Chapter 016 AD 184

Zhou Wenwen suddenly remembered the plots of the time-travel novels he had read, and his heart moved, and he quickly got through to his father. After asking for the contact information of a few friends who opened gold shops, he hung up and turned around and called them one by one. lll

"Hey, is that Uncle He, ah, who am I, I'm Xiao Li, you've seen me when I was a child... ah, what's the matter with you, it's actually like this, um, ah, yes, so this We'd better discuss the matter in person, well, set a time, the second wine in the world at No. 15 Donghai Road will be right."

"Hey, is it Uncle Chen, ah, who am I, I'm Xiao Zhou, you've seen me when I was a child... ah, what's the matter with you, it's actually like this, um, ah, yes, so this We'd better discuss the matter in person, well, set a time, the second restaurant in the world at No. 15 Donghai Road in the city center at noon tomorrow, yes."

"Uncle He (He Zhiyi), Uncle Chen (Chen Yuesheng), Uncle Xu (Xu Siguo), and Uncle Li (Li Xianguo) of the foreign clan, um, that's it for now."

Zhou Wenwen borrowed a pen from the waiter, wrote down the names of the four people on a piece of white paper in turn, and after hurriedly checking out, he put on his backpack, bought a student backpack from the bookstore, and bought a dozen or so from the supermarket. After the trademark transparent bag, I went home and was met by my mother.

Zhou Wenwen put it off on the grounds that he wanted the factory to switch to an early shift for a day off, and the day was over. Zhou Wenwen, who had rested and slept well, ushered in the next day.

At 6 o'clock in the morning, Zhou Wenwen got up to eat and went for a morning lap. Then he set foot on the way to the factory... Actually, he was going to take the bus to the city center.

Donghai Road is located in the city center. Since the development of Fuqing University, Donghai Road has been developing rapidly. No. 1 commodity wholesale building, No. 2-7 corporate office buildings, No. 8-14 various 5-star hotels, No. 15 The second restaurant in the world, the No. 16 restaurant in the world, etc., the population flow exceeded 100 million per month.

Fortunately, the second restaurant in the world where Zhou Wenwen is going has a bus stop for people. In other places, you can only go to the main station and get off on foot.

It can be said that the person who thinks of this definitely has a hole in his mind!

Zhou Wenwen thought badly, got off the back door of the bus, tidied up his clothes, put on the two seized ruby ​​and sapphire rings, then walked into the restaurant, dialed the numbers of his uncles, and learned that they had opened A VIP box.

What happened after that was very simple. Zhou Wenwen divided 27 kilograms of gold into three parts in the name of a friend's entrustment, and entrusted them to He Zhiyi, Chen Yuesheng, and Xu Siguo to sell. list.

As for the value of gold, because the quality of this batch of gold is low and they need to be processed for a second time, the price per gram of gold is set at 300 yuan, not more than 300 yuan. Zhou Wenwen has no opinion on this.

Although it is said that since the epidemic, the price of gold has risen again and again, and Zhou Wenwen can completely raise the price of gold, but Zhou Wenwen lacks money the most.

With money, Zhou Wenwen can do whatever he wants, so when faced with the prices given by He Zhiyi, Chen Yuesheng, and Xu Siguo, Zhou Wenwen deliberately pretended to be stupid, and even took out his mobile phone to check the price on the Internet, and gritted his teeth after "thinking" for a few minutes. agreed.

A few hours later, 8.1 million RMB arrived in the account. At this time, Zhou Wenwen had selected more than a dozen electrical items such as diesel generators and laptop computers, and was waiting to pay.

After paying the money, Zhou Wenwen started to go online and inquired about the first year of Zhongping and Liangzhou Jincheng, but the results that popped up surprised Zhou Wenwen.

Because the first year of Zhongping was 184 AD, and 184 was the beginning of the Yellow Turban Uprising in the Eastern Han Dynasty.

Emperor Xiaoling, the first year of Zhongzhongping, Jiazi, 184 AD.

In spring, a disciple of the corner, Jinan Tang Zhou, sent a letter to inform him.

So they took Ma Yuanyi, and the car split in Luoyang.

Zhao Sangong and Sili case inspected the palace and provincial direct guards and the common people who were in trouble, executed more than 1,000 people;

The governors such as Jiao have been exposed, and they are galloping in the morning and night to teach all directions. They all wear yellow scarves as their flags, so people at that time call them "yellow scarves thieves".

In the second month, Jiao called himself the General of Tiangong, Jiao’s younger brother Bao was called the General of the Earth, and Bao’s younger brother Liang was called the General of Ren.

During the ten-month period, the world responded, and the capital shook.

The people of Anping and Ganling each acted as their king and responded to the thief.

In March, Wushen, with Yin Hejin of Henan as the general, sealed the Marquis of Shen, led the left and right Yulin, the five battalions, and the battalions to build the Duting, repair the equipment, and control the capital.

He set up the commanders of the eight gates of Hangu, Taigu, Guangcheng, Yique, Luyuan, Xuanmen, Mengjin and Xiaopingjin.

The emperor called a meeting of ministers.

Huangfu Song, the prefect of the Northern Territory, thought it was appropriate to lift the ban on the party, and benefited from Zhongzang Qian and the sergeant Yiban from the Xiyuan stable.

Song, the elder brother of the rule.

The superior asked Lu Qiang, the permanent attendant in the middle, and said to him: "The party has been stagnant for a long time, and people's feelings are resentful. If you don't forgive You, you will conspire with Zhang Jiao, and you will regret it. There is no help. Now, please first punish those who are greedy and filthy. Amnesty for the party members, if you want to make a brief history of the governor and whether the two thousand stones can be found, then there will be no injustice in the robbery."

The emperor was afraid and obeyed. Renzi, pardon all the party members in the world, and return all the migrants; only Zhang Jiao will not be pardoned.

He dispatched the world's elite soldiers, leaving the North Zhonglang general Lu Zhi to fight Zhang Jiao, the left middle general general Huangfu Song, and the right middle general Zhu Jun to fight the Yingchuan Yellow Turban.

Gengzi, Zhang Mancheng, the Yellow Turban of Nanyang, attacked and killed the prefect, Chu Gong.

The emperor asked Taiwei Yang to give him the yellow turban, and he gave him the right to be straight. The emperor was not happy.

Xia, in April, you will be exempted from sitting bandits and thieves.

The servant, Hongnong and Deng Sheng, was the Taiwei.

After all, the emperor read and recorded the story, so he had to give Liu Tao's Zhang Jiao, and he was given the title of Marquis of Linjin and Tao was the Marquis of Zhongling Township.

Sikong Zhang Jiba; the chief minister Zhang Wen is the Sikong.

Huangfu Song and Zhu Jun joined forces with more than 40,000 men to attack Yingchuan, and Song and Jun each unified the army. Jun and thief Bo Cai fought and lost; Song entered the Baochang Club.

Runan Yellow Turban defeated the prefect Zhao Qian at Shaoling. The Guangyang Yellow Turbans killed Guo Xun, the governor of Youzhou, and Liu Wei, the prefect.

Bo Cai surrounded Huangfu Song at the Changshe. Song soldiers are few, the army is afraid.

The thieves set up camp on the grass, and there will be strong winds. Song Yue ordered the soldiers to ride on the city, so that the soldiers came out of the encirclement, set fire to shout, and the city raised fire to answer them. The thief panicked and ran away.

Cao Cao, the commander-in-chief of Peiguo, the commander of the cavalry, brought his troops there. In May, Song and Cao joined forces with Zhu Jun, and even fought against the thieves. Feng Songdu Township Hou.

Zhang Mancheng has been in Wanwan for more than 100 days. In June, the prefect of Nanyang, Qin Jie, struck Mancheng and beheaded him.

There are many treasures in the soil of Jiaozhi, and there are many governors before and after without clearing the line. The financial plan is full of money, and they often ask for the transfer of the dynasty. Therefore, the officials and the people are resentful, and the governor and the prefect of Hepu arrive.

The three prefectures selected Jia Cong of Jinglingdong County as the governor of Jiaozhi.

When Cong arrived at the ministry, when he heard the contrary, Xian said, "The burden is too heavy, and the people are all empty.

The capital is far away, there is nothing to complain about, and the people are not living well, so they gather together as thieves. "


To be continued

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Chapter 017 Predicting the end of the Liangzhou Qiang-Hu Uprising

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