Under Steve's sight, some special attacks began to appear on the... virtual projection of some buildings.

Start attacking those...red dots! After a while, the red dots have disappeared.

The remaining ones... can only fight against the continuous attacks of those..., and there is no way to fight against the others.

Those...white dots represented by superheroes don't know what to do, they look like they are doing nothing.

Steve looked at it and asked the ball, "Do you have any healing function here?"

"There is a treatment function, may I ask if it is turned on?"

"Target those...white light spots to activate the healing function!"

"The treatment function is turned on, and it is detected that there are problems with the vital signs of thirteen people, and the treatment is started... The treatment is in progress... After the treatment, the vital signs return to normal!"

Healing is obviously much easier than attacking.

The attack still takes a little time, and if the healing is done, it will be completed after a while, even if the superheroes represented by the white dots resist a little bit.

At the beginning of the treatment, those... superheroes obviously resisted and wanted to resist, but in the end, they didn't have much use, and they were treated anyway.

No matter how they dodge, it doesn't matter how much they dodge.

Steve also realized how powerful the ball in front of him was.

"Lu Chen is also true, I don't know how to explain this clearly!"

Steve also complained.

After finishing speaking, he turned his attention to those... the remaining red dots.

Under those attacks, they have not been completely wiped out.

"Can you contact my companions?"

Steve said to the ball in front of him.

"Whether to enable communication"

"Turn on!"

"Please specify the correspondent!"

"All the correspondents!"

Steve immediately.


"The command is received, the communication function is enabled, please wait!"

After a while, voices appeared in Steve's ears.

"what is this"

"Very strange feeling, psychic"

"Are there any psychic among us?"

...Various voices rang out! "This is a special means of communication, I'm the captain!"

The voices of the crowd began to stop, with one exception.

"Captain is you!"

"It's me, now all the people temporarily stop your doubts, and all the people attack those intruders together!"

Chapter 464 ━━━━━━━━━━

Steve's prestige among superheroes is very high, and the current situation is indeed that although it is more inclined to superheroes, superheroes are very fans.

With Steve standing up to maintain the overall situation, all the superheroes present did not have any other words, and all acted directly.

And what happened next was very good.

Far from saying, the guys under these superheroes and the ball's energy have become: very bad.

They were able to resist stubbornly before, but now they are completely helpless.

Under the double attack, one died one after the other.

On the virtual projection in front of Steve, the red dots began to disappear one by one, obviously all the guys had died, and Steve really relaxed.

However, it was only for a moment.

Soon, Steve remembered a very crucial thing, and it seemed that the Winter Soldier was among these people.

He won't... Thinking of this, Steve felt a little bad, and hurriedly said to the ball in front of him: "Immediately.

Look...for the trail of a man with a robotic arm!"

Steve originally wanted to say the name of the Winter Soldier, but he felt that the ball should not know the name of the Winter Soldier, so he replaced it with such a special term.

Obviously, this term has some uses.

After Steve's voice fell, the virtual projection in front of him began to change, the image began to enlarge, and a red dot that was almost rushing out of the headquarters turned into a projection of a person, it was the Winter Soldier who was right.

At this moment, the Winter Soldier also raised one of his mechanical arms to block above him, and used the protective shield extending from the mechanical arm to resist the attack from the ball.

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