporary Internet.

It turned out that the black dwarf on the other side finally got rid of Peter's harassment in the battle, which gave him enough time to turn his attention to the front.

Korvax is basically a loner, but he has a good relationship with Night Owl.

The next second he spoke, Zhou Wenwen took out two tear bombs from the two compartments of the water bottle in his backpack, pulled out the insurance, and threw them on the ground.

Zhou Wenwen continued to swim for a few seconds before he dared to come out to see that there was no talent.

What is the wizarding world?

Zhou Wenwen, who had high-profile propaganda about his return, dispelled the hope of the three parties and made the three parties completely give up the fight. Zhou Wenwen took the opportunity to apply for an extension of the peace agreement, and the three parties agreed.

Although Rorschach is portrayed as a quirky and difficult person.

Finally, there is the watch.

The characteristics of Brooklyn, because of the dissemination of movies and TV series, make everyone know that it is an area inhabited by ethnic minorities such as blacks.

Coupled with the historically low education level, employment difficulties and racist discrimination of ethnic minorities, it has become the area with the highest crime rate, so it is regarded by some as a chaotic, dirty, and sinful place of origin, and it is also a place in the Marvel world. The prototype of Hell's Kitchen.

After Zhou Wenwen confirmed that the goods were really dead, Zhou Wenwen realized at this time that he might be the murderer. Zhou Wenwen first fell into panic, but calmed down again.

After Zhou Wenwen walked out of the community, he kept walking until his father spent more than 1,000 yuan on the Gionee mobile phone that he bought for him, and the three-bar signal of the mobile phone was swiped.

But there is no doubt that, more than most other talented, star-studded comic heroes, he is attracted by his incomparably noble character, and he always adheres to the principle of uncompromising.

However, Zhou Wenwen didn't swim up to take a breath at the first time, but swam eastward. Sure enough, Zhou Wenwen's position just now was immediately hit by bullets.

"Hello everyone, I'm announcing one thing, I'm a mint."

The seals and Delta used beam sniper rifles to inflict heavy damage on them, and dispatched 22 stealth fighters and 35 stealth fighters to support them. Under the attack of 6 high-power guided bombs, the r3 zombie advanced variant was eliminated.

The frightened Stars and Stripes Army completely gave up the fight and fled in embarrassment.

At the beginning of the battle of "Metal Storm", after the first wave of zombies failed to attack, the zombies retreated step by step.

Seeing this scene, the black dwarf immediately changed the shape of the battle axe, and then popped the battle axe towards Tony and tried to catch it, just like the plot in the movie.

Rorschach does not have any superpowers, but he has willpower, endurance, and reflexes that are beyond ordinary people. He often uses the items around him as weapons to deal with emergencies, including hairspray, chili powder, forks, oil pans, toilets, etc.

But it also means that they must leave these two utopias and return to reality from their dreams.

He has a claw hook gun designed and made by the second-generation night owl, and he used this gun to climb stairs.

And this world is called the wizarding world.

Zhou Wenwen, who hurried back, spent a year investigating his own territory and worked out a 30-year plan for detailed development.

Rorschach is proficient in street fighting, gymnastics, boxing, and has a strong physique. He even insisted on wearing only his uniform coat in Antarctica.

When Tony, Wang, Peter, Stephen and Ebony Throat and Black Dwarf fought to the death, Zhou Wenwen, the initiator, was in another world, having a headache for something.

The protective stop was a sea pond built by the fishermen who led to the South China Sea. It was 6 meters deep, so Zhou Wenwen was completely fine to jump down.

But this also changed the navy of the Wizarding League, the Witches Association, and the Federation of Human Kingdoms. After the war, the size and strength of the navy grew rapidly, causing Zhou Wenwen to feel a headache.

Despite his mental instability, Rorschach is still extremely intelligent.

In the novel "Guarding the Dawn of the Fourth Metal Storm", various countries have developed personal combat mechas for advanced zombie variants, and most of them are in mass production.

But even so, the soldiers of the Stars and Stripes on the scene could only watch, the advanced zombie variant escaped the anti-tank missile by entering the interior of the subway.

"Oxygen entered the plane and woke up the dead zombies in the plane~www.readwn.com~ They launched an attack on the unsuspecting firefighting medical team, and a disaster was staged."

So Zhou Wenwen can already be sure that this group of humans is the zombies that are often mentioned in movies and TV dramas.

He is also proficient at picking locks, and he has picked up new locks that are constantly being changed in Ye Xiao's second-generation home many times.

"At 09:18, after the fire was extinguished, both firefighting medical teams found that the plane was locked, and the windows above the plane were covered by curtains, making it impossible to see inside."

After Operation "Metal Storm" began, the zombie threat naturally disappeared, and people in New York State and New York City seemed to be better off.

After a day of fierce fighting, the situation suddenly took a turn for the worse, and the new r3 zombie advanced mutant invaders appeared again, and during the battle, the invaders destroyed two armed helicopters.

"Although the two fire-fighting medical teams were equipped with gas masks and protective clothing, these equipment not only failed to protect, but made it more difficult for them to escape."

"So, should I travel to Resident Evil or Doomsday or The Walking Dead, or World War Z?"

Ye Xiao's real name is Xiao Luo Yin Raymond.

After that, the Stars and Stripes Army began to lure the advanced mutants of the r3 zombies out of the subway with tanks and armed helicopters.

Debuted in September 1992 in "Detective Comics #650 September 1992, created by The Outsiders."

"Under the siege of zombies, the two fire-fighting medical teams were completely wiped out, and no one escaped."

But before Zhou Wenwen was about to spit fragrance at him, Zhou Wenwen was surprised to find that this guy seemed to be dead, oh no, to be precise, his hand did not feel the breath produced by this guy's nose breathing at all. .


Chapter 0382 preview trustme okay.

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