I Have a Store In the World of American Comics

Vol 9 Chapter 185: The world pattern is changing zero.2

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"Which one are you referring to?"

In the face of the forerunner's question, the hunter asked calmly.

The stupid forerunner didn't understand what the hunter said, thinking that what the hunter said was his own, so he continued.

"You understand so well, you should understand what I said, hunter, the owner's life may be in danger."

Hearing the forerunner's words, the hunter immediately reacted, and he first reprimanded, "Are you crazy?"

Then the hunter said, "As subordinates, although we can take the initiative to care about the master's body and life, we should never mention the master's body and life outside."

"Assubordinates, although we can take the initiative to care about the master\'sbodyandlife,weshouldneverthemaster\'sbodyandlifeoutside."

"Otherwise, if the enemy learns these news, the master will be fine, and we will fall."

"Otherwise, ifthesenewsareknownbytheenemy,themasterwillbefineandwewillfall."

"In the worst case, the master was targeted to seize the weakness, struggled to no avail, and committed suicide."

"The most important thing is that the master is targeted at the weak point, struggling fruitlessly and suicidal."

"I know this, I won't say it, but it is because I trust you, the hunter, that I will mention this to you."

"Iknowthat, and Iwon\'ttellyouaboutit, butit\'sbecausethehunterItrustyouthatIbringituptoyou."

The hunter's words frightened the forerunner, he said quickly, and then added, "I... just want to know what terminal illness the master has suffered, and he still has a few months to live!"

"Ijustwanttoknowwhatkindofterminalillnessthehosthas, andhowmanymonths\'lifeisleft!"

Hearing the words of the forerunner, the hunter's expression improved, and he replied.

"Master has no terminal illness, and his vitality is very good... Why do you think that the master has terminal illness and only a few months of vitality left?"

"Master, hedoesn\'thhaveaterminaldisease, andhisvitalityisverygood...Whydoyouthinkthatthemasterhasaterminaldiseaseandhasafewmonths\'vitality?"

To be fair, the hunter looked at the forerunner with a hint of curiosity and said, he never figured it out, the forerunner would think of this.


Chapter 186

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