"The image of this Hydra in my heart!"

Lu Chen couldn't help crying and laughing.

However, if you think about it, it seems that there is nothing difficult to understand, in fact, this is also a very normal thing.

This guy Bruce Banner is simply the kind of person who is not easy to deal with.

This approach of Hydra is also very normal, and it can also be said to be very correct.

However, it's really a bit cowardly! After a little emotion, Lu Chen didn't pay more attention.

Their meeting Lu Chen didn't mean to pay more attention at all, anyway... it was not aimed at himself, and the result was basically doomed, there was no need to care about it.

Lu Chen continued in this S.H.I.E.L.D.


....'s headquarters hang out.

I want to see how many secrets are hidden here.

The occurrence of this incident made Lu Chen realize that there will be many interesting things in this headquarters, and Lu Chen wanted to see it.

Lu Chen continued in S.H.I.E.L.D.


....'s headquarters hang out.

Then, I also saw a lot of things, such as all kinds of lazy agents, and some special experiments. I have to say that here, there are really some special things, but many things are not very attractive. .

It's also a pity! "It seems that there are not too many interesting parts here!"

Lu Chen was already planning to leave! At this moment, a person suddenly attracted Lu Chen's attention.

This person is none other than Tony Stark.

This guy is not good at home waiting to be calculated by the people of Hydra. I don't know why he came here, and he is very generous.

What the hell?" Could it be that this guy found something, so he came to S.H.I.E.L.D.


...the people have settled the bill."

Lu Chen couldn't help but said.

Lu Chen didn't leave either! He just looked at it so curiously! Tony Stark didn't have any self-consciousness at all, just like Lu Chen, he took S.H.I.E.L.D.


.... as my own home, under the attention of everyone, I keep walking towards it, and no one else wants to stop it.

In fact, no one really stood up to stop it.

Everyone seems to think that Tony Stark was invited by Nick Fury and the others, so no one stopped him.

As for those... access control and the like, it can't stop Tony Stark at all.

Uh, similar to Lu Chen! Because of this, he came to the interior and appeared in front of Lu Chen.

"You all go to work!"

An obvious voice mixed with some helplessness came from a distance.

Immediately following, Nick Fury also turned black... even blacker followed! He knew very well that he didn't let Tony Stark come over at all, it was just that Tony Stark himself hacked into God Shield.


.... system, made a series of common things for myself.

How many times can his face not turn darker! S.H.I.E.L.D.


....for how many times he has upgraded the system, but...it doesn't even have any effect.

It is easily cracked by Tony Stark every time! Tony Stark is also, he can easily enter here in a normal way, and it is enough to notify in advance, but, he just... no need.

It makes Nick Fury look very ugly every time.

Drive those guys who watched the play to work, Nick Fury came to Tony Stark, and without any reason, walked towards one of his own offices with Tony Stark.

Lu Chen thought about it for a moment, and followed him! In Nick Fury's office! Nick Fury and Tony Stark sat opposite each other, Lu Chen leaned against the wall and stood aside, waiting to watch the play, no one immediately.

He said something, and it was very quiet for a while.

Nick Fury took a deep breath and broke the silence.

"What's the matter with you coming here this time?"

"It's...you sent people to watch me!"

Tony Stark said lightly.

"I'm here for your own good, to prevent you from falling into self..."

Nick Fury immediately.

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