Afterwards, the whole stone turned into a meteorite, and in the collision with the air, the whole stone was ignited and turned red and bright, and it also hit the mountain.

In an instant, that big mountain was smashed to pieces by something, and the whole thing was shattered, and countless fragments scattered towards the rear like a goddess scattered flowers, and things were bombarded.

The fragments are like meteorites one by one, and it seems that one meteorite has driven countless ones.

It is very powerful, and its destructive power is also very powerful.

This was just a casual blow from Lu Chen.

"Speaking of which, what would happen if such a hit hit the planet?"

Lu Chen suddenly had such a doubt.

And immediately following, Lu Chen grabbed his hand to another stone and made a throwing motion.

However, as if thinking of something later, he stopped his action and edited the stone in his hand to increase its hardness.

The casual touch just now would almost completely destroy it, and this time it is probably even more so.

It has to be done, otherwise, there may be nothing left after just flying a little distance.

After finishing his own settings, Lu Chen didn't hesitate any longer. He aimed at a planet that was not far from the current planet and had no life, and then threw it out with all his strength. .

Whoosh! A very short voice sounded! Immediately after, in front of Lu Chen, the stone had disappeared.

Under Lu Chen's line of sight, there was only a small dot left.

Lu Chen opened the macro perspective and saw that the stone had come to the universe and was about to hit that planet.

Under Lu Chen's sight, the stone collided with the planet.

Almost in an instant, a huge pit appeared on the surface where the stone was in contact with the planet, and at the same time the stone had penetrated deep into the center of the earth.

And this is not the end! The stone quickly broke through the center of the earth, broke through the shackles of the other planet and flew into the universe again towards other planets.

And in the middle of the target planet, the crater is also constantly enlarged, first the center of the planet is penetrated, and then the surface of the planet is also affected.

In the end, the entire planet was reduced to countless pieces.

The magma that was almost extinguished in the center of the earth also burst out, forming a huge spark in the universe.

Lu Chen didn't care about this anymore, he set his eyes on that stone, watched him keep advancing, and collided with another planet not far away.

Once again pierced, the planet turned into the same spark as before.

The stone moves forward again! However, this time the power and speed of the stone have been reduced a lot.

Although there are no nearby planets, according to Lu Chen's calculation, it can still destroy a planet. However, because there are no planets behind, it cannot destroy the planet again according to the current trajectory, and will only enter to an asteroid belt.

There is no need...more attention! I have to say, such a force is really strong now.

It is a pity that this power has some side effects! It will become bald! Of course, this side effect cannot affect Lu Chen, not to mention some optimization functions of the system itself, that is... Lu Chen himself can solve this trouble, Lu Chen Chen can completely help herself edit something like her hair.

It is impossible to be bald, and it is impossible to be bald in this life.

If someone in the One-Punch Man world finds out, he might be seriously psychologically unbalanced, and then fight with Lu Chen.

Too bad he can't know!

Chapter 490 ━━━━━━━━━━

After testing his own strength, Lu Chen had no plans to continue. He was about to check it out, and then left. Suddenly, Lu Chen found something in a broken planet.

Fragments! Not fragments of planets, but fragments of something else.

It seems to be a fragment of a huge building! "I can be sure that there is no life on that planet. Then, what is the matter with the fragment of this building, and, under the influence of my power, it can be seen that it is Building, the strength of this building is not small!"

Lu Chen was more interested in this building! Then, he temporarily gave up the idea of ​​leaving, appeared next to the wreckage, and began to read the information recorded by some nearby dark planes data.

After a lot of useless information, a tall figure appeared in Lu Chen's eyes.

Thousands of meters high, wearing a special armor! "Tenjin group"

Lu Chen immediately speculated about his identity.

This armor, this height, is obviously... the appearance of the god group, this guy is probably really a person of the god group.

However, there is also a question, why did he build a building here, the god group is more doing various researches, is there anything that can be researched here, or something that existed in a long time ago?”

Lu Chen looked at everything in front of him and speculated.

This is not impossible! Where the Tianshen group is, there will definitely be something to pay attention to.

Lu Chen continued to collect some other data.

Various pictures flashed in front of Lu Chen's eyes, and various things also appeared in Lu Chen's mind.

After removing some parts that basically had no meaning and no value, Lu Chen found something.

Just as Lu Chen had guessed, before a long time ago, there was indeed some kind of civilization here.

However, for some reason, the civilization here is all ruined.

It may be a natural disaster, it may be a man-made disaster, it is possible! Anyway..., in the end, this place became what it is now.

Time is too long, and a lot of information has disappeared.

However, even so, it also confirmed his guesses.

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