After Meng Fan opened his mouth to sing a sentence, the audience was quiet, including those who laughed straight and quieted down, and sang one more sentence. It was cured, and it was completely brought over by Meng Fan’s singing. There was no such joyous energy just now.

Meng Fan’s voice is particularly charming, and because he sings while staring at Wu Tong, this affectionate and unintentional “launching” the sound appeal but completely inspires the metaphysical power of the sound appeal When it came out, some of the audience’s eyes soon became blurred, and they were completely caught in Meng Fan’s singing voice.

The live broadcast room is also much quieter than the noise just now. There must be a barrage, but it is suddenly much thinner.

Even through the screen, you can feel the affection in Meng Fan’s singing.

The song “Let’s Live” is one of the hottest songs this year. From the perspective of popularity, it is estimated that only the brainwashing divine song Miao Miao Miao can be slightly overwhelmed. This song is a short The cover of the video platform became popular. After it became popular, the original song became popular, but at the same time there were more covers.

Among the many cover songs, there is no lack of affectionate, but there are very few singing that can really penetrate the hearts of people. Meng Fan’s song has the effect of sound appeal +4, plus another I watched Wu Tong sing it. From the affectionate point of view, no one can do it, and it really touches people!

Meng Fan’s move is like a small deer that suddenly hits your chest and runs. Dang dang dang hits your chest. It may be because of Meng Fan’s affectionate singing. The desire to fall in love, so the song has an urge to fall in love.

Of course, there are a thousand Hamlet in the eyes of a thousand people, and there must be many people who have interpreted other emotions and memories from this deep feeling and combined with themselves.

For some, it really has a tear-gas effect.

For example, after the first chorus singing, there were dozens of tearful people in the audience. One of them must be because of the thought of the person who said he had a good life but left early. And sadness, there must also be happiness and sweetness because of thinking of or holding the hand of the right person sitting next to him, and there must be reasons for telling myself that I don’t have to panic about the future. There must be someone who will let me know what love is. And looking forward to yearning…

There are many others with red eyes and tears at the scene, all touched by Meng Fan’s singing.

The line of feelings, if you don’t touch it, you will never know where it is. Once you touch it, there will be an echo.

In front of the live broadcast room, more people were touched by Meng Fan’s song.

When Meng Fan sang this song and a smile evoked at the corner of his mouth, many people laughed at the scene and in the live broadcast room, but this is not haha ​​laughing or hehe giggle. It is a sweet or happy knowing smile from the heart, no sound, but more lethal than sound.

“Craving, anger, ignorance, suspicion, all kinds of poisons, the world is really bitter, it’s so sweet to have you”

Meng Fan would never know how many people his words touched. I don’t even know how many people have the urge to fall in love because of this sentence and confessed to the people they like.

There is on site.

A female college student sitting in the back row of the concert hall took out her mobile phone with tears on her face and sent a confession message to Senior who she had liked for a long time.

Senior, who has graduated and worked and has always liked this girl, quickly replied: “I don’t have a car or a house, you don’t know what to do, I understand.”

Girl here The second is very resolute: “If you are impoverished, I will be your luggage. Please advise me for the rest of my life. The dream of this life is to hold your hand and offer wine to all the guests.”

Then, I got up and wiped. She wiped her eyes, thanked Meng Fan on the stage and smiled, turned and left the concert hall, she was going to find him!

Fool, I’m not ignorant, but I don’t need a car or a house, I just need you!

Of course, there are a lot of people who are simply fascinated by Meng Fan. There are live, before the live broadcast. Nowadays, after Meng Fan is not so fat, some people slowly see Meng Fan’s I have always felt that this kid is no longer really fat but that this kid is really tall. The first impression has developed from horizontal vision to vertical vision.

Don’t you always say that girls cover all their ugliness, boys can definitely be handsome by three points.

Since running, although the weight has not been lost much, the fat has been lost a lot, the double chin is gone, the flesh on the face is less, the edges and corners are beginning to be distinguished, and the facial features have gradually emerged from the fat. With the excellent genes of their old Meng Family, plus 5 points before and after the charm, it is very attractive in itself.

Otherwise, it would not attract the maid Legion, and it would not have attracted the best-looking girl from Brother Pao so quickly in KTV.

Meng Fan’s affectionate singing is not only moving but also moving, it not only makes people have the urge to fall in love, but also makes people want to fall in love with him.

Most of the audience at the scene couldn’t see who Meng Fan was staring at. No, to be precise, they all felt that Meng Fan was staring at him, especially when watching live broadcasts. There is also the blessing of 8 points of lens sense, he definitely has a BUFF halo in the lens.

The camera is facing Meng Fan. The friends in the live broadcast room don’t think Meng Fan is staring at her or him affectionately.

“Boss Meng! I like you!”

“Anchor Meng! I love you!”

“I fell in love with anchor Meng!”

“The girl’s heart of the old man!”

After the song ended, there were many confessions in the barrage in the live broadcast room, and there were also on site.

But seeing a girl in the audience suddenly stood up and shouted at Meng Fan on the stage: “Meng Fan, I love you!”

Then, there were a few more girls screaming, and then there was a slice, even boys.

This confession is not only a confession of men and women, but also the love of fans to a singer, this is a real fan!

These few shouts can be regarded as pulling Meng Fan out of the world where only Wu Tong is alone. At this moment, Wu Tong was taken aback, as if returning to sobered up, bit his lip and faced Meng. Fan showed a sweet and happy smile, with light in his eyes.

Seeing this, Meng Fan clenched his fists secretly, and then bowed with joy to the audience and the audience in the live broadcast room and stepped down.

Although the first song had a car accident, the second song, judging from the audience’s reaction, should have rescued some.

After Meng Fan stepped down, he met Su Qingcen. Sorry scratched his head, and then asked uneasy: “I should have found some of them, right? I hope I didn’t get Sister Bai’s. The concert was ruined.”

“The concert must have been ruined.” After making a joke, Su Qingcen sighed sincerely, “However, the song you just now was really good. You, I look serious, handsome and charming.”

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