I Have a Store In the World of American Comics

Vol 2 Chapter 24: Earth Explorer - Geek

The continuous shelling, under the erosion of energy, still made several shallow pits, so that jaguars and cougars could step on the shallow pits.

So the jaguars and cougars took advantage of the Hydra soldiers in the defense building to use the 35-meter anti-aircraft cannons, and when they loaded the ammunition, they rushed out quickly, stepped on the shallow pit and climbed to the top in one breath, that is, Building roof.

In order to be able to enter up and down, although the defensive building is made of cement and steel on both sides, there are two cargo elevators on the roof down and down, which is smooth for jaguars and cougars, and Hydra soldiers only A MK15 "Vulcan" Phalanx system was deployed on it.

The MK15 "Vulcan" Phalanx system is a six-barrel 20mm caliber automatic rotating artillery system. Therefore, when facing jaguars and cougars, the first wave of shots did not penetrate the armor at all, and they were shot by jaguars and cougars. The rockets fired from the two 6x6 75mm rockets on the lion's honeycomb platform exploded, and three Hydra soldiers were killed on the spot.

Immediately afterwards, the jaguar and the cougar blasted the two freight elevators with energy cannons, slid down directly, and kept firing energy cannons while sliding down.

Coincidentally, in order to restore the contact information, the hunter sneaked in through the ventilation pipe, and the hunter who landed on the scene rushed up "as soon as his brain became hot", and cooperated with the jaguar and cougar to kill them all. He took out the Hydra members in the defense building, and followed the passage to attack the Hydra base.

But at this time, the Hydra base had already reacted and lowered the explosion-proof door at the last moment, which not only prevented the attack of the jaguars, cougars, and hunters, but also forced them to return from the original path of the passage and climb from the Hydra defense building. go up.

But fortunately, before the hunters left, they invaded the network, not only restored the communication, but also hacked a radio communication channel, and they could use this radio communication channel before the Hydras were aware of it.

Due to the departure of the hunter, although the communication was restored, Zhou Wenwen lost contact with the hunter, the forerunner, the super eagle, the jaguar, the jaguar, and the cougar Transformers.

This made Zhou Wenwen distressed, and considering that Bucky, who had passed out in a coma, must be carried by someone, and he couldn't do it alone.

Thinking of this, Zhou Wenwen no longer hesitated, opened the weekly shop, took out a C-level quest line, and bought the C-level Autobot faction battle-type fire source.

Almost instantly, the C-level Autobots sent a combat-type fire source to Zhou Wenwen's "iron" hand. Like the Decepticons' fire source, the Autobot's fire source also had the words of the elders on the outside.

With the source of fire, Zhou Wenwen can go to the next step, looking for a car, but what surprised him was that the C-class autobots sent a fighting source of fire, and needed 12 cars as the carrier to carry the source of fire, and these 12 vehicles The car must have a certain kinship relationship, that is, the foundation and the improvement body.

Zhou Wenwen, who didn't know much about cars, suddenly had a big brain. In the end, he had no choice but to break into a car shop with a brand name f at the front and d at the end, but a signature body in the middle.

Zhou Wenwen carefully took out the C-Class Autobot's combat-type fire source, and rotated the fire source to activate. In the next second, the 12 SUVs or sedans in the auto shop flew out of the fuselage under the strong suction of the fire source, and joined with the fire source. The source of fire is one.

After this process lasted for more than ten seconds, a silver-white Autobot Transformer appeared in front of Zhou Wenwen, and the various weapons and mounting platforms on his body also made Zhou Wenwen excited, and finally one took it. The thugs are about to start.

"Autobot, what's your name?"

Zhou Wenwen asked impatiently.

Facing the question of the master (Zhou Wenwen), the Autobot Transformers, who didn't know his name, shook his head and said, "Sorry, master, I don't know my name."

Zhou Wenwen then said, "Since you don't know your own name, but I don't know your name, then I'll give you a new name, how about it?

Hearing this, Autobot Transformers was overjoyed and nodded in agreement with the master's order. Seeing this, Zhou Wenwen continued: "Then give you a new name, Earth Explorer-Gek, how about it?"

"Okay, from today onwards, I am the Earth Explorer - Geek!"

Hearing Gaike's slightly secondary speech, Zhou Wenwen suddenly felt a little pained and sorry, but life is always brighter. With this idea in mind, Zhou Wenwen opened Gaike's weapon data.

Although the Autobots aren't very belligerent, the combat-type Geek is equipped with considerable firepower.

The first to bear the brunt is the 90mm shell energy cannons on each of the left and right hands, but it should be noted that the two 90mm shell energy guns of Geike have no electromagnetic acceleration, and use pressure ejection + terminal rocket propulsion engine.

The energy cannonball will be ejected 10 to 60 meters with hydraulic propulsion. During the flight, the rocket-propelled motor installed at the end of the cannonball will automatically ignite when the set time is up.

The speed of the rocket propulsion engine is not high, only about Mach 2, but it lasts a long time, can fly 5 kilometers, and can automatically guide, automatically search for enemies, and automatically self-destruct with data.

And the compression energy in the 90mm shell, the power generated by the explosion of the target, is enough to destroy the building in one shot. Of course, the construction of cement and steel like the Hydra Defense Building may require more than one shot.

At the same time, no one can tell how many rounds of armor like Transformers of the same family will be needed, and only the actual combat will know the truth.

In addition to 2 90mm shell energy cannons, Geek also has 3 cold weapons mounted on his body, all of which can only be used by Transformers. Whale crossbow.

The blazing blade is a big sword. It can spray high-temperature flames enough to melt metal when attacking. Although the principle is not written, Zhou Wenwen estimates that it should be plasma.

The low-temperature shield is the product of a small round shield and a triangular shield. When using the low-temperature shield to resist attacks, the triangular shield can be rotated to spray low-temperature gas such as liquid nitrogen to freeze the object.

The Whale Crossbow, as the name suggests, is a crossbow that hunts Transformers. The Whale Fork is fired from the Whale Crossbow. With the advancement of the crossbow string, the Whale Fork will penetrate the fragile joints of the Transformers and catch the Whale Crossbow. Live the Transformers so that the Transformers can't escape and fly.

Just does this really work?

Looking at the whaling fork similar in size to himself, Zhou Wenwen couldn't help but have doubts in his heart, but he could only continue to look down at Geek's data.

In addition to the three cold weapons, the blazing blade, the low temperature shield, and the whale hunting crossbow, the weapons on Geek's body are only thermal weapons, laser weapons, and energy weapons. They are:

Chapter 025 Preview Ruby 1 Laser Self-Defense System

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