.... people, tell us about the situation here, and then, let's talk, it's better to act in a full set!"

Chapter 379 ━━━━━━━━━━

Skye's plan is also a very correct one.

Everything is unfolding in an orderly manner according to the plan, and there is no doubt that there is no doubt, but after some investigations of the site, and the excavation of other things.

Soon, the doubts were gone! In their place were all kinds of anger.

Nick Fury is among the rage.

...a hidden place where Nick Fury was looking sullen.

Bang! One of Nick Fury's palms slammed hard on the table.

He's mad! How many times it's happened to him once, Pierce once, and now Hill again.



....the highest level inside was all assassinated.

If Pierce's one can be ignored a little because of his identity, how about the rest of S.H.I.E.L.D.


....become a sieve, Nick Fury felt that he might be able to carry out some drastic means.

Perhaps the loss will be great, but at least it can combat the arrogance of the enemy and make them realize what kind of wrong decision they have made.

However, the idea appeared quickly and disappeared just as quickly.

It's not that easy! Also, it doesn't fit Nick Fury's cautious character at all.

"Still can't be so reckless, you should be concerned about more things, otherwise, if you do it rashly, it will only be dangerous, and will not bring any benefits!"

Nick Fury persuaded himself like this! At the same time, his emotions were slightly restrained! However, there was still a little bit of emotion.

This little emotion made him still want to do something.

"Anyway, these people are so arrogant, they must be given a warning!"

Nick Fury has made the decision now! Also, Nick Fury has returned to S.H.I.E.L.D.


....Hill at headquarters.

He's out there, and it's inevitable... he doesn't have a way to effectively control S.H.I.E.L.D.


The power of .... all large-scale plans must be carried out through Hill's hands.

"Hill, are you okay?"

Nick Fury asked the first time he contacted Hill.

"No, but a little frightened!"

Isn't it... it's all Skye's pot! "It's okay!"

After Nick Fury automatically ignored Hill's question of being frightened, he said to Hill again: "This time things are quite troublesome, I think you can see their unscrupulousness in dealing with them. I have an idea!"

"what are you going to do"

Hill got serious.

"I think, can we do something, let's not just arrest them all, at least teach them a lesson!"

Nick Fury said.

"I'm talking about exactly what you're going to do"

"Let the snake out of the hole!"

"What are you going to use as a bait to lure snakes out of their holes, at least there should be a bait? What's your bait?"

"A piece of news, I've been investigating secretly for so long, and it's not that I didn't gain anything. We may be able to take advantage of this!"

After hearing what Nick Fury said, Hill had some thoughts in his heart.

Of course, she still remained silent on her face, she just asked: "We don't know exactly who you plan to execute, we don't know who is safe, this plan should require a reliable enough executor! "

Either Hill or Nick Fury himself.

Anyway...not suitable for such a person.

"I choose Steve to execute this plan!"

"It's true that he doesn't have any problems, but he's not a very good candidate. You should know that he is really a bit..."

Hill didn't say anything next.

However, Nick Fury knew exactly what Hill wanted to say.

Steve is simply a stubborn guy, not suitable for such a plan.

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