Chapter 0383 Don't be in a hurry to have a chance

It just so happened that Zhou Wenwen opened the first world, which was a completely unreasonable world. Zhou Wenwen, who had no weapons, could only run and run endlessly.

In "Death Metal: Doomsday of the Multiverse, it is clearly stated that there are four generations of Night Owl, but they are the same person.

"At 08:10 on December 4, 2028, two flights that had been missing for a month suddenly appeared and circled over New York State."

The answer to this question is actually very simple. First, the virus has mutated.

Seeing that there was no obstacle, Zhou Wenwen immediately ran away, target: Northrend! police station

If he wants to awaken Yuanyu, Zhou Wenwen must collect energy and resources to repair Yuanyu buildings and restart Yuanyu.

Due to the restart of the multiverse, the old generation of night owls also died, resulting in a new generation of night owls.

It was clearly January and February in winter, but the upper body was wearing a jacket, which was just a gray underwear, and the lower body was pants, and looking at the brand and material, it was a noble bird casual pants, isn't he cold?

"Yeah, if you go back obediently, we will easily complete the task. I have completed the newcomer's trial this time, and I can go back."

It was only one month after the first appearance that it was handed over to Sister Chenxi for management, and the Shining Star Legion was handed over to Sister Chenxi, so that the intelligent Transformers inside could help.

Oh no, it would be better to say that if Black Dwarf was really free, Peter could have been dealt with long ago.

But as the so-called Maozi sister has a shelf life, it has become dark when she grows up... Tsk, Zhou Wenwen suddenly got a little upset, and turned his attention to the school bus.

Earth 3, where the first generation of night owls lived, was destroyed by the anti-monitor, and he died with it.

And these contents are all mentioned in the dialogue of the second foreigner under the protagonist in the novel "Guarding the Dawn Second Kyoto Dream"————

The cost of the death and injury of more than six million New Yorkers, in exchange for the lives of more than one million New Yorkers, is fully self-sufficient.

And those advanced zombie variants did not catch up after a slaughter, and chose to go back to sleep and hibernate after the subway made a loud noise.

But it never occurred to me that the Stars and Stripes Army did not use mecha at all.

"At 09:32, a large number of police arrived at JFK International Airport, and cooperated with the police and special police in the airport. They used automatic firearms and weapons including automatic rifles to successfully prevent the onslaught of zombies."

At this time, Zhou Wenwen's heart had begun to rot.

He died during the Crisis on Infinite Earths.

The human nature test, which has made the entire Long Island nearly one million people, will be staged at this moment.

According to Zhou Wenwen, the reason why cities in various countries will quickly fall and collapse in the first and second wave of biochemical attacks?

Not only did they give up Queens, they spit out JFK, LaGuardia, and a swathe of the surrounding land.

Instead, through the gaps on the ground, the extremely effective biochemical weapons developed for the advanced zombie mutants were continuously dropped underground, and the exit was blocked with cement to poison the underground advanced zombie mutants alive.

"But they don't know how to deal with the zombies and replenish their guns in time, so that these zombies who were shot and fell to the ground, because of the death self-regeneration characteristics of the r virus, are resurrected again and attack the nearest target."

After a while, Zhou Wenwen, who had expressed his emotions, seemed to be in a newspaper-style society. He drank the only water in the beverage bottle, took a deep breath and put a few stones in the bottle, and moved towards a house a few dozen meters away from him. The second floor balcony is thrown away.

After the second generation of night owls collapsed into one of the remaining five earths in the multiverse, their own planet was reshaped in the antimatter universe.

Although Yuanxin Dan is licorice Dan, Yinyuan Dan, and Shouxin Dan, it can take into account the medicinal effects of Licorice Dan, Yinyuan Dan, and Shouxin Dan, and it is easy to refine.

But when Alexander Luthor Jr recreated the fifty-two multiverses, his world perished, and he died with his own.

As for dealing with Gu Yi, the supreme mage who has absorbed a lot of dark power and blackened, why does Zhou Wenwen do it alone.

However, the retreat of the Stars and Stripes Army was a bit like Chang Kaishen.

He died during the Infinite Crisis.

These eight million New Yorkers have gone through a series of developments and various tragedies, and before Operation Metal Storm begins, there are more than one million left of the eight million New Yorkers.

And that's the wonderful thing about zombies in this world.

How could Zhou Wenwen give Gu Yi a chance.

The third-generation Night Owl was reborn during Flashpoint, gathering criminal syndicates to work with the Justice League.

But in fact, when Zhou Wenwen entered the Lihuo Palace, unlocked the seal and pushed the door into the inner layer, he found that there was still a door with a seal, so Zhou Wenwen actually unlocked the Lihuo Palace, which was still only the periphery.

But until this time, this reaper has not yet entered a state of death, it is just that its head cannot think, it has lost its connection with the body, and its limbs can still move in disorder.

But how could Zhou Wenwen give Gu Yi a This led to Peter, whether it was the super power of the black dwarf star or the deformation mechanism of the giant shovel, they all smashed into the air and were useless. .

After Batman left the Mobius chair, he took advantage of the chaos and stole the Mobius chair and fled to the moon.

The injured Reaper stayed in place for three seconds before continuing to fly. At this time, Zhou Wenwen had already left the stairs and corridors and hid in the room.

But under the harassment of this **** little bug Peter, Black Dwarf couldn't help Ebony Throat at all.

Hearing this sentence, Zhou Wenwen took a deep breath and calmed down. He turned to look at the man, and tried to calmly say, "Really, go back and become like that?"

Finally, there is the unsatisfactory Lihuo Palace. Although there is a layer of purple energy in the entire building of Lihuo Palace, it means that the inner layer has been activated.

And based on this principle, the reverberation field can also block the attack for the ebony throat with the power of thought.

On the moon, he learned how to use the chair from Mitron, and just as he was complacent, a blue light hit.

And if it is a large city like this, all countries will concentrate the people to divide and allocate defense, so that the vacated area becomes a battle area and buffer area between the army and the zombies.

The countries that learned of this victory have increased their research and development of biological and chemical weapons, but they have no idea that the Stars and Stripes Army has buried a tragedy!

The second is the hot spring. The blue light in the hot spring means it can be used, and it will provide an energy every 3 days.

Zhou Wenwen rushed to Gu Yi who had lost all his mana, but Gu Yi only reacted after the spell was invalid, opened the mirror space, and wanted to go in to avoid it, and only came out when his mana was full.

And you must know that these three people in the world of Azeroth can act as the main force in the official fight against President Sa.


Chapter 0384 Teaser Hot Song Shake

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